It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

high rated
AI War 2

Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] 5.603 ⇒ 5.604.
5.604 Lunar Invasions
(Released June 22nd, 2024)

① MP Improvements
• Fix a bug where MP clients could get very high reports of enemy strength from the Planet sidebar; these miscounts could happen with drone-producing enemy ships
• The game now sends slightly less data to clients; this data was not used on the client, so it can be ignored
---• We now send one fewer integer per message, and one fewer integer per ship

② Sidekicks
Lunar Invasions
• With the Dyson Sidekick enabled, the Reapers will periodically invade the galaxy with a Gateway and a Reaper Moon
• The Reaper Moon is a powerful offensive weapon; when defeated it dies to remains and can be hacked
• The Dyson Sidekick can hack to claim the Moon, and can choose what kind of Moon to get
• The Dark Zenith Sidekick and Spire Sidekick can also claim Moons, to allow for some synergy there
Dark Zenith Sidekick
• A few additional resources for the Dark Zenith Sidekick

The Invisible Hand

Standalone installer updated: [Windows] 1.2.2 ⇒ 1.2.3.

No Changelog
high rated
ΔV: Rings of Saturn

Updated to 1.52.20 for Windows, Linux and Mac.

Changelog posted by the developer the forum:

1.52.20 - Prolonged Exposure

- Fixed a sensor-related memory leak that caused the game to degrade performance in multi-hour dives.
- Improved sensor performance.
- Updated translations.
high rated
Ctrl Alt Ego

Updated to 1.4.6

Changelog from SteamDB:

Patch Notes v1.4.6

• Added some measures to bring Bug0 back if he's still needed and accidentally gets lost in CRS (e.g. if he glitches through vent)
• VaQ wasn't sucking up Ego Fragments properly
• Download tool wasn't always remaining selected when unctrl-ing Bug22
• Key-bindings screen was not working well for new players / clean install

Patch Size: 30 MB
high rated
Hello everyone!

If I am not mistaken, no one mentioned the update of "Bread & Fred", yet.

On May 23rd, 2024 "Bread and Fred" finally got updated after a year here on GOG.COM!

- Windows Installer changed from 1.011 to 1.2 (23 May 2024) with a file size change from 173 MB to 367 MB.

The file size difference let me believe that maybe the missing updates on the other platform since its GOG-release might be included, especially since that other platform got an Anniversary Update on the same day. However, I could not find any version number reference for comparison.

Unfortunately, I still did not had the opportunity to test it myself. Furthermore, the game received two further bug fixing updates on the other platform, which did not arrived here either.
But maybe the other updates including the Online-Multiplayer, new encounters and challenges, further achievements, additional languages and the current anniversary update with Pol's new time challenges are included...

Here are the changelogs for the most recent patches (copied from here):

* 23 May 2024 - Anniversary Update - [seems to be included now]


Today we celebrate Bread & Fred's 1 year anniversary!!!!!
Together with the Nintendo Switch port, we made some changes and have some new stuff to show you

Meet Pol! Our new big and friendly NPC. He'll race you in a series of challenging and difficult time trials and you'll need to beat his times!
Will you be able to beat him? Or even better! Will you be able to get all medals and prove to Pol and the rest of the village, that you're the one and only CLIMBING MASTER!

Enjoy Bread & Fred with this new way to test your abilities and check your coordination with your partner!
We also wanted to say thank you to everybody who has been supporting us and the game for one year already. Time flies!

Have fun!

* 27 May 2024 - Bug Fixing - [still missing on GOG.COM]

Bug Fixing Patch!

Last week we updated the game, adding Time trials and new achievements! (Not without breaking some things in the process though...)

But it should all be fixed now!

- Stuck in listening while trying to change a control!
- The initial logos were missing
- If you unlocked the achievements before the update, now they should pop up in Steam
- Updated also Mac version so you can now play with Mac people

Hopefully, this solves all big issues, if you find anything else, please let us know!
Thank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience!

* 03 June 2024 - More Bug Fixing - [likewise missing on GOG.COM]

More bug fixing!

