Orkhepaj: Hopefully following money they will make their store to my liking, if not ill just search for another store.
So you tell me the games you want to buy are not available anywhere is a possibility? I hardly believe that.
Some games can have their own site as the only store they are available and they are doing fine like Escape from Tharkov and many mmo-s.
Yep, fine is different for everyone, that's why there are so many stores, or everybody would just use one store. Just accept that for some of us a steamlike let in everything store is not fine.
I don't want to go thru all the crappy ones to find a few games im interested in, in the new releases list. It is like if we had ten times as many forum games as now , good luck finding the interesting topics then, I bet many users would leave instantly.
Well political pressure even happens on your let in everything stores. I cant see that banned title on steam or itch.io either , why is that?
So opening the floodgates would still keep these "banned" games out.
Yeah that Brigand Oaxaca looks garbage I wouldn't let that in.
What keys? The store is not mine, they are free to do what they want with it. Most successful shops will have an ordered and tidy storeplace, not a warehouse with everything in it. Oh you only have to use the search item in the database to know to which shelf you have to go to find what exactly? You don't know yet as you are just looking at possible game options. Hoping you find some to your liking.
Steam filters are harder to use than google out the online store which sells the cheap anime adult games you want to buy. See it is not that hard to find it.

Shadowstalker16: A store is not a search engine. To give an analogy, if you go to a supermarket to buy sliced bread and complain that you have to see unsliced bread in the shelf nearby, people would rightly think you're crazy. That's the same thing you're doing here. Even if you are going to a warehouse, you go with a list or an idea of what you want to get and don't just wander the aisles. If you want to see only stuff you like in someone else's store, its not on them to make it like that for you. Its your own damn duty to learn to use the fucking filters.
I didn't know which other platforms Devotion was removed from but the point stands. Once you give the power (of curation) to someone, don't be surprised when its misused. That's what I was talking about in reference to giving keys and getting locked out.
That's the point, Brigand Oxaca has a following and deserves a place on the store, but many people won't let it in because it's not to their taste. If you want to make a store that sells games that homogenously cater to your taste only, then you need your own store.
Yes but steam filters allow puritans to hide the games they're scared of and serves the larger interest of even small developers having access to the worlds largest games DD platform. Fair trade if you ask me.
Your analogy is false
It would be right if they would offer 90% rotten/moldy product, and 10% normal human consumable products.
Most market has quality standards and they won't accept substandard food, guess why? Nobody would buy there if 90% of the products were unacceptably low quality. I bet some crazies would still buy em cause they like the taste or could get high from the alcohol in it.
" A store is not a search engine. " but steam is... right...
my damn duty? :D omg , you are becoming very egoistic here
why isnt it your damn duty to shop these games from where they belong?
This is even more relevant as it is you who wants to change gog store not me
" If you want to see only stuff you like in someone else's store, its not on them to make it like that for you"
ah the 100% irony right there
it is you who wants to change gog store to your liking
" Devotion was removed from but the point stands" how? Wasn't your argument if we let "everyhing" in somehow political censorship would cease? Clearly that's not how things work.
Even amazon store bans things politically while they sell nearly everything.
Brigand Oxaca ? deserves why? cause you like that game?
"Yes but steam filters allow puritans to hide the games they're scared of "
Ah nice getting sneaky personal attacks in, could you refrain from there? They only come down as very childish.
now puritan means no lame anime adult games? when did this change happen?
and when not liking something is equal to be scared?
I don't care for indie devs who fail to produce quality products. Btw many indie games are available here on gog.
Hmm how is that possible?:O
And as others mentioned, it makes harder for the talented and hard working indie devs to get recognized if they have to shine throu the millions of crappy products.