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just the first minute :D
Crosmando: I'm meaning that she didn't condemn outright the attacks in harshest possible terms, and disavow her sons' murderous actions.
And I'm saying you don't know that - the journalist chose what to publish. And that her belief one of her sons might not have been murderous has evidence since he didn't murder anyone. He suicided.

But even if you were 100% correct. Do you think the fact two of her sons died a few days ago, might, you know... cloud her judgement a tad?
Crosmando: I'm meaning that she didn't condemn outright the attacks in harshest possible terms, and disavow her sons' murderous actions.
Brasas: And I'm saying you don't know that - the journalist chose what to publish. And that her belief one of her sons might not have been murderous has evidence since he didn't murder anyone. He suicided.
He blew himself up with the intent of killing others, that is murder.

But even if you were 100% correct. Do you think the fact two of her sons died a few days ago, might, you know... cloud her judgement a tad?
Why would she be upset at the death of murderers and terrorists, whoever they were?

The fact that her son become a radical terrorist and a murderer is already a pretty huge indictment on her as a parent, just like the Boston bomber's mother was just as radical as her sons.

Would not be surprised at the least if she turns out to be another Islamist with jihadist sympathies.

I honestly find it quite confusing why you Europeans keep letting immigrants into your countries who then end up killing your own people.
Post edited November 18, 2015 by Crosmando
low rated
Crosmando: I honestly find it quite confusing why you Europeans keep letting immigrants into your countries who then end up killing your own people.
Because Pakistani lovers (for example) and dark skin males are in high demand from local LGBT members, especially gays. Here they make a killing! Not only girls like niggaz (africans) with big "tools", but gay men are very excited on dark skin males. They even open ads in tabloids for other gays to partake in "parties" with their pet immigrant, or post partying pictures in adult forums (local ones). Also, immigrants mean very cheap labor, ergo big time win-win situation for local amoral sharks of entrepreneurs. Don't forget prostitution; as i posted before, local "shopping district", at least in my town, doesn't have a single one white or local girl for specimen even; it is full of ebony! And don't forget those childcare services, above all. Pedophiles, especially highly ranked clerics and orphanage personnel, party out wildly BIG time! Not two months ago, two big scandals hit my town, one with orphanage and one because the local bishop was an authority figure for said orphanage...

Who said slavery got banned? Today, it wears the mask of philanthropy, globalization and multiculturalism. All while left wing crackpot-smokers think your radical terrorist and prison escapee is a good, wronged, kind soul to be hugged. Or that because they themselves don't believe in any religion, they think they can convert die-hard, hardcore zealots full of fanaticism, into humanitarianism and atheism.

Someone so stupid as to mistake a deadly enemy for a dear friend, is a danger not only to themselves, but to everyone else around them, also.
Post edited November 18, 2015 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Crosmando: snip

He blew himself up with the intent of killing others, that is murder.


Why would she be upset at the death of murderers and terrorists, whoever they were?

How can you be sure of the intent of any other human?

And you're a hoot really... I have no idea how old you are, but your assumption that all humans should follow Brutus' example is incredible to me. 0_o

Let me be clear, I have no issue that you are, or believe you are such. I myself aspire to a stoic philosophy of living. But that you seem to believe everyone is, not just should be like that...
A fight in this thread? No shit. :P
tinyE: A fight in this thread? No shit. :P
You only see one fight?
tinyE: A fight in this thread? No shit. :P
Brasas: You only see one fight?
Well I masturbate a lot so my vision is terrible.
tinyE: snip
I lol'ed :)

I suggest not leaning your head forward that far down...
tinyE: Well I masturbate a lot so my vision is terrible.
Beware, your palms will grow hairy.
Brasas: Let me be clear, I have no issue that you are, or believe you are such. I myself aspire to a stoic philosophy of living.
I don't think it matters what you believe. We're talking about about "people" who's sole motivation in life is to murder as many "infidels" as possible. I mean isn't that obvious, the people in Paris where just ordinary people going about their business and they were gunned down or blown up. They are killing people simply for being Westerners.

Does your "stoic philosophy" include self-defense?
Crosmando: snip

Does your "stoic philosophy" include self-defense?
It does, and more even. But don't try to change the subject please.

You are arguing that the mother "doesn't give a shit about the dead" and should "condemn ... the attacks in the strongest terms". I merely said she might have done either but the journalist may not have published it. And even if she did neither - given two of her sons have died - she might have had other stuff on her mind. Like, you know, grief. An emotion you seem to not believe is possible when your relative is a criminal. So let's be clear please, because what you believe she should do isn't actually the point. Do you admit it is possible she does give a shit or has condemned her sons or is distraught, and you just don't know about it?

Then the other point we are arguing is whether one of her sons (not the other) is or not a murderer. The facts described in the article you posted indicate the only casualty of one her sons's explosion was himself. So objectively no murder occurred. You then shifted the goalpoasts to murderous intent, so a charge of attempted murder. I'll also further muddy the waters and point out known facts regarding another bomber - the first of all at Stade the France. On the very first news I read the security guys that detected the explosive belt described that the bomber moved away from them before detonating. A passerby died anyway, but doesn't this action strike you as somewhat odd for someone with indiscriminate murderous intent?

So the question to you is. How can you be so sure about the murderous intent of her son, particularly considering he was the only casualty of his detonation?

Reality is not as black nor white as you believe mate.
Crosmando: I honestly find it quite confusing why you Europeans keep letting immigrants into your countries who then end up killing your own people.
Because the European Union is ruled by idiots.

Europe is destroying itself. As a European, it kinda sucks. :/
Turjake: Because the European Union is ruled by idiots.

Europe is destroying itself. As a European, it kinda sucks. :/
Are you kidding me? We've gone more than thirty years without a major war here. It's a fucking miracle.
Post edited November 18, 2015 by Titanium
Turjake: Because the European Union is ruled by idiots.

Europe is destroying itself. As a European, it kinda sucks. :/
Titanium: Are you kidding me? We've gone more than thirty years without a major war here. It's a fucking miracle.
30 years? Seems longer than that, of course I'm way over here and we don't go ten minutes without a major war. :D

Shit, we once went to war with Canada. How fucking bored were we? :P
Post edited November 18, 2015 by tinyE