New update fixing some bugs! Here is the full list:
- You couldn't select a character after opening the assist menu
- You couldn't play after letting the game opened for a long time
- Random "wrong code" error while typing the code
- Getting all singleplayer skins didn't unlock the achievement (you should obtain it if you re-enter the game)
- The multiplayer pop-up now works with mouse
- You could still hear the main menu song in single player
- You couldn't close the Fanart painting in online

Please let us know if more bug appear, we'll keep working on the game and solving everything we can

See also the list of patch version history on the other platform.

Kind regards,
high rated
ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game

Standalone installer updated: [Windows] 1.190 ⇒ 1.190 Czech.

Ceský preklad hotov!

Zdravíme vás, prátelé!

Dnešním dnem bychom vám s potešením predstavili kompletní ceský preklad hry, o který mnozí z vás žádali. Tento preklad, zahrnující více než 1 milion slov (pro vaši informaci je to 2140 stránek A4, což skoro 2x více než má trilogie Pán prstenu), mají na svedomí dva talentovaní prekladatelé: Lukáš "Spid3rCZ
" Potužník a Michal "Mana8585
" Manák. Náš tým je obema nesmírne vdecný za jejich nasazení i vynaložené úsilí.

Doufáme, že se vám bude preklad líbit, a jako vždy oceníme vaši zpetnou vazbu.



Hello, we have added a Czech translation to the game.
The version also includes a hotfix:
• Fixes for gamepad controls where a turn was randomly skipped.
• Added a new API modkit for localization.
• Added a fix for video playback on Windows 10/11 N Edition.
Post edited June 24, 2024 by surfer1260
high rated
Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View

Updated to DV_WIN_SHIP_1.1.0.0_21-06-24 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog posted by the developer in the game forum:

Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View Patch is now live!

Hello everyone, we are excited to reveal our latest update to Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View.

Firstly, I would like to say thank you for the continued support. Your input is what helps shape Conway: Disappearance at Dahlia View, and allows us to add cool requested features and quality of life fixes here at White Paper Games.

Since we have regained publishing rights of Dahlia View IP, we have been hard at work planning out a path of support for the game. Below you will find one of the first updates which puts us on the path to console release, but also includes some nice improvements for PC players.

In you will see a new feature, Scene Select. This will allow players who have completed the game to go back and relive chapters that they have enjoyed across the game. We’ve also made a key change to where the game saves. This was flagged by one of our communities and has been addressed in this patch. More on save game changes can be seen in the Save Games Changes section below.

As ever, please continue with the feedback on issues you encounter, no matter how small and we will try to look into them. We are aware of some broken translations, which we are hoping to address in the next patch. However if you do encounter some of these in non-english playthroughs, please let us know as having more visibility on it helps us correct the mistakes.

Big Feature

• Once Players have completed the game they are now able to select a checkpoint to play from. Players will notice the Scene Select option once they return to the Main Menu after the Closing Credits. Scene Select is only accessible from the Main Menu, not in level.
• Players can now play with a frame rate of up to 120 FPS by disabling ‘CAP AT 60 FPS’ in ‘Options - Gameplay.’
• Players will now find Save Games written to ‘AppData\Local’ rather than ‘Documents.’ (See Save Games section below for more details)

Small Fix

• Fixed a crash where players would return to the game after tabbing out of the game for an extended period of time.
• Sometimes when Save Games are displayed in the Load Game menu, they would appear to show Opening preview - however would load the correct level. This has now been fixed to show the correct Save Game level in the Load Game menu.
• Addressed a number of accessibility issues across the game with coloured subtitles.
• Fixed an audio issue in the Accusation that impacted being able to hear spoken lines.
• Players will no longer see squashed ‘Question Board’ or ‘Evidence Board’ titles during Evidence Reviews when playing in Chinese.
• When players swap between Mouse/Keyboard and Gamepad, there is a chance that they lose the highlighted option on the new game settings and can’t click ‘Next’ to progress. This will no longer be the case and players will have the selected option re-highlighted with the next button being pushed after swapping. Players will now see the Language menu also highlight the option selected like the other menus that follow it.
• Fixed issue where no dialogue played on the Theatre Tickets in Conway’s apartment.
• Platform Credits updated to reflect what Platform you are on.
• Players will no longer see the tutorial for rotating a pick up when they aren’t examining a pick up. Please note that as soon as you rotate a pick up you will not receive the tutorial on following pickups.
• Players are no longer blocked if they interact with the Basement Door and then reload the checkpoint.
• We added an additional camera lock in the opening so that interactions across all police evidence are consistent.
• Camera fix inside of Levy’s Garage where the camera would not swap when re-entering the waiting room area.
• Camera no longer snaps when moving to/from Doerr Hallway and Front Room.
• Players are no longer teleported back to Tony Morgan's front door after speaking to him in Opening. This happened after Morgan's walk off animation completes and if the player is still exploring.
• Players will no longer see items hovering in Doerr’s Manor and Mckee’s Apartment.

