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Post edited August 26, 2014 by apehater
low rated

i have looked at the whole progress of "depressive quest" and i can say for sure that without all the help from radical feminsts and other SJW´s this "interactvie book" of boredom would have NEVER ever been made. Also Quinn is not a game developer. She is a fraud or poser if you wish who has nothing to do with games at all. Just coming into the scene with social issue BS sided by another gaming Fraud called Anita S...

This is what gets me upset. That the press is talking about a fraud by calling her a game developer. Realy ? a GAME developer ? .... we have been fooled so much by the press. People should be upset about the lies about political persons disguised as so called game designers...
Post edited August 26, 2014 by NWN_babayaga
Sorry but had to vent out, I feel bad now :(!
Dray2k: Sorry but had to vent out, I feel bad now :(!
Don't, these topics are great for venting ;-)
Doesn't the censorship and abuse of power trying to quell discussions about it bother you? Doesn't the fact that one single person could hold this much power to have the gaming media kissing their boots bother you?

I understand you're looking at things a bit more realistically as to what the end result will probably be, but that doesn't make what's going on right at all and it doesn't mean we should just tolerate it because "Well it's only videogames so why should we bother when it's about videogames and not something important?"

It's important to us, hence why we're continuing to talk about it and we don't want to be silenced just because the gaming media wants it all brushed under the rug. If you do what you've always done then you'll get what you always got, if we just act like it's okay to stick with the status quo when clearly things are broken within the industry then things will never change and the cycle will continue with future generations of gaming. The reason it's happening now and not at any time before is because there is clearly damning evidence with this situation and not purely speculation that things are crooked and corrupt but with no way to prove it or evidence to point at. And now that the evidence is out there suddenly the gaming media seems content to keep their mouths shut about it, how convenient.
Post edited August 26, 2014 by thelovebat
This shit happens. We love to discuss it to death because gossip is in our genes, and we love a sexual scandal, but it feels like a minor blip on the radar compared to big publishers' relationships with reviewers.
thelovebat: It's become less about making games and having fun playing games, to being more about pushing agendas to appease people and their self interests by pandering to people with the content inserted in games *cough*Bioware*cough*.
Developers have every right to push their agenda. It's free speech and you don't have to play if you don't like that agenda. And it certainly hasn't become less about fun and more about that, I'm sure you'd find a hundred games without any agenda for every game with one.
Post edited August 26, 2014 by ET3D
low rated
ET3D: ..., but it feels like a minor blip on the radar compared to big publishers' relationships with reviewers.
yeah, i'm still pissed off by all the great reviews and pr of bioshock infinite, got the game, played it through and it was just an expesive pain in the ass.

such a horrible game, i still dont get what exactly was worth the 200 millions in the process of development.
thelovebat: Long story short, along with using her influence with these sexual relationships to get positive coverage and mentions for her game Depression Quest
I've asked this before. Invariably people move on and talk about other issues because they haven't yet been able to come up with anything. Maybe you can assist better than others. Have you seen any actual evidence of this sex for positive coverage (bearing in mind timelines)?
ET3D: ..., but it feels like a minor blip on the radar compared to big publishers' relationships with reviewers.
apehater: yeah, i'm still pissed off by all the great reviews and pr of bioshock infinite, got the game, played it through and it was just an expesive pain in the ass.

such a horrible game, i still dont get what exactly was worth the 200 millions in the process of development.
who do you think rooted the journos to get those reviews? ;)
Post edited August 26, 2014 by htown1980
apehater: yeah, i'm still pissed off by all the great reviews and pr of bioshock infinite, got the game, played it through and it was just an expesive pain in the ass.

such a horrible game, i still dont get what exactly was worth the 200 millions in the process of development.
*rolls eyes*
Yes, pick a game you dislike and go 'Oh noo, people liked it and I didn't, I need to tell everyone everywhere I go!' What you're saying is completely unrelated to the topic. Chances are there's actually a good numer of people who like what you dislike - shock, I know.
low rated
apehater: yeah, i'm still pissed off by all the great reviews and pr of bioshock infinite, got the game, played it through and it was just an expesive pain in the ass.

