It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

high rated
Against the Storm
16 October 2023 - Hotfix 0.61.3 (Ruined Shelter, Dialogue texts)

Offline installers updated to 0.61.3R

Changelog from SteamDB

Greetings, Viceroys!

We released another small hotfix to address the issues reported over the weekend. We're super grateful for your support!


Dust particles no longer animate on roads when construction is paused.
Fixed an issue with Ruined Shelter being destroyable and awarding planks.
Fixed an issue with Relation buttons remaining visible in the game's Options when scrolling down.
Corrected various text errors in Aunt Lori's dialogue box in multiple languages.
Fixed a typo in the Polish translation of enabling all ingredients setting in the gameplay Options.

May the storm be gentle on you,
Eremite Games

Previoius Developer Notes and Changelogs posted on GOG here: Against the Storm/Updates and Changelogs
Post edited October 17, 2023 by bjgamer
high rated

Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] 3.9.2 ⇒ 3.9.3.
3.9.3 "Caelum" Patch Released

Hello all,

We're proud to release the 3.9.3 "Caelum" Patch promised for mid-October. This patch brings with it a balance pass on subjugation and diplomatic acceptance in-general, as well as other balance changes, bug fixes, UI, AI and modding improvements.

Please find the patch notes below.

######################## VERSION 3.9.3 ######################

① Balance
---• AI Empires are more likely to seek a federation if their rivals have federated.
---• Federations (except for Hegemonies) now default to not permitting subject members.
---• Having less than 50 Trust with an empire imposes a -100 Acceptance to them becoming your subject or overlord.
---• Hydroponics Designation on habitats now swaps all jobs on the housing districts for farmers.
---• Increased the importance of being more powerful than your vassal for loyalty purposes.
---• Insulting someone decreases their Trust of you by 5.
---• Rebalanced requirements for diplomatic treaties to require trust.
---• Reduced how excited subjects get about things like shared sensors.
---• Reduced the effect differing war philosophies has on federation acceptance.
---• Removed the ability to trade favors.
---• Replaced all +10% Districts on Habitats from technologies and traditions with +1 District on Habitats
---• Replaced the upgrade habitat decisions with checks for habitat capital level instead.
---• The Intimidation menace perk now allows you to ignore diplomatic requirements for proposing subjugation.
---• The Pharma State civic now provides +1 Medical Worker job to capital buildings.
---• The Unity from Rivals from the Animosity Diplomatic Stance has been reduced to 10 per rival.
---• Trade Designation on habitats now has the housing district swap a clerk for a trader.

② Improvement
---• Research, Energy and Mining District capacity on habitat complexes now have their own planetary features to clearly show the number of districts, current number of orbitals and maximum number of orbitals.
---• The Crisis event chain will now use their bespoke event chain icon.

③ Bugfix
---• Added is_scope_valid checks for anchorages.
---• Fix to hiring events not being dismissed for other players in coop
---• Fixed concept tooltips for starbase components.
---• Fixed issue with nested tooltips and mouse tendency being incorrect when using UI scaling
---• Fixed issue with some portraits being blurry on lower graphics settings due to mip levels being skipped. Disabled the functionality for portraits and related textures.
---• Fixed the Node Culling gateway leading to an unlocalized string.
---• Fixed Tiyanki occasionally not spawning correctly at the start of a Fruitful Partnership playthrough
---• Massive Crater got its 25% pop growth back
---• Restoring the Payback habitat when your homeworld is a moon now grants a minor orbital instead of a major orbital.
---• Rewrote math for calculate tendency between mouse and nested tooltip window. This should fix issue with tooltips below and above mouse cursor behaving somewhat differently.
---• Stopped interactions allowing multiple gaia-seeder buildings on a planet.
---• The bonus provided by Eclipse from Enmity now correctly grants a 2% modifier instead of a 20% modifier.
---• Updated the Eclipse tradition tooltip
---• Updated the massive crater concept tooltip to accurately display the actual deposit.