Quality of Life

• Ensured all characters have coloured subtitles instead of default white.
• Players are only required to have picked up one dart to be able to play darts instead of 2/3.
• Fixed a camera fade issue in Conway’s apartment to provide consistency to camera interactions.
• Players will no longer hear the background ambience when the credits are rolling, allowing players to enjoy the soundtrack.
• Players will no longer see the item name of the last item used when the Satchel is empty.

Spoiler Fix

• Radio aerial now appears in Levy’s bedroom consistently and thus doesn’t block players from progressing in the game.
• Players will no longer be unable to progress in Doerr’s Basement if they don’t catch the key but interact with the Basement Door before picking it up from the ground. Key on the ground is also re-shown (in bottom right corner) if the player backs out of the interaction without taking the key.
• Players will now see a separate save/load image and title for Shirley Observation and Shirley Search to fit more consistently with the other Observation if you saved/load during them.
• When photographing Charlotte May’s bed in Lady Doerr’s basement, players are now prompted to use LMB (Mouse) or RT (Gamepad) rather than F (Keyboard) or A (Gamepad). This aligns it with other photo interactions throughout the game and corrects the wrong prompt shown on Gamepad (previously shown A but required input was X).
• When viewing/interacting with the Coupler Handle after selecting it from the box, Zoom and Take prompts now appear the correct way around and now are consistent with other pickups.
• Players will no longer see an updated bio notification for Shirley Downes in Conway’s Notepad when the player picks up the brooch in the Epilogue - players then read the bio and there is no new information added.
• Players will no longer see the Cryptex in their inventory after Conway drops it.

Save Games Changes

We were made aware that some players have been unable to progress past the starting options screen. After some investigation we narrowed it down to a Windows Security Feature called ‘Controlled Folder Access’ which can be optionally enabled. This security feature was introduced in Windows 10 and has been carried over into Windows 11, which when active, limits access to certain folders including ‘Documents,’ where we created our Save Games.

As of this patch,, we have made a change that means Save Games are now stored in ‘AppData\Local’ rather than ‘Documents.’ This change means players who have ‘Controlled Folder Access’ active are no longer hindered from enjoying our game.

What does this mean and how does it work?

For new players, you are unaffected by this change as you do not have any existing Save Games. For returning players with Save Games, as the game launches it copies saves from ‘Documents’ to ‘AppData\Local,’ without the need for players to do anything. It should be noted that if you have existing saves in ‘AppData\Local’ already, we do not copy over the saves from ‘Documents.’ This is a choice we made so that we do not overwrite any existing progress you may already have.

Where can I find my old saves and where will the new ones be located?

• Old saves are located here: Documents\My Games\DahliaView\Saved\SaveGames
• New saves will be located here: AppData\Local\DahliaView\Saved\SaveGames

How do I access AppData?

AppData is, by default, a hidden folder but you can still access it. If you want to unhide hidden folders, you can do the following:
• On Windows 11, locate ‘Settings,’ then select ‘System,’ click ‘For Developers,’ open the ‘File Explorer’ drop down and finally toggle ‘Show hidden and system files.’
• On Windows 10, locate ‘Settings,’ then ‘Update & Security,’ click ‘For Developer,’ under ‘File Explorer’ and ‘Change settings to show hidden and system files.’

You can then navigate to the disk you installed Windows on (most likely C:), then go to ‘User,’ select your account/user, ‘AppData’ and finally ‘Local.’

Example of the path: C:\Users\John\AppData\Local

Alternatively, in ‘File Explorer,’ click the file path box, type %AppData% and hit enter. This will take you to ‘AppData\Roaming,’ so you will want to go up/back one directory (in the file path box) and select ‘Local.’

