Hycinthus: I think the problem comes up for people who tried to use GOG Galaxy , installed it, tried download, then gave up. Then tried manually.
It doesn't happen to people who sticked with Galaxy all the way through. Or manually all the way through.
It's the ones combining both methods?
emperror0815: i can't confirm this. Because i never touched galaxy.
Have you tried all the steps here?
1) If you have GOG Galaxy Client, uninstall it.
2) Then click start button -> type "cmd" -> right click "cmd.exe" and click "run as administrator"
Type :
sc delete GalaxyClientService
sc delete GalaxyCommunication
So the GOG background services are removed from you PC.
3) Then,
Go to the game folder / bin / x64 and delete or rename galaxy.dll... Launch the game, a error dialog will pop out but the game actually runs.
4) If all fails, reboot PC, some found this worked for some of us.