④ AI
---• Certain AI personalities (Federation Builders, Spiritual Seekers, Migrating Flocks, and Peaceful Traders) are now 25x more likely to select Diplomacy traditions.
---• The AI will no longer request to be subjugated by empires that are equivalent or weaker than them.
---• The AI will no longer request to become the subject or overlord of another empire unless they have 50 Trust with the other party.

⑤ UI
---• The ship viewer's zoom speed is now scaled to the ship's size.
---• Tooltips to select agendas now show the estimated time to launch the agenda, based off of your current agenda progress rate
---• Trust between nations is now visible in the main diplomatic screen.
---• When switching ships in the ship viewer, the zoom distance will now be preserved relative to the ship's size.

⑥ Modding
---• Added documentation for concepts.
---• Added support for more object types in concept tooltips.
---• Fixed gridbox left and top padding not working.
---• Some objects' auto-generated tooltips can now be shown as concept tooltips.
---• Support building concept tooltips without valid scope.
---• Calling non existing events should no longer crash the game.

Please note that save file compatibility between versions is not guaranteed.

If you have an important game going, please back up the save file before trying to load the save in the new version.

If you experience crashing or other issues, first disable all mods and start a new save. If the issue persists, please report it on the Bug Report forums.
high rated
Crypt of the NecroDancer

Updated to 3.7.4-b4859 for Windows and Linux.

Changelog from SteamDB:

Update v3.7.4 and the Halloween Event Returns!

Hi everyone! Crypt of the NecroDancer v3.7.4 is now available! Also, welcome back to the Halloween Trick or Treating game mode! For a limited time, compete against other players in an attempt to get the most candy! Have a happy haunted time out there in the crypt.


• Changed Throwing Charm to trigger the Cutlass's parry effect during the returning throw
• Changed Holster to no longer cause a missed beat when attempting to swap manually immediately after an automatic swap
• Changed items stolen from the Conjurer using Ring of Shadows to sell for 1 gold coin at the Pawnbroker
• Changed Pawnbroker to stop accepting items after 24 uses
• Changed Hyperspeed (Bolt + Double Tempo mode) to no longer rapidly use items/bombs/spells when holding down their buttons
• Changed Hyperspeed Beat Assist Mode to be toggleable in the Options menu without impacting leaderboards

Modding features

• Added component [noparse]itemOverrideSellPrice[/noparse]

• Added function [noparse]noReturn.isEnabled()[/noparse]

• Added event [noparse]event.objectUpdateCloneSprite[/noparse] for altering the sprite a Clone/Mannequin should use

• Changed [noparse]object.convert()[/noparse]'s third parameter to accept tables of field values to apply
• Field preservation via [noparse]{ componentName = true }[/noparse] is supported as before
• Attributes are now available in [noparse]ev.attributes[/noparse] of [noparse]event.objectPreConvert[/noparse]/[noparse]event.objectPostConvert[/noparse]


Gameplay bugfixes

• Fixed Cadence's penultimate boss charging diagonally when entering phase 2 while winding up a strike
• Fixed the Pawnbroker's room not using the correct zone for the additional floor tiles when extending the room size
• Fixed Lantern being dropped on the ground when thrown via the Throwing Charm
• Fixed possessed massive enemies failing to move out of liquids when attacking with a Rapier, Cat o' Nine Tails or Axe
• Fixed Shrine of Phasing not destroying Charms when activated

Multiplayer bugfixes

• Fixed disconnected players respawning in the All Characters selection room in online multiplayer and preventing progress
• Fixed level transitions sometimes resulting in a black screen after a network desync occurs
• Fixed desync when watching replays of multiplayer All Chararacters Mode runs
• Fixed Run Summary screen sometimes disappearing without a restart prompt in multiplayer
• Fixed crash while initializing GOG cross-play support on Linux