I want to copy over my Documents saves / It didn’t copy over my saves from Documents

The most likely reason why it didn’t copy is mentioned above, there is already a save in ‘AppData\Local’. If this is the case or would like to recopy your saves over, you can delete the saves in ‘AppData\Local\DahliaView\Saved\SaveGames,’ and it automatically copies them over on game launch. On the other hand, you can manually copy the save from ‘Documents’ and overwrite the saves in ‘AppData\Local.’

As always should you have any issues, please get in touch using
Post edited June 24, 2024 by Hustlefan
high rated
Knights of the Chalice 2

Updated to 1.73 for Windows and Mac.

Changelog from SteamDB:

Knights of the Chalice 2 Version 1.73

Hello everyone! Version 1.73 of Knights of the Chalice 2 has landed.

Today's update adds new monster sprites for the Marilith and Giant Frog, a new soundtrack, and a new introduction screen for Augury of Chaos. There are also a few bug fixes and an engine speed improvement when casting summoning spells.

• Engine: Added some code to remove a slowdown in some cases when a summoning spell is used.
• Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with the module's introduction image when an intro image has been set, but not a title image. Thank you so much Gandalf for the heads-up!
• Bug Fix: Fixed a display bug in full-screen mode when displaying maps smaller than the screen. Thank you for the bug report, Gandalf!
• Bug Fix: Fixed a graphic bug when displaying dwarf sprites in water or fog squares.
• Graphics: Added new sprites for the Marilith and for three types of Giant Frogs.
• Graphics: Summoned Mariliths will now have the new Marilith sprite.
• Graphics: The rotating selection circle displayed around a creature who is fading out will now also be fading out at the same time.
• Graphics: Improved the graphic effect on characters when standing within water squares or magic fog squares.
• Augury of Chaos: Added a couple of new images to be displayed as the Augury of Chaos introduction screen.
• Augury of Chaos: Gave the feat Excellent Two-Weapon Fighting to the Marilith general in Augury of Chaos.
• Augury of Chaos: Giant Frogs in the module Augury of Chaos will now have the new Giant Frog sprite.
• Music: Added a new soundtrack for the Augury of Chaos introduction screen and Augury of Chaos party-creation interface.

Please don't hesitate to email me at if you find any bugs and annoyances, so that I can fix the game quickly. A saved game may be very helpful, too.

Thank You So Much For Your Support, Brave Heroes and Wise Mages of the Realm! Enjoy :-)
high rated
Imagine Earth

Standalone installer updated: [Windows] ⇒
Update 1.17.1

Fixed rare error in Rounos mission, where Leen could not land on the planet
Fixed exception related to parallel access to sounds
Fixed exception related to movement of units

Game Update 1.17

Dear all,

Before we finally get down to finishing the long-awaited Galaxies DLC, we're serving you one last polish update today. And it's definitely the last tidy-up before we can manage entire galaxies. You wouldn't believe how happy we are about it ( as they say in German ). But as you can see, some important and fundamental things are being straightened out here.

As always, please let us know what you think of all this and don't spare us your ideas and suggestions. It's great that you've all stuck with us and Imagine Earth for so long. Oh, and as a small indie studio, it can't be said often enough. If you haven't written a review yet, you should definitely do it, it helps our game tremendously.

But now have fun with Update 1.17!, Jens & Martin

① Switch off voice output
Finally you can choose between voice output, radio noises or complete silence. I personally can forgive the professor for speaking so strangely slowly, especially since the dubbing was so expensive ;D. But voice acting is basically a matter of taste and many people prefer to read and listen to music, especially if they don't understand English.

② Game speed
We have built a tutorial into the game that allows you to freely set the time faster and slower, because we have noticed that many people get bored in the game before they realize what extensive control they have over the game speed.

③ Reset campaign
You can now reset the campaign completely. Of course, you will lose all your progress and savegames, but it's worth the chance to start from scratch!

④ Security Complex
We have improved the abilities of the security district because some of you found it too superfluous. It no longer creates a negative atmosphere and protects surrounding warehouses from pirate looting. Martin also felt the need to formulate the description of the building in a more positive way ;D

⑤ Quick start button
There is now such a button in the competitive and endless game, so that you can quickly colonize a planet without a lot of configuration work.

