Posted December 18, 2018

Crazy Penguin
Registered: Dec 2012
From Canada

New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United States
Posted December 22, 2018
i contacted gog about getting a refund. they said they'll make an execption and give me store credit. store credit doesn't get me the game on steam.
gog should just negotiate with the devs, and give us the option to revoke our access to downloading the game in exchange for a steam key.
i'm going to be super pissed if the end of janurary comes and i don't see those promised updates. will it be at my loss? no, i'll still play the game on steam via the steam share. so they get 1 less customer, but 1 more player they'll have to support + bad feedback on gog and just basically it's their loss.
gog should just negotiate with the devs, and give us the option to revoke our access to downloading the game in exchange for a steam key.
i'm going to be super pissed if the end of janurary comes and i don't see those promised updates. will it be at my loss? no, i'll still play the game on steam via the steam share. so they get 1 less customer, but 1 more player they'll have to support + bad feedback on gog and just basically it's their loss.
Post edited December 22, 2018 by Layarion

New User
Registered: May 2017
From United States
Posted December 22, 2018
didnt that just get a full release? wtf

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted December 22, 2018

gog should just negotiate with the devs, and give us the option to revoke our access to downloading the game in exchange for a steam key.
i'm going to be super pissed if the end of janurary comes and i don't see those promised updates. will it be at my loss? no, i'll still play the game on steam via the steam share. so they get 1 less customer, but 1 more player they'll have to support + bad feedback on gog and just basically it's their loss.

New User
Registered: Jun 2011
From Italy
Posted December 22, 2018
Too bad! That sucks.
Oh well, who cares, it's Hinterland's loss.
Oh well, who cares, it's Hinterland's loss.
Post edited December 22, 2018 by OneStonedBastard

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted December 22, 2018
Except when they do. A lot of that is due to their retarded fucking "curation" (Atom RPG and Dusk not being here yet -even though the devs want to- are the two latest examples, and I think their refusal to carry Humongous games pushed you towards Steam as well), the gradual chipping away at their "values", the ingenious plan to give free gog games to Steam customers and now irreperably breaking their own website to celebrate their 10th anniversary.

New User
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted December 22, 2018

Registered: Aug 2013
From Italy
Posted December 22, 2018

Besides, I love lots of games most people hate and don't like many that others find fantastic, so the rating on Steam does not really mean much for me.

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted December 22, 2018
NOOOOOOO! fuck how'd I miss this???
I couldn't wait to buy this game (saw it way back when in a game magazine - LOVED the art style and plot) but I KEPT HOLDING OFF because the huge draw of the game for me was the campaign. It was talked about way before the game even released as In Dev. I always sort of "drift" in survival games but here was one that was finally going to have a proper campaign.. I kept holding off buying it, not wanting to risk firing it up and "burning out" playing Survival mode. "As soon as the full campaign releases... I'm IN!" ...
Damnit. Now I knw how the Cthulhu people felt :( Hopefully I end up feeling the same way when this returns. Can't believe I missed this - I *REALLY* wish removal posts were Blue Tagged as announcements instead of snuck in there :(
Guess I can stop waiting for it to show up in a Daily Deal.
I couldn't wait to buy this game (saw it way back when in a game magazine - LOVED the art style and plot) but I KEPT HOLDING OFF because the huge draw of the game for me was the campaign. It was talked about way before the game even released as In Dev. I always sort of "drift" in survival games but here was one that was finally going to have a proper campaign.. I kept holding off buying it, not wanting to risk firing it up and "burning out" playing Survival mode. "As soon as the full campaign releases... I'm IN!" ...
Damnit. Now I knw how the Cthulhu people felt :( Hopefully I end up feeling the same way when this returns. Can't believe I missed this - I *REALLY* wish removal posts were Blue Tagged as announcements instead of snuck in there :(
Guess I can stop waiting for it to show up in a Daily Deal.

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted December 22, 2018
Funny aside - wouldn't let me make the above post when I had "fuck" all in caps LOL. Took me a few minutes to figure out what was wrong. I thought it might be the periods ... tricking the site into thinking it was some sort of HTML code - nope! It was fuck all along.

Registered: Aug 2013
From Italy
Posted December 22, 2018

EDIT: also, it has proven to be not so temporary.
Post edited December 22, 2018 by Enebias

Remorse: The List, if you like FPS psych horror
Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted December 23, 2018

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted December 23, 2018
Shame on GOG losing it. It's one of the few Steam games I still play. Was looking forward to getting while on sale for the holidays. Oh well, Steam un-install will have to wait a little longer.

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted December 23, 2018
low rated
Post edited December 24, 2018 by Fairfox

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Registered: Feb 2014
From Other