Interface bugfixes

• Fixed invalid leaderboards being used if the AMPLIFIED DLC is disabled while an extra mode is active

Modding bugfixes

• Fixed resource packs not loading all files when installed via the Steam Workshop
• Fixed asset extraction menu missing most files if a resource pack is loaded
• Fixed modded boss-skipping characters being unable to progress Single Zones
• Fixed Mannequin not using the custom clone skin of the player being copied

Visual bugfixes

• Fixed some objects not appearing correctly in Versus Mode if the AMPLIFIED DLC is not installed
Post edited October 18, 2023 by (ø,ø)
high rated

Updated to v4.0.9g (Offline Installer - Windows) & v4.0.10g (Galaxy - Windows, Mac & Offline Installer - Mac, Linux)

Deep Freeze - Deluxe Expansion DLC is available now.

Changelog from SteamDB:
Megaquarium: Deep Freeze is out now! (Plus v4.0 update)

The latest expansion for Megaquarium: Deep Freeze, is out now!

I've tried to pull out all the stops on this one. I really hope you enjoy it!

If you're a day-1 buyer, please consider leaving a review on the DLC's store page, once you've had a chance to check it out.

DLCs don't tend to get many reviews and it can be really helpful for prospective players to hear other players' thoughts on them.

One final request: The game has gone through rigorous testing but if you notice any bugs while playing, please let me know via the Steam forums.

New achievements

To celebrate the launch, I've added two new sandbox achievements to the game:

Sandbox Trials - Limited Veteran - In Sandbox mode, have 80 different species of animals in your aquarium using the Limited Supply preset on hard difficulty or higher.

Sandbox Trials - Quick Start Veteran - In Sandbox mode, reach 10,000 Prestige using the Quick Start preset on hard difficulty or higher.

The theme of this pair of achievements is to give veteran players something to reach for in Sandbox mode especially when playing with one or more DLCs. Good luck!

v4.0 Update

The game has also got a significant update alongside the launch of the expansion. For a more in-depth look at some of the new features check out last week's post.

This time around I have a full changelog to share with you (see below). This is of course in addition to all the brand new mechanics and features within Deep Freeze itself!

Thanks and enjoy!