⑥ Building production
We have limited the basic supply of item-generating buildings to a maximum of 5, because we have noticed that sometimes a lot of superfluous items are generated, which players are annoyed to have to sell. Although this is an okay extra income, it somehow doesn't make sense for the game experience.

⑦ Music enhancement
When the mission is completed, the enthusiastic success music no longer comes too late, but in time with the dialog and the fireworks. We have optimized the transition of the background music, previously when a threat occurred, the atmosphere seemed to be interrupted and always started again when the danger was over. We've also made sure that the music in the campaign menu is continuous and doesn't constantly restart between planets and galaxies.

⑧ Diplomacy
Mood for gifts now improves immediately, sometimes the context was not clear.

⑨ Warnings
When you are informed about disasters in the message panel, you can now click directly on the message to jump to the event.

⑩ User interface
It has never bothered us, but we have received a lot of feedback about it: When you click on buildings, the information no longer hangs out of the screen. A few modifications make it possible and the camera also pans a little when you click on a building too close to the edge.

⑪ Mission corrections
Planet Edora
Fixed: When taking rare resources from a supply capsule on planet EDORA, the number of rare resources available for sale decreases and can go negative.
Planet Bora
Fixed: The landing sequences of the other factions are also skipped on this planet
Fixed: The goal "Make fire with the pyramid" stops too many mission hints if you don't fulfill it.
Planet Rounos
Fixed: With 2 new building types, the tech panel opens automatically, but the buildings are not highlighted.
Fixed: Leen gives us the financial district, builds it next to him, but you never realize that, he has to get a mission icon.

⑫ Bugfixes
Workshop animation when crafting works again
If you go to the stock screen with a tool on the cursor, for example, the sell option is not available
Item Trader never has room to buy anything
City Energy Shield disappears when leveling up and is not centered
high rated
Grim Dawn


V1.2.1.1 Hotfix 1


- Fixed an issue where Components and Augments could not be applied to Spears.
- Fixed an issue where transmuted skills were not benefiting from some skill modifiers.
high rated
Not sure if I should put this here or not because the game is delisted. But I am not getting notifications on updates to this game so I am putting it here for now for any others who own the game on GoG before it was delisted.

I am listing updates from after the last build I downloaded v0.353 (May 2, 2024 build according to digital signature timestamp) as copied from steam. Some of it may or may not be applicable to the GoG version.

Hellish Quart

Version : 0.4 (From signature timestamp June 10 2024 build so one off from the latest steam build)

Hellish Quart pre-alpha v.2024.06.10.0

- Interactive Tutorial: Moved the UI a bit to the right, so it doesn't get cut off by Steam Deck's screen aspect ratio
- Interactive Tutorial: fixed Attacked Canceling section
- Jacek's Story, River: fixed a bug where some text is still visible during cutscene fade-outs
- Jacek's Story, Courtyard: fixed a bug where Bandages tutorial launched again after cutting practice minigame
- fixed some instances where Jan was still called Jacek in Character Selection Menu
- fixed a bug where Auto-distance option appeared in Survival mode (in survival it's disabled)
- added yet another failsafe to prevent potential "ragdolls exploding into space" bug on spawn (level should restart immediately if that happens, and then there's another, different check which should do the same, and then every 0.1s there is yet another check)

- the default Graphics Quality is now "High" instead of "Medium"
- moved character spawn points 5cm above the ground in Watermill, Gallows and Bossfight arena to prevent potential "ragdoll exploding into space" on spawn
- rebaked lighting and occlusion in those arenas as well as optimized enviro collisions
- converted all Terrains to GPU instanced for better optimization

Update v.2024.06.09.0

- Changed Physics update from Fixed Update to Update. This makes the physics simulation dependent on the framerate, but fixed issues with stuttering Cloth and makes the sword collisions to process in sync with the visuals. It seems to work well if the framerate is stable, with no obvious downsides. It may however cause some unpredicted consequences in the future - if so, it will be reverted.
- The "Start Battle" drum sound volume was moved from general to fight music volume slider and lowered to 50%.
- Jacek's Story: 2 more Bandages can be found in the Manor. If all 3 Bandages are collected, Jacek should have 4 lives during the fight with the Bandits (if none are collected he has his usual 1 life for the entire battle).
- Story Mode: if you start the story from a chapter other than the first one, the game treats your save as if you have collected all the Buffs in the previous chapter
- Jacek: tweaked attack startup phase timings, to allow better canceling

