Posted June 22, 2021

Then there is the end-fight of Book 2, the chaos-created animal-men, the Three As One and more elements ripped off (used less talented of course) from Queen of Swords...
I don't remember what I catched from Earthsea... The name Atuan, Tombs of Atuan comes to my mind.
So ye, as much as WoT-cultists hate Terry Goodkind (who blatantly stole The Seeker of Truth thingamajg from WoT), RJ is equally guilty.
I wonder what RJ ripped off after Book 4...
Well, where to start this...
- the Main Villain (though certain group I hold more evil) is named SATAN.
- EVERYONE believes in the One True Gwad, The Good White Light (oh, ye, Satan has the Balck Light, throwing in same casual racism of the time), independently from religion or world-view
- there is a character called Belial, Ismael, Asmodeus...
- the core story of the series is that Gawd fights Satan (wether Gawd actualy exists in this universe or not), starting with the prologue, pushing the otherwise-would-be-protagonist to the sideline even...
- then there are the crusaders and their Inquisition...
- there is the arian-supremacy believing Light/Gawd-believeing christain-nationalists (aka. nazis), the sean-chans... On whom Book 4 is specificaly telling will survive and continue on at the end... Obviously because they are christians, thus "good".
It's not AS hamfisted with its message as Narnia, but hey, I'm only at 2/3rd of Book 4, so this can change. Narnia got worse too with every coming book, wh not this!