Tim Twice Circled


• Feature: You can now toggle each DLC individually during Sandbox setup. Rank up levels will be adjusted accordingly.
• Feature: You can toggle on/off care requirements and equipment breakdowns in Sandbox mode.
• Feature: Added 'Passive Mode' preset to Sandbox. (Same as Creator mode but has care requirements and breakdowns switched off)
• Feature: Basic Divider is now available in base game.
• Feature: You can press Page Up/Page Down to levitate in first person mode. You fall back to earth if you move.
• Feature: Added latin names for every official animal. Hover over the (i) or the animal portrait to find it.
• Feature: U-Shaped tank is now extendable.
• Feature: Every object's rank is now shown within it's description (hover over the (i)).
• Balance: Staff start with 15 skill at level 1 and gain 30% every level.
• Balance: Lemon Shark max size reduced to 75
• Balance: Copperband Butterflyfish now eats Live Mysis.
• Balance: Clownfish now worth +2 Prestige if with an anemone.
• Balance: Prestige reduction for animals with large aquascaping/land requirements
• Balance: Prestige increase for combinations of the following factors: large size, greedy, skill required, live food and expensive food.
• Balance: Starfish moved from Other Inverts to Echinoderms
• Balance: Jellyfish moved from Other Inverts to Jellyfish
• Balance: Leopard Clam moved from Anemones, Gorgonians and Clams to Bivalves.
• Balance: Capped positive prestige from cheap vending machine and gift shop sales to 6 prestige points.
• Balance: Improved flexibility of many sandbox objects to work better when playing on 'limited supply' and 'everything available' presets.
• Balance: You are not offered breeding objectives in sandbox if you cannot currently unlock the 'light' required (if any).
• Balance: U-shaped tank is now unlocked when you start Carbon City level.
• Balance: Large tunnel tank can now support lights.
• UI: Level up staff on the management window and their individual staff window.
• UI: Option to disable staff level up messages.
• UI: Schedule multiple talks at single podium.
• UI: Added 'Not in aquarium' toggle which has the same effect of count=0 in the search.
• UI: Added range highlight on hover.
• UI: New 'enclosed' paperclip icon for messages that have objects inside.
• UI: Search by rank, ecology, science and prestige.
• UI: 'Skill required' icon is now incorporated into the task icon.
• UI: Hide warnings now hides all warnings, even deadly ones.
• UI: Reduce maximum search text.
• UI: Stop control characters in input boxes.
• UI: You can now see if a supplement needs doing today (0/1) or has already been given (1/1).
• UI: Breeding parents are stated on Breeder icon at all times.
• Graphics: Added shoaling/grouping behaviour to many animals across base game and all DLCs.
• Graphics: Reduced water wave in 1st person mode.
• Graphics: Improved animals transition between land and water.
• Graphics: Fixed minor issues with sponge, broom and mic headset animations.
• Fixed bug: You cannot set vending machine and gift shop prices negative.
• Fixed bug: Water continued to ripple when paused via entering menu.
• Fixed bug: Highlight flickers when hovering near the edge of an object.
• Fixed bug: Green Pellet Dispenser was called Greens Pellet Dispenser.
• Fixed bug: Hovering over a zone button in the zone menu and pressing escape caused all the zones to remain shown.
• Fixed bug: You are no longer offered tanks as "aquascaping" for breeding purposes by Emmanuel Tosh.
• Fixed bug: Game froze if you removed the last empty tile within 20 tiles of a guest.
• Fixed bug: Podium contribution to ecology/science income estimate is more accurate.
• Fixed bug: OSX resolution changes made by editing take effect first time now.
• Fixed bug: in some resolutions, the main menu would not return to the centre after it moved to the left at least once.
• Fixed bug: if an animal eats another animal when it's been hungry for at least a day, the health loss is not reset correctly.
• Fixed bug: staff portrait would sometimes be invisible in zoning menu.
• Fixed bug: level file name was shown when first saving after starting a new level.
• Optimisation: Animal ledger was updating even when closed under some circumstances.
• Optimisation: Sped up sandbox objective generation.
Post edited October 18, 2023 by Hustlefan
high rated

Updated to v4.0.11g (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from SteamDB:
v4.0.11 patch

v4.0.11 Changelog

• Fixed bug: mod animals outside level's ranks caused a no progress bug.
• Fixed bug: duck egg appeared underground.
• Fixed bug: Sandbox menu went slightly offscreen on Mac.
• Fixed bug: When Architect's Collection is disabled in sandbox mode, some exclusive objectives would still appear.
high rated
Planet Crafter
Major Update - The "Volcanic Update"

Offline installers updated to v0.9.007

CHANGELOG (from Steam)

The map of Planet Crafter is once again getting bigger with the addition of two new biomes, the hostile volcanic biome, and the beautiful beach biome.

The new Optimizers, coupled with rare fuses, will allow you to improve your machines in all kinds of ways. By increasing the production speed of ore extractors, the energy produced by generators, or the terraformation speed of other machines! This will give a way for all players to gain more control on the speed of terraformation, and reduce some of the grind of the late game.

If you are ready to start a new game, the new games settings are the perfect way to personalize your Planet Crafting experience depending on your play style. Now allowing Creative mode, or ore randomization to renew your experience.

Your save files will transfer seamlessly to the update. But if you want to try a fresh adventure, feel free to create a new game to fully experience this update!