- A tutorial pop-up about the Bandages was added to the section on the Manor courtyard
- Story Mode: Bandages UI icons were added during fights

- Survival: fixed a bug where Marta's top score would go to Marie's account
- fixed a bug where Jan was still named Jacek in the Player vs Player Character Select screen

June 9, 2024
Update: Story Mode is live!

Hello everyone,

We decided to release the more polished half of the first Story Mode quest – Jacek Dydynski's side story. You can play it right now. As a bonus, we made an interactive tutorial that should teach you the basics of fencing. The playthrough should take roughly 30 minutes – it's not much yet, but all the ingredients for making more story chapters (mechanics, models, systems, cutscene pipeline, animatics, voice recordings) are ready, so we'll keep adding more chapters frequently.

The second half of Jacek's Story is in the final stage of production, so keep an eye out for new chapters. Right after Jacek' Story is complete, we'll start the Main Quest, which Jacek's Story will connect to.

So why did it take 3 years for us to start adding the Story Mode?

Story Mode is a cinematic adventure that consists of characters, cutscenes, adventure gameplay mechanics, fighting mechanics, voiceovers, UI, etc. All those elements needed to be made before starting to combine them into a story. Without the fully developed combat system, characters, adventure game systems, storyboards, mocaps, voices – we would not have any ingredients to build the story with. Those elements needed to be designed and made first, and it took 3 years.

The Early Access period of the game is longer than initially planned because Hellish Quart is bigger than planned on the Early Access premiere. This is what the game features now. Many of those features were not planned - we just made them because they made sense and seemed cool.

14 characters (of promised 12); 9 new ones were added
Immensely improved fighting system as a whole, with new features: taunts, blade binding, weapon pulling, working boss armor, axe combat, better physics
Greatly expanded move sets - initial characters had around 200 animations each, and now most of the fencers have more than 350 animations each. Those 9 characters add up to more than 3,000 mocap combat animations.
8 game modes – story, quick fight, survival, arcade, training, long sparring, history buff, AI vs AI
Added 2 additional ways of resolving double kills: +1 and ROW
Added customization system for characters – skins and unlock system for arenas
21 arenas: Added 13 more arenas
Added FPP mode
Added Free Camera Mode (pausing and looking at the freeze-frame from any angle in 3d)
6 AI modes (added 3)
Added modern HEMA weapons and HEMA skins
Added mod support and a modding kit that doesn't require any coding skills
Added game currency (ducats) and unlocks systems for skins and arenas
Redone the character selection menu
Added axes and armor fighting features
Added VR support
Added localization to 7 languages (computer translation for now)
Added AMD FSR support for more FPS
Produced and released an original soundtrack that consists of more than 30 minutes of live instrument music
Added a robust Right of Way ruleset
Expanded gameplay options for customizing your preferred combat rules
Added Xbox and PSX controller glyph support
Ensured Steam Deck compatibility
Added Steam achievements and trading cards

Note that some of the features from this list are not finished, as this is still an Early Access.

Three years seems like an unimaginably long time to make a video game, but in game development, three to five years is a normal time for a team of two people to make a small video game. There is no way around that – these things take time, and the bigger the game, the smaller the team, the more time is needed.

With the Story Mode finally taking its shape, we are heading straight for the full release of Hellish Quart.

