Grargar: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 with JJ2+ has been updated, doubling in size in the process (from 67.1 MBs to 136.3 MBs). There is no changelog available as of yet and there doesn't seem to have been any new version of JJ2+ ever since August 2020, so it's a mystery as to what this update actually entails.
The doubling in size is due to them adding the same installer twice to the archive. As for the installer it seems to be for 5.8 with a changelog which dates itself to May 2021 (eh?) and mentions the following changes:
- Fixed Windows-7-exclusive glitch from 5.7 of closing JJ2 causing it to freeze or get stuck in the task manager when "[Logging]Chatlog" was true in plus.ini.
- Added new /allowwalljump command (and corresponding plus.ini "[Server]AllowWalljump" configuration setting, and "Allow Walljump" item in the Server dropdown menu) for toggling the availability of the "walljumping" bug. This mostly defaults to true but is set to false at the start of each level in local SP/Coop games.
- Fixed bug of clients sometimes bouncing off bullets without getting hurt (client-side fix).
- Added new /bulletbouncing server-side command (and corresponding plus.ini "[Add-on]BulletBouncing" configuration setting, and "Bullet Bouncing" item in the Game->Game Options dropdown menu). This determines whether players should bounce high up in the air when hurt by a bullet (default, on), proportionate to how much damage the bullet does in SP, or whether players should only bounce up a little bit (off), equivalent to being hurt by a buttstomp or hurt event. Previously the higher bounces would or would not happen pretty much at random.
- If a clear preference emerges among users for turning this command on or off, this command will probably be retired in some future JJ2+ update in favor of making that setting universal.
- Improved handling of when score commands (/maxscore, /bluescore, /redscore, etc.) directly cause one or more players or teams to win: if /autostop is on, the game will stop instead of cycling, and this works in Race and Battle-based gamemodes now too, not just CTF-based gamemodes.
- When Race games end for reasons other than someone reaching the max score, such as hitting the time limit, the player or players with the most laps will now be announced the winner, same as in other gamemodes.
- TLRS games with three or four teams now end when only one team does has lives, rather than when only one team doesn't.
- Improved 5.7's fix for hearing displaced noises while a client in servers with anti-radar mode enabled.
- The file downloading screen for joining online servers now makes it clear which files are required to download and which (e.g. music) may safely be skipped by pressing Esc.
- Added 800×450 to the list of windowed resolutions; this is somewhat smaller than the maximum 800×600 resolution, but it is a classic widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio and may therefore appeal on aesthetic grounds.
- The list of windowed resolutions now additionally copies all resolutions (smaller than 800×600) from the list of full screen resolutions allowed by your graphics card, so for example if you tell your graphics card you want a 336×600 resolution available so you can play JJ2 in portrait mode, 336×600 will be available for both full screen and windowed.
- Spectating nobody/idle server mode now freezes the camera in the place you are currently viewing if you click JJ2 using the left or right mouse button, in case there's a particular area you want to look at for a while, particularly while JJ2 isn't your focused window. The camera is unfrozen again if you click again.
- Fixed glitch from 5.7 of the camera pointing too far down while spectating frogs.
- Made /idleserver a server-only command and disallowed /forcespectate 1 on for remote admins when the server is idle. Now only the actual host of a server may enable or disable idle server mode.
- Fixed glitch from 5.2 of the /autosavechatlog off command crashing the game.
- Fixed the AngelScript function jjSendPacket's treatment of negative toClientID arguments.
- The morphEffect parameter of the jjPLAYER::morph and jjPLAYER::morphTo AngelScript methods now works even when morphing the player to a frog.
- Made filename comparison more precise for applying translated help strings to levels. Previously, "train.j2l" would use the strings (in whatever the player's selected language was) from training.j2l, "brat.j2l" would use the strings from labrat2.j2l, and so on.
- Fixed glitch of the robot boss's health bar not rising to the top of the screen upon defeat, unlike every other boss.
- Some speed improvements to drawing sprites and tiles.