This update will not contain the mammals terraformation stage. We started working on it, but we want to take the time to make it right. This stage is complex to do, and we want to do it well, so we decided to leave it out of this update.
high rated

Updated to v4.0.13g (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from SteamDB:
v4.0.12 Changelog

• Fixed bug: an animal in the final level could be sold stopping a later objective from being completed.

v4.0.13 Changelog

• Fixed bug: when you pick up polar tank with an emperor penguin egg in it where most AC is connected via compressors.
• Fixed bug: Land animals starting on land did not have the right animation for the first frame after place/load.
• Fixed bug: Prevented addition of custom substrate to kreisel tank.
high rated
Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok

Update to V1.2.9.2 (Linux only).

No changelog.
high rated
Crowns and Pawns: Kingdom of Deceit

Updated to 1.1.1 (Galaxy - Windows, Mac & Offline Installer - Windows)

Fix for a "stuck in a book" bug as described here.
high rated

Updated to 1.0.4 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Fix for a bug in the medical ward as described here.
high rated

Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from SteamDB:
Night of the living draugar: New blood

Once again this year, the draugar make a terrible comeback in this season of fear and terror! Will you be able to triumph in Draugrheim? Will the southern kingdoms be able to face this unknown threat?

Here is all you need to know about the event.


Starting now and for the rest of the month, we welcome you back to our spooky special event where you will be able to engage in battle in the terrifying Draugrheim biome.

In this temporary game mode, you will have to conquer your fears in the land of the living dead and face some terrible (eight-legged) creatures roaming the land of Northgard."

If you feel like some of these new creatures have more legs than you can tolerate, you can activate an arachnophobia mode in the options menu.


Finish a game of Northgard in the new Draugrheim game mode (if you dare) and earn an exclusive Town Hall skin. You can claim it in Expeditions

This year, the southern kingdoms will also have to face the danger of Draugrheim! You will be able to claim their sinister town hall as well!

Happy spooky season to all of you!
It has been pretty calm in terms of news. We are working hard on the next expansion as well as what's to come for everyone! We'll have more info to share with you in November!

-Shiro Games
high rated
AI War 2

Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] 5.569 ⇒ 5.570.
5.570 Petawatt
(Released October 20th, 2023)