Enjoy and keep an eye out for new chapters of the story!
Post edited June 26, 2024 by LurkerLito
high rated
Some updates that, to the best of my knowledge, have not already been mentioned:

Endless Sky
0.10.6_(64bit)_(71276) -> 0.10.7_(73628)

Fabled Lands
1.3.2c_(69498) -> 2.0.3_(74052)

Caves of Lore ->

Songs of Conquest
1.0.0_32c13942b0_1926_(73431) -> 1.0.2_e59357f83c_1996_(73673)

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War
1.13.04_(72204) -> 1.14.00_(73547)

1.3.1_(64bit)_(72750) -> 1.3.3b_(64bit)_(73927)

Craftomation 101 Demo
0.73.3_(72687) -> 0.77.5_(74321)

Wizordum Demo
v0.2.1.1_demo_(70100) -> v0.5.0_demo_(73884)

Sleepytime Village DEMO
1.3a_(73335) -> 1.5_(73976)

no sleep for sole DEMO
1.76_(72895) -> 1.8_(73766)

Colossal Cave Demo
2.0.24015_(69885) -> 2.0.24016_(73725)

Still Joking Demo
1.1690_(73390) -> 1.1842_(74223)

Imagine Earth Demo ->
high rated
Songs of Conquest
Summer Simplicity!
Greetings Wielders!

As summer approaches here in Sweden, we're excited to bring you our first update since the 1.0 release. And what is a summer without a proper Summer Sale? We are thrilled to join up with our friends at Triumph Studios and Paradox in the Rulers of Realms bundle! For a limited time, you can get both Songs of Conquest and Age of Wonders 4 at an additional 15% bundle discount. If you already own SoC, then you’ll still get the extra bundle discount on top of the ongoing summer sale price! This starts when the summer sale does!

But, let’s take a look that the new update! It includes much-requested new features, a small balance patch, and some very cool new obstacle modifications. While we've been hard at work on these improvements, we've also begun working on our upcoming DLC Rise Eternal.

In case the pixel art isn’t making it all too clear: This is a traditional Swedish Midsummers scene, with a smorgasbord, pickled herring and flower garlands on the head!

Our latest update introduces a new difficulty level for our Campaigns, tailored for those new to the game and the genre. We've named it "Simple," and it's perfect for when you want to focus on the story and enjoy a more relaxed playthrough.

And the difficulty levels are color-coded too, for convenience!

Another new feature is one that hot-seat players have been eagerly awaiting. Previously, you could catch a glimpse of your opponent's tactics and the map when you pressed the end turn, but not anymore. Now, At the start of each turn, the adventure map is covered with a dark overlay, allowing you to surprise your hot-seat adversary with your brilliant tactics.
You’ve got this, your royal highness!

We mentioned obstacles. We've added a new feature: debris in battle. When most obstacles are destroyed, they now spawn "debris" that prevents new obstacles from being placed or summoned on that hex. However, debris can be freely moved through, clearing it as you go. And added bonus is that it looks great!

This new feature really is a barrel of laughs!

Balance is a tricky thing, especially in strategy games, and Songs of Conquest is no exception. Thanks to our active Community, we receive invaluable feedback on how to improve it. Our latest changes are steps in that direction. Rest assured, this won't be the last balance update. But this is a list of balance changes for now:
Essence shield protection lowered to 25% / 50%
Rigor bonus increased to +3HP / +6HP
Increased Impressive bonus to 15% / 30% / 50%
Increased troop size research of Bones to 3 / 3 / 4
Acid Cloud damage lowered to 20 / 40 / 60
Rupture t3 damage lowered to 220
Cost of Chain Lightning reduced to 13

And is that it? Of course not! The list of changes is a bit too long to detail here, so as always, we recommend reading the full changelog—there's something for everyone! And, if you are looking forward to some more undead experiences, don’t forget to wishlist Rise Eternal which will come out this fall!
As you can imagine, we've been quite busy since the 1.0 launch, but soon it will be time for a brief respite. Even in the cold Swedish north, summer is a time for holidays. We'll now be taking a four-week break, so our responses may be a bit slower during this period. But don't worry, we'll be back soon and ready to dive back into development mode!

/Everyone at Lavapotion
high rated
Blacksad: Under the Skin

Updated to 20240621 (Galaxy & Offline Installer, Windows)

According to this post on, this should be a next gen update.

Changelog from Steam:
New update now available for Blacksad: Under the Skin

Hello Detectives,

A new update has been released for Blacksad: Under the Skin!

