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johnki: I don't even know what to say. I've had some suspicions about cliques in indie development that just seemed a bit too convenient for quite some time now but this...gah, I don't even know what to say about this.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that it's only indie developers involved in such a way with media. Actually, indie developers are the least involved.

Trajhenkhetlive: 3) The most insidious effect of all. Influencing a game that would otherwise be awesome toward garbage design. Imagine this: Suppose there is a cool game that's having new features put in on a monthly basis. Suppose at some point some unexplained material and features and stages that don't start jiving with the game start to appear. No one is quite sure how this made it into the game. You get the idea.
Nah. Any good game has a decent amount of artistic integrity backing it up, otherwise it would not be good. Especially when we talk about monhly updates or something like that, most designers are not as mad as to change what works.

Trajhenkhetlive: Also it would be keen to remember when something like this happens there are two guilty parties.
johnki: I don't even know what to say. I've had some suspicions about cliques in indie development that just seemed a bit too convenient for quite some time now but this...gah, I don't even know what to say about this.
Fenixp: Don't make the mistake of thinking that it's only indie developers involved in such a way with media. Actually, indie developers are the least involved.
Not even close to making that mistake. It's just something that stuck out to me that was only barely touched on. Especially after the Phil Fish winning IGF twice fiasco and similar things.
low rated
I hereby call for an immediate UN resolution to have Devin Faraci banned from the internet for life. Phil Fish's dumbfuckery may have been insufferable, but at least he co-created a halfway decent indie platformer, so he's not a complete net loss to society. At least he created something of value. This guy on the other hand...
Post edited August 26, 2014 by fronzelneekburm
Fenixp: Well, that's the third time I see House of Cards mentioned in a completely different place. Guess I need to read that shit.

At any rate,
There is a very good BBC miniseries from 1990 based on it - [url=][/url])
Post edited August 26, 2014 by amok
high rated
I don't follow this affair but I find it absurd that readers have complained for years (me included) about how unprofessional relationships between journalists, publishers and developers have been and it has always been laughed off like some crazy conspiracy.
Suddenly, a woman and her sex life is included and a nerdrage began.
"...turned to shit"

When was it ever anything else than shit ? :P
Licurg: "...turned to shit"

When was it ever anything else than shit ? :P
I always thought TB's and Adam Sessler's reviewing of games were fair and good... Well... For Adam sessler that was probably before the TV channel changed to G4 and lost all semblance of educating people on computer and hardware and went pretty much to being an early for everything...
high rated
I find it interesting that these type of drama stories always revolve around female or transgender developers. I guess male devs got zero drama game - that or their GF's don't run around weeping and wailing and posting personal details on the interwebz. Journalists don't want to sleep with them and frankly no one cares about their sex-life in general (that or they don't have one)...

~just sayin~
Momo1991: I find it interesting that these type of drama stories always revolve around female or transgender developers. I guess male devs got zero drama game - that or their GF's don't run around weeping and wailing and posting personal details on the interwebz. Journalists don't want to sleep with them and frankly no one cares about their sex-life in general (that or they don't have one)...

~just sayin~
Yeah, that's been talked about to hell and back in the other thread linked somewhere in the topic. It would be neat to not open that topic again and talk about the actually interesting bits
Momo1991: I find it interesting that these type of drama stories always revolve around female or transgender developers.
Is that really fair? I mean, it seems like the vast majority of the people involved that people are pissed at are the guys and the cronyism. She's just the match that set the whole thing off, so trying to paint this as a sexist thing at this point seems like it's completely missing the point of why most people are mad. For example, that transgender thing was about lying to con people out of their money under false pretenses (and along with that, some pretty awful—and totally male to my knowledge—so-called journalism that helped fund it). The female and transgender parts are just parts of the bigger story, so making it all about them seems a bit like failing to see the forest for the trees.