① General
---• Dire guardian lairs were incorrectly seeded as 'BigGood' and are now 'BigBad'.
------• in some cases lairs were being spawned right next to the human homeworld
---• Fix to at least two cases of 'yikes! jumped from fleet foo to bar'
------• When a drone fleet leader dies, you may see its still living drones jump slightly in position, but this is the lesser evil.
---• Tooltip for a stack in At-Local-Planet or Selection-Info now has the correct number of ships.
------• mostly this just means the strength is shown for the full number
---• Ships that deal attrition damage, no longer do so when there is a ceasefire on their planet.
---• Fix to missing 'take wormhole' order when queuing move to location orders in some circumstances.
---• Show behavior and order line in tooltips on all detail levels.
---• Ships that fire on death were not getting the correct number of stacks (but now do).
---• Necromancer ships which decay now become a stack of equal size instead of a single ship.
---• Already existing wards now spawn with their flagship when the flagship is on a new planet.
---• Fix to hang on startup if exception occurs within one of its tasks.
---• Fixed a bug where autobuilding mobile station-keepers does not put them on FRD automatically.
---• Hover and faction rings should now have the same relative size on all planet sizes.
---• Mapgen logging enabled no longer causes an exception assigning player homeworlds.
---• Regenerators now operate more correctly when more than one is at planet.
------• the one which handles regen is now randomized instead of exhausting a single one
------• one regenerator being below its threshold to operate no longer blocks others from doing so
---• Calculation of the kite/approach/stop distances is now correctly considering the target's radius and bubbleshields.
------• That is, the target itself directly has a bubbleshield. Just being under one, currently still has no impact on this calculation.
------• For very small ranges (ie, melee weapons) this calculation is now adjusted to use different ratios.
---• Ships with systems having a seek_range specified (mostly melee) will now (again) move in to engage targets within that range even when idle (idle as in, not in pursue or attack-move, which it ofc will also seek to targets in).
------• Returning afterwards to the position they were idle at caused issues when i attempted it, so that is still not enabled.
------• The seek range is also now scaled by the same factors as regular range is. The result is somewhat smaller than before, which seems appropriate as it is still quite, quite large.
---• Stop command now also clears frd targets.
---• Attack orders that are from frd are now removed when the target is no longer a valid frd target.
---• In some cases targets were being evaluated as if in range when they were not.
---• Fixed the networked range enhancement (more range per ship of the same type on the planet) which was not working.
---• Fix to NotImplementedException for NewLineIfNeeded.
------• This occurred when C-Clicking to see affected lines for a tech in the sidebar, if detail is medium or higher.
------• Thanks to Nicolas B for reporting.
---• Fix to a whole slew of things that occurred on-ship-death not respecting the number of ships in the stack which died.
------• Resource on death (science, hap, aip, essence, metal, everything), metal loss at planet, infest ships to spawn.
---• Fix to strength counting of TotalThreatProvokingStrength.
------• As a result of this non-player factions such as DZ or Nanos, often seen swarming ai planets, are capable of triggering guard posts to deploy and previously could not.
---• Exogalactic Strikeforces targeting their own Overlord will now self destruct
------• Thanks to Croque for finding this bug.
------• This fix is a bandaid to allow for games that hit this bug to be played out
---• The AI will also no longer inappropriately trigger Shark A/B when killing another AIs command station (ie, civil war).
------• This was the cause of the big clumps of 'Exogalactic Strikeforces' ships targeting non-players.
------• Thanks to Croque for the report and Badger for finding this cause.
---• Ark Empire's starting ship lines show the full ship name instead of the excessively truncated short name.
------• This also applies to Ark Sidekick from Sidekicks mod.
------• This also applies to starting ship lines as chosen in Classic Fusion mod.
---• fix to focus-camera-on-entity code where i adjust the zoom backward if its very close or inside the entity
------• issue was that i needed the actual camera zoom in world units not 0-1
---• fix to ambush post
------• was not actually spawning drones, now it does
------• drones spawn in attacker full
------• drones now die after a time-out rather than self-attrition, since they are allowed to stack, and self-attrition doesn't really work right in that case
---• draw squad orders fixes / improvements
------• now shown (again) for ships selected, not only hovered
------• now shown for hovered in the selection-info
------• now shown for off-planet ships (if selected) if orders terminate or pass through the planet being viewed
------• now shown for npc ships without the debug setting on
------• visualizing seek range now (yellow)

② Mods
⯈ Classic Fusion
---• Fix "missing method exception"
⯈ Radiant Maps
---• Spiral2: Default arm thickness changed from "snake" to "girder". (SirLimbo was right, it looks better this way)
⯈ Radiant Fleets
---• NEW MOD!
---• New fleets for Human Empires: Mobile, Battlestation, and Support
---• New ships for Human Empires, Ark Empires, and Ark Sidekicks
---• New Arks
---• Works without DLC, but some components will be disabled without DLC
---• Lots of References to Ancient Shadows
⯈ Lost Spire Coilbeam
---• NEW MOD!
---• Lost Spire Frigates will now use Coil Beams like their un-Lost bretheren.
⯈ Necromancer is Not Neinzul
---• NEW MOD!
---• With this mod active, Necromancer units will no longer be listed as Neinzul units in the Encyclopedia
⯈ Playable Flenser
---• NEW MOD!
---• Adds a playable version of the Flenser for Human Empires, Ark Empires, and Ark Sidekicks.
---• Some Assembly Required: all versions require some Science and a lot of HaP to reach their full strength.
---• Batteries not included: the version for non-Ark Empires has its standard power draw of a Petawatt.
---• No, it's not balanced, it's just meant to have stuff for you to upgrade.
⯈ Sidekicks
---• Ark Sidekick now again has its own starting arks and starting lines, separate from Ark Empire.
---• Ravagers can no longer be affected by Necromancy
---• Chrysalises should no longer spawn on planets being actively drilled
------• Thanks to Radiant Phoenix for reporting

