Evidence from the field please
!!!!!!! O.O !!!!!!!!
Questions -
I am not surprised that no clothing was found in the house to match the jumpsuit. But what was he wearing when he was arrested?
Is the "light coloured" jumpsuit unique (company) or a store bought one?
What is Mr WhtieMane's job?
He is law abiding and the job is too?
Was no test run on the blood in the house to determine whom it belongs too?
We have a hunter here, is it even HUMAN blood?
Notes and thoughts -
Gets detained in the field carrying the body, but has no weapon. We never established what he was wearing, or if it was ceased by the police as potential evidence.
He invites the police to his house. Why did they go with him to the house, and not put him in the patrol car and either check the house with him arrested or wait for a second unit to go through the house. What made them go to the house with him, and why was a man dragging a DEAD body not under arrest at this point?
The police talk with him in his house, could he be dazed or intoxicated. He kept talking about his wife, so he kept the conversation in his control either by coercion of the conversation or ignoring the police.
The bell on the washing machine goes off and the defendant and the police go to the washing machine where the defendant is arrested.
He is arrested for potential disposal of evidence in dirty water - not illegal possession of a dead body, attempting to pervert the course of justice or tampering with a crime scene.
I believe our police officers statements are a little misleading. He has missed something quite obvious.
Was the blood found in the house of such a small quantity that the police officer originally missed it when entering the house with the defendant. They were in the house to the room with the washing machine, where blood was found.
Was there any signs of an attempted burglary? The deceased has a mention of burglary on his rap sheet, so I am wondering if or how he could have gained access to the defendants house?
The house was messy / untidy, so if there were space made for a second person in the house as a guest
1-Two men set off a silent alarm at First National Bank.
2-A single guard is sent to see the commotion who confronts and is assaulted by one robber.
3-The robbers mask is removed and the guard finds seconds to fire his gun.
4-This hits the robber "squarely in the chest".
-US security guard, using probably hollow point so as to do as little collateral damage as possible.
-We are not looking at a huge distance so the bullet should have enough force to kill outright.
-But if the jumpsuit is not the only layer of clothing, say a denim jacket or such and or the shot whilst square in the middle hits the ribcage or meets enough resistance. The hollow point may not have penetrated correctly and whilst it will be a kill-shot from internal damage the shot criminal is not yet dead.
5-The other criminal drags away the shot one.
6-For whatever reason dumps / crashes the car and abandons partner.
7-Defendant is caught dragging the body and police are called.
8-The police come and take the defendant home, where he is later arrested.
A) :: Unintentional involvement.
-So say the shot criminal is still alive when dumped / abandoned, barely and see the defendants house. Attempts to do something to save his own life, as he may be dying rather then dead yet.
-Attempts to or does break into the defendants house and then dies.
-Our defendant then decides to hide the body as he has no idea what has killed the man at first and no intentions to be involved with a potential crime when he could just dump the body. He knows he did not kill the man so he is innocent.
B) :: Criminal intent
-The defendant is the other criminal and brings the partner back in an attempt to rescue him. The partner might still at this point be holding onto life.
-Once home or shortly there abouts the partner dies and the defendant is left wondering what to do.
-The defendant attempts to hide the body so drags him out into the field.
C) :: Defendant is the security guard.
-He off camera catches them both down the road, or by chance they decide to break into his house as it is not far away and in giving chase he catches them.
-He gets to them and maybe scares off the other robber or something else.
-He then goes to hide the body in the first place he can think of.