such a horrible game, i still dont get what exactly was worth the 200 millions in the process of development.
Fenixp: *rolls eyes*
Yes, pick a game you dislike and go 'Oh noo, people liked it and I didn't, I need to tell everyone everywhere I go!' What you're saying is completely unrelated to the topic. Chances are there's actually a good numer of people who like what you dislike - shock, I know.
have you played it?
apehater: have you played it?
Finished it. Twice. Not my GOTY, that went towards Dishonored in the year I have played both of those games, but damn close.

Fact of the matter is: Bioshock Infinite is fantastic at what it wanted to be. If you're looking for something else in games, good - that doesn't mean the game is bad, it just means your taste is different.
Post edited August 26, 2014 by Fenixp
thelovebat: Long story short, along with using her influence with these sexual relationships to get positive coverage and mentions for her game Depression Quest
htown1980: I've asked this before. Invariably people move on and talk about other issues because they haven't yet been able to come up with anything. Maybe you can assist better than others. Have you seen any actual evidence of this sex for positive coverage (bearing in mind timelines)?
apehater: yeah, i'm still pissed off by all the great reviews and pr of bioshock infinite, got the game, played it through and it was just an expesive pain in the ass.

such a horrible game, i still dont get what exactly was worth the 200 millions in the process of development.
htown1980: who do you think rooted the journos to get those reviews? ;)
There is evidence out there yes. The two Quinnspiracy videos highlight the specifics better than I could, but if you're looking for a timeline of events and various images then you could look at the Know Your Meme page for this story which contains a lot of stuff you could look at.
low rated
apehater: have you played it?
Fenixp: Finished it. Twice. Not my GOTY, that went towards Dishonored in the year I have played both of those games, but damn close.

Fact of the matter is: Bioshock Infinite is fantastic at what it wanted to be. If you're looking for something else in games, good - that doesn't mean the game is bad, it just means your taste is different.
ok, then you liked bioshock infinite, please tell me what you liked about this game.

because i played quiet a lot of games (of course on this forum are many people who played more) and in my experience there wasnt anything good in this game to justify the great reviews.
Post edited August 26, 2014 by apehater
htown1980: I've asked this before. Invariably people move on and talk about other issues because they haven't yet been able to come up with anything. Maybe you can assist better than others. Have you seen any actual evidence of this sex for positive coverage (bearing in mind timelines)?

who do you think rooted the journos to get those reviews? ;)
thelovebat: There is evidence out there yes. The two Quinnspiracy videos highlight the specifics better than I could, but if you're looking for a timeline of events and various images then you could look at the Know Your Meme page for this story which contains a lot of stuff you could look at.
Thanks for that, but it doesn't really answer my question. I've watched both videos and read that link, unfortunately while they have evidence of some things, they don't have any evidence of the actual sex for reviews issue. They just make the allegation.
Your not going to find direct evidence of sex for industry favors outside of the chat logs on the blog (which have a video demonstrating validity). However, consider not all game praise to parties is publicized. I've worked in the industry and I know that reputation is money. A lot of these people that have reputations visit each other and develop friendships both in person and long distance (sometimes these people were ex coworkers that got along good). So if a person has decision making as a publisher and trusts the opinion of a person telling them how good a game is, they aren't going to question if that persons judgement is "corrupted" or "off their rocker" if you will. Even due diligence might not help by consulting other sources if they are "on the take" as well. Imagine if you had say 5 sources saying the same thing and you went to those 5 sources for reference.

Think of it like this. It would be like if a pawn shop called in an "expert" to help asses the worth of an item being sold to them. If the "expert" and seller have a relationship and don't reveal it, the "expert" could easily sell the pawn shop on the item with little to no question until things get really bad or real weird or tested.
Post edited August 26, 2014 by Trajhenkhetlive