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^ Don't look at me, I don't sell them either.
< I use gift cards and the wallet, too. But it's really easy to lose the meaning of money's value that way. Suddenly it's just numbers and not a currency... When possible I prefer cash.
v Did you ever carry so much cash with you that you felt watched and stalked although you weren't? What did you get it for?
Post edited June 01, 2020 by MightyFloTheKing
^ Not really, I always watch people around me. You learn to pick out oddities in behavior when you do that. I bought parts to build a top of the line Pentium 75 with it (I think I picked up a Matrox Millennium video card with it?)
< I miss scrounging around computer stores to build and sell systems to people.
v What was your first computer? Commodore 64 here.
^ It was a Heinz 57 put together by my cousin
< played Quake until my fingers and eyes bled
v favorite first game?
^ Dark Cloud 2
< First got a taste of gaming when my friend couldn't get passed the grabby octopus in Ecco the Dolphin; we were both 4 and I wasn't any better.
v We tried swimming slow and fast, what else is there?
low rated
^ Why what is best in life, of course. ;)
< I also love the bits I played of Dark Cloud 2...gotta finish it some day.
Post edited June 02, 2020 by GameRager
^ I have, the color was strange, though...
< I member the C64 times, when I couldn't finish so many games because they used to crash at a certain point in the game. Always. At. The. Same. Point...
v What's the worst, weirdest or most enraging bug you encountered in a game?
Post edited June 02, 2020 by MightyFloTheKing
^ There was/is an inventory bug that appears in The Witcher 3 where items disappear and some items are loaded as (unusable) ammunition for the crossbow
< That's one reason I stopped playing recently, as collecting relic swords was my passion
v What's one big short or long term goal that you wish to fulfill?
^ Hike the Appalachian Trail. I'm fine doing it in section hikes, and the plan was to start this year as I knew work would be slow for a few months. Unfortunately 2020 issues happened.
< On the bright side, I had quite a bit of dried meals stocked up before hand, as I was trying to figure out which ones tasted good. So I didn't need to shop as much.
v Is there a genre of gaming that you dislike?
low rated
^ Not really(afaik), but there are ones I like less like: Sports games and games with permadeath(like rouge-likes)...I still play them a bit, but not as much as other genres
< Gonna go play the Suffering 2 and also Shiver 2 hopefully today and much scary o.0
v What are you afraid of the most(or a lot) right now?
^ I have no fear.
< I have faith.
v What do you have? (not including a hangover)
^ Never including a hangover, in fact; I'd sooner maim a person who gets upset at my refusal than get drunk.
< Will gladly meet them half-way by approaching the biggest booze container in the room and spilling as much of it as I can.
v The functionality of all my non-baby-makers is very important to me, and the brain is my crown-jewel.
> I also like not-pain so I might as well protect the rest of me while I'm at it.
^ You don't know the Buffalo Theory then. Cliff Clavin from Cheers stated that the brain's cells are like a buffalo herd. A predator (here: alcohol) hunts the herd and kills the slowest. The herd as a whole gets faster that way.
< My brain is so fast, I can't often follow how it processes data. Especially when I verbalize my thoughts my brain is often four arguments ahead of what I'm talking about. So it seems I have holes in my argumentation. This has nothing to do with alcohol at all. Absolutely not. Promised.
v Using alcohol to clean the house is quite effective for me. Internal and external usage. When do you like to use beer, wine or liquors as a crutch?
Post edited June 03, 2020 by MightyFloTheKing
^ I always knew from the theme-song that Cheers was dirty booze propaganda; a shitty sitcom character lies about reality, color me shocked.
< A corrosive fluid doesn't pounce on a slow target, it spreads over materials and destroys the tools made from them. And it's not just that real life is a monumental sample-size to the contrary, you DON'T REGROW BRAIN CELLS. Every cell contributes to computing power and the only way to make that any better is to use them often.
v Sounds to me like you're just as smart as me, just more dedicated to not being that way.
> My sunscreen reeks of alcohol; I resist the rage by reminding myself how much sunburns hurt.
Post edited June 03, 2020 by MichaelD.965
^ Haha, nope. I have a really bad memory organization and an even worse attention span. Always been that way. That's why my brain outpaces my tongue. Nothing to do with a speedy thought process.
< I really hope that people know that I'm often joking around here. "A bad impression on the internet stays on the internet", as my grandpa used to say. "It stays there forever and will haunt you till you die".
v Speaking of grandparents: What's a great lesson you learned from your grandmother or grandfather?
^ I quite appreciate myself resenting crappy fiction and not you.
< I learned from my hoarder grandma that some relatives aren't worth visiting; her carpet and the plastic bin outside her kitchen had an equal amount of pee in them, what animals contributed to each I can't entirely say for sure.
v The only thing she loves to cram that house with more than furniture is tiny lighthouse sculptures.