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I just know some asshole is going to come in here and call this cake 'overrated'! :P

To them I say, Bollocks! At the time this cake was baked it was cutting edge and you'd be hard pressed to find any cakes baked at the same time that offered the same variety and quality of decoration. And before you say this cake lacks the ability to be eaten by multiple people at one time, again I stress, multiple cake eating was not as in demand, nor was it as reliable then as it is now!
cake.jpeg (49 Kb)
Post edited November 20, 2015 by tinyE
Two words: Chronoberry Pie
I vote for the moon cake that someone already mentioned :-p
YES! Russian Teacakes! Those are delicious. I give my vote for Russian Teacakes!
Damn, was too slow to close the thread - 2kg more on the scale.
Already a lot of "Sugarpunching" here but i may add one or two additional favs later.
PS: Oh my god greek honey cake, i sense 35 degrees of crete sun, mouthwatering greek honey
and Cafe Frappe Metrio
Post edited November 20, 2015 by mcleodone

My wife makes a mean Cranberry Cheesecake in wintertime but it's not really a Christmas thing. Mom makes a Ginger Cake with a Hot Lemon Sauce that we love, and that's a Christmas favorite of ours going a long way back.
HereForTheBeer: Stripper-in-a-Cake.

My wife makes a mean Cranberry Cheesecake in wintertime but it's not really a Christmas thing. Mom makes a Ginger Cake with a Hot Lemon Sauce that we love, and that's a Christmas favorite of ours going a long way back.
Not often one sees "stripper-in-a-cake" and "mom" in the same post.
IAmSinistar: I added a URL to a recipe that seemed close. If you have a preferred URL, just post it as text and I'll convert it. You need a certain amount of rep on the forum before you can post URLs yourself.

I've also alphabetised the list and removed the votes for the moment, since all stand at 1 vote each. :)
Here's the link I intended to post if you feel like changing it for me:

Thanks Beforehand.
Typical cake around here would be Weihnachtsstollen.

But I don't like it that much and so my vote goes to Russischer Zupfkuchen.
HereForTheBeer: Stripper-in-a-Cake.

My wife makes a mean Cranberry Cheesecake in wintertime but it's not really a Christmas thing. Mom makes a Ginger Cake with a Hot Lemon Sauce that we love, and that's a Christmas favorite of ours going a long way back.
bler144: Not often one sees "stripper-in-a-cake" and "mom" in the same post.
She was pretty good at it, too!
This thread seems to be growing stale early, can't have that... Though I don't exactly have much to add to it, with the typical holiday stuff here being , which I'm not exactly crazy over, though some types can be very good. Also common, chec, but that seems common, English Wikipedia redirects to coffee cake, Romanian one has the English version of the article listed as Fruitcake, and a link to [url=]this (which looks far better and more stuffed than any chec I ever had!), while a Google search has "Romanian pannetone" as first result, though I'd hardly call them the same thing.

So, yeah, I'm not giving votes here for best cake type ever, just adding to the list of regional stuff.
Post edited November 22, 2015 by Cavalary
Oh no, terrible thread :)

Here is something typical for Czech rep. My favourite Chrismtmas cake.
Post edited November 22, 2015 by truhlik
truhlik: Oh no, terrible thread :)

Here is something typical for Czech rep. My favourite Chrismtmas cake.
That actually looks really good and I don't even like almonds.
HereForTheBeer: Mom makes a Ginger Cake with a Hot Lemon Sauce that we love, and that's a Christmas favorite of ours going a long way back.
Made this your nomination, since it's a perfect fit and also something I'd like myself. Let me know if the random recipe I hunted up for it is close.

Incidentally, my grandmother made gingerbread with cholocate icing. I still make that myself, but apparently it's quite uncommon, because I usually get comments on it.

Some great cakes showing up in this list, got more things I want to try now. Still surprised that common faves like panettone and kringle haven't appeared yet. But the thread doesn't seem to have much traction, either. I'm enjoying it though! :)
HereForTheBeer: Mom makes a Ginger Cake with a Hot Lemon Sauce that we love, and that's a Christmas favorite of ours going a long way back.
IAmSinistar: Made this your nomination, since it's a perfect fit and also something I'd like myself. Let me know if the random recipe I hunted up for it is close.
Looks a lot like it, though the sauce is a bit different - hers is more clear instead of white and I don't think it uses egg. So long as it lemony, that's the key. Tasty stuff.