Personally, I relish every opportunity to see people hate on "games journalism" as it exists now. It's rotted to the core, so any excuse to kick its legs out from under it and wake people up about how bad things are is welcome in my eyes. That might make me a bad person, but damn does it feel good.
227: Personally, I relish every opportunity to see people hate on "games journalism" as it exists now. It's rotted to the core, so any excuse to kick its legs out from under it and wake people up about how bad things are is welcome in my eyes. That might make me a bad person, but damn does it feel good.
To be honest it shocked me to see how many people were shocked by this information. Gaming journalism is rotten to the core? Really? Didn't know that for like last 5 years... It's really the kind of thing that should have struck people the moment they've seen ads for a game on a site which is reviewing it.
Momo1991: I find it interesting that these type of drama stories always revolve around female or transgender developers. I guess male devs got zero drama game - that or their GF's don't run around weeping and wailing and posting personal details on the interwebz. Journalists don't want to sleep with them and frankly no one cares about their sex-life in general (that or they don't have one)...

~just sayin~
Phil Fish.
WBGhiro: Phil Fish.
I do wonder, how is that comparable? Phil Fish publically said some crappy things, sure, but we're talking accusations of bribery and accepting bribes vs. a guy who said stuff on the internet
WBGhiro: Phil Fish.
Fenixp: I do wonder, how is that comparable? Phil Fish publically said some crappy things, sure, but we're talking accusations of bribery and accepting bribes vs. a guy who said stuff on the internet
I Kind of Remember that Phil Fish had a friend award him something, but that's not the point, Momo1991 said gaming drama only revolves around females which isn't true at all.
Brasas: Then I have to say this seems like hyperbole. Social pressure cannot make you change your actions. Only physical coercive actions can actually enforce criminalisation of thought / speech. So keep your eye on the ball, by which I mean in the tools of coercive power (political/legislative). Don't be distracted by media propaganda of social activism which overstate their impact.
Someone at Larian disagrees with you on that
Post edited August 26, 2014 by WBGhiro
I really fucking HATE participating in these threads, this is literally a thing that could be prevented in the first place by acknowleding ones nature instead of using it to manupulate people. And to be honest I believe gaming journalism is important for people who enjoy games. I enjoy reading a multitude of "professionally written" reviews regarding some video games so I can at least form a basic opinion before purchasing some 50€ game. Another question would be on the ways these companies finance themselves. Money has to come from somewhere but I think everyone can agree that the ways its usually financed is very fishy. Professional gaming journalism should be independantly financed to provide propper believeability even if that means gaining less cash.

Besides this I think that all that drama is for nothing, there are bigger problems people need to focus their energy to and most certainly it shouldn't be this.

The worst thing however is that nothing good will come out of it. The only thing that will happen is that all parties will circlejerk harder about this and after years, another "incident" will happen which will put this one into shame.

Greed, Corruption and personal Interests are what make us human, actually. To know and understand our own faults and to the very least embrace them as parts of us is what will make us better people. Journalists who actually love their jobs won't actually stand for those things since they know whats better for their own integrity regarding their jobs, yet they will still acknowledge thas theres no need in hiding something that everyone knows. This is commonly known as professionalism, something that a part of the Gaming Industry is in dire need off. People need to forget that their work should come first and that does include proper believeability on opinions. Journalists who can't be believed to are worthless in my eyes. The problem here is to know what journalists are "legit" and who are not. After all, everyone can have a form of major bias.

However, it's only common sense to understand that regarding the closure of ones negative aspects will only attract more negativity, and thus a terrible backslash is bound to happen. The Streisand Effect is only a small cog in the big clockwerk that this drama will supposely unfold. Due to cause and effect, credible gaming journalists with at leasts hints of professionalism will also be dragged down but this incident, which is quite terrible.

Here we have a Woman who used herself and her relationships to use it as a sort of weapon, most likely intentionally ruin the life of the people who were affected by her. Whoever these people are who use their own "integrity" within an industry to do detrimental things to even a small group of people can kindly fuck off. The gaming industry isn't the only place that showcases this kind of behavior. In fact I would be very suprised if there is a industry or even a group of people who doesn't do this.

Whatever happened here reveals one thing, that a handful of humans succumbed to their very nature and dragged down a significant amount of gaming journalists. You know what they say: "One bad apple can spoil the entire tree."

I'm just glad I usually don't follow this crap. All I wan't is to play some games, too bad human nature itself won't let us playing games in peace. Even playing Dota 2 and sucking hard at it is better than following this shit, trust me on this.
Post edited August 26, 2014 by Dray2k