③ Coders
---• New damage modifier comparison type: comparison_type="NotEquals".
---• When trying to load an override material, it first attempts to load the path as an actual Material before trying to load it as a prefab.
------• So when it is not a Material, this is not worthy of an error, and is therefore no longer shown.
---• New attribute for factions must_defeat.
------• If true then this factions defeat_condition always applies, regardless of galaxy settings.
---• Faction custom fields of type CustomDropdownCoreTableSubset have two new optional attributes.
------• options_show_as="DisplayName" is the default value but can also be "ShortDisplayName"
---------• This defines whether the option's visible name is the row.GetDisplayName or row.GetShortDisplayName.
------• options_sort_by="VisibleName" is the default value but can also be "InternalName"
---------• This defines the order options appear in the dropdown, and is either by their visible name or by their internal name.
------• These only currently apply to fields of type CustomDropdownCoreTableSubset, but logically could apply to CustomDropdownCoreTable or CustomDropdownSurrogateTable if someone requests that in the future.
---• material_override_path="" now works in partial records
---• ships dying do to transform into "$Dying" now actually go through the full expected death sequence instead of instantly despawning
---• entity custom per-sec logic can now implement IGameEntityDamageAdjuster to modify the base damage or base corrosion damage for any system
---• ships with the attribute 'has_custom_move_order_and_no_other_direct_commands_can_be_given_from_player' spawned-on-death no longer receive the spawners orders and behavior, allowing their own starting behavior to be applied
---• new attribute 'dies_after_lifetime_sec' which will start a timer then die automatically
---• you can now use '$Dies' as a squad's TransformsIntoAfterTime to kill it
---• cleaned up the api for setting/clearing the hovered entity
------• it will now properly report said entity when hovered in the selection-info
---• helper entity.RenderPosition returns the interpolated world location in maincameraview space
---• If an object extending ArcenDynamicTableRow now fails to clear itself it will now display an error as well as what type and internal name it is, as well as the potential expansion and mod origin.
Post edited October 20, 2023 by surfer1260
high rated
AI War 2

Standalone installer updated: [Windows, Linux, Mac] 5.570 ⇒ 5.571.
5.571 Hotfix
(Released October 20th, 2023)

---• Fix to 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: numShips'.
------• Squad.ShipCount was off by one.
---• Error message shown when an override material fails to load now includes the internal name of the entity.
---• Drones (again) disallowed from stacking.
------• this was intended to be an opt-in performance setting but that is not ready yet
high rated
The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails

Galaxy (was already updated) & Offline installers updated

Is been a few days since the update is up on GOG, but felt it was needed to update people just in case.

Patch 1.0.10

- fix a bug that may cause enemy kill stats to become corrupted and can prevent the corresponding achievement from unlocking in certain situations

- fix a bug that causes mouse movement to be inoperable after certain events (e.g. crystal tutorial)

- reduce the volume of environment sound effects on certain maps

- improve/extend several maps for ultra-wide resolutions

Patch 1.0.8

- provide better display management - you can configure resolution and refresh rate separately now, and select the display for multi-display setups in-game; note that the game might start in a different display mode the first time you launch this updated version compared to what you have been using so far - just change it again in the settings in that case

- fix a bug that can cause softlocks (e.g. the one reported in Chapter 3) or otherwise erroneous character behavior during map transitions

- fix graphical artifacts that might show up at the bottom of the screen during fades or camera transitions at certain resolutions
Post edited October 21, 2023 by Keihltrein
high rated

Updated to V4.1.0 for Windows, Linux and Mac.