Here is what it brings:

• Updated Unity engine version (together with consoles)
• Graphical improvements:
       ○ Fixed the shadow artifacts
       ○ Increased the shadow quality

• Updated splash screen to use new image
• Fixed a bunch of broken shaders
• Fixed Infinite loading when changing focus during loading screens
• Adjustments to Cloth physics
Post edited June 27, 2024 by Hustlefan
high rated
Disco Elysium - The Final Cut

Updated to WINa0a062f3 (Galaxy & Offline Installer, Windows) & MACa0a062f3 (Galaxy & Offline Installer, Mac)

Changelog from SteamDB:
Disco Elysium Twitch Companion

Put the power of choice in the hands of your viewers with the Disco Elysium Companion.

The latest update to Disco Elysium - The Final Cut resolves issues relating to the Twitch extension. We appreciate players' patience whilst we have worked on addressing these problems.

With support from Streaming Toolsmith, the necessary changes and updates have also been made to the plug-in itself.

Players can now generate a “secret key” and play Disco Elysium with an audience.

For those unfamiliar with the Disco Elysium Companion: this nifty plug-in allows streamers to play the game cooperatively with their viewers who are given the power to:

   • Vote on dialogue options, shaping the route of the game.
   • Inspect the game journal for information on the player’s stats and current focus of the playthrough.
   • Vote on which stats are boosted (and which are diminished!) using the Meditation feature.

Please note: we strongly recommend using Streamer Mode for your Twitch playthroughs. This eliminates the risk of copyright strikes.
Post edited June 27, 2024 by Hustlefan
high rated
Flashback 2

Updated to 20240521_FB2_16698 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from Steam:
Major update now available

Hello dear players,

The major update is now available

Following the update, we recommend starting a new game to fully enjoy the gameplay improvements and avoid any potential conflict with your previous game save.

Overview of changes

Gameplay improvements

• Possibility to lock onto enemies
• Improved melee combat
• New laser aiming ability
• Manuel reloading replaced by an overheat system
• New button dedicated to activating the Supernova

Controls improvements

• Better control of crouch and run, easier menu navigation
• After a GAME OVER, the player will now return to the latest save (the previous respawn system is still an option)
• More intense battles: difficulty adjustments and improvements to boss fights
• New and improved sound and visual effects
• Performance optimization
• Various bug fixes
• New text languages available: Polish, Czech, Russian, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Arabic


General updates

• After a GAME OVER, the player is now spawned at the last savepoint instead of instantly respawning in the battle
• New and better located savepoints
• Improved aiming: New option to add a laser aim. Aim-assist sensitivity has been adjusted
• Controls adjustment - Key points:
       ○ Manual reloading replaced by an overheat system
       ○ Addition of a manual enemy lock-on button
       ○ The supernova can now be stored and triggered with a dedicated button
       ○ Sprint can be activated with a simple press of the Sprint button
       ○ Crouch is now activated with {[Crouch]} while Conrad is not moving
       ○ The directional buttons can now be used in menus and inventory
       ○ Molecular Analyzer is now automatically triggered when necessary

• Melee attack improvements
• Overall difficulty balancing - Key points:
       ○ Fine-tuning of fight difficulty in certain parts of the game. Implementation of a 3-medkits limit. Users cannot save up infinite medkits

• Boss battle improvements (patterns, visual effects)
• Cameras and HUD revamp in the final zone
• Significant improvements to in-game HUD and menus
• Tutorials update: explanations of new game mechanics, better organization of existing helps, clearer guides
• Improvements to performance and stability
• Various bug fixes: Cameras, Menus, Visuals, Collisions…

Notable fixes in this update

• Fixed mini performance freezes on the Tarmac part of New Washington Returns, after descending the stairs
• Fixed issue where the Activation & Deactivation of the Flow Analyzer could stop working after the first use of the item
• Fixed issue in the Mandragore in which the player could leave the playable area and get stuck in the scenery after using the "jump" function in a corner of the hideout
• Jungle: Fixed an autosave that could be triggered on the zipline, causing Conrad to fall into the void each time this save was loaded
• Fix of an issue where the Heavy Mod VFX blasted Conrad instead of the enemies
• Fix of an issue where Conrad could go and fight in an area out of camera range
• The “Deliver packages” mission doesn’t restart anymore when the player reaches Atlantica after finishing it
• Fix of an issue where the wrong input was displayed in the Missions panel