Changelog from Steam:

The "Life After Death" Update is live!
4.1.0 Summary and Patch Notes

We’re excited for you to enjoy Barony’s first major update following our huge “Quality of Death” overhaul. The “Life After Death” 4.1 Update features more quality-of-life improvements, especially for multiplayer games of Barony.

In this post, we’ll go into detail about everything we’ve added, and how to take advantage of it! Not to oversell it, but we have some really cool stuff to share

V4.1.0 Patch Notes:

Holiday Themes:

Our Halloween and Christmas remix mods are now part of the base game! These automatically apply at launch in the months of October and December, respectively. They've also been improved and fully compatible with all the Quality of Death updates!

Clicking the holiday banner at the main menu will take you to the settings “Online” panel. Here you can toggle on/off the seasonal content as desired

With the Barony Halloween Celebration theme enabled, you’ll notice things are much spookier! Some armor now looks like costume pieces to mix-and-match, food is replaced with candy, and even monsters are dressed up! Though the look and names of things may be different, the game rules are all the same as vanilla Barony.

Player Callouts:
Quick, context sensitive communication for online or splitscreen multiplayer.

How it works:
• The default Callout binding is [X] on keyboard or [Left Stick] on gamepad (rebindable)
• Just press the bound button to bring up the Quick Callout prompt
• When the Quick Callout prompt is active, press the Use key to select a target at a distance to call out, or issue a call out without a target
• Press the Callout binding a second time to open a radial menu with more options that change depending on what your cursor last targeted
• Issuing a Callout will spawn an icon in the world, play a sound effect, and ping a minimap location with an accompanying message from the originating player
• Callout sound effect volume is adjusted using the Notification audio slider in Audio Settings

Callouts are enabled only in multiplayer!
On PC / Mac / Linux, use the following console command to play with them in single-player:

/callout_debug true

Callout Types:

(North) “Look” - This is the default command when using a Quick Callout
• No target: Notify a location in the world without a message
• Targeted examples: “Enemy X here!”, “There’s an X item here!”, “I found a chest!”

(East) “Thumbs Up” - Affirmative/Proceed
• No target: Spawn a thumbs up over your player
• Targeted examples: “Attack the X!”, “This X item is good”, “I’ll check the chest”, “Turn that switch on”, “I’ll use the fountain”, “I think that boulder trap is safe”, “Thank you, player X”

(West) “Thumbs Down” - Negative/Avoid
• No target: Spawn a thumbs down over your player
• Targeting examples: “Flee from the X!”, “I’m not ready to use the exit”, “This item X is no good for me”, “Watch out for that boulder!”, “Nothing useful in that chest”

(North West) “Help” - Assist/Aid me
• No target: Spawn an exclamation help icon over your player. If low on health, hungry, or affected by negative status conditions, they will be relayed in the message. “You call for help! (Starving/Confused/Needs Healing)”
• Targeting examples: “I need help with this monster X!”, “I need assistance with this item X”, “I need help by this object X”

(North East) “Move To”
• No target: “Let’s move here!”
• Targeted: Same as above, but will follow moving objects

(South/South West/South East) “Wave” - Get a player’s attention
• Does not use targeting, will always spawn a wave icon over your player with the selected players color and message “X waves to Y!”

Player Ghosts
Dying in multiplayer now respawns you as a ghost! Help your allies from the other side with your illuminated self by using callouts, pushing items, chilling enemies, throwing switches and opening doors.

• Upon death, clicking “Dismiss” from your gravestone will spawn your player ghost.
• Swap between ghost and the previous player spectate mode using the pause menu.
• Ghosts phase through ally and enemy NPCs without disturbing them
• Ghosts have floating movement and bounce off walls and other solid objects
• The ghostly afterlife is also steeped with an eerie fog

If every member of your party has died, it’s Game Over as usual!

Ghosts are enabled only in multiplayer!
To play around in singleplayer on PC / Mac / Linux, enable cheats and use the console command:


to be continued...