Leucius: 2 days left at current job, one tomorrow, one Thursday. Wed. going to see Trans Siberian Orchestra for the first time in my life. Friday, first full day at new job.
2016 promises to bring change, in a good way. 2015 is certainly ending on a high note.
How 'bout my hermits? What's good?
2015 has been dominated for us by some friends/neighbors we've known for nearly 20 yrs. They were/are twin bros who are retired engineers and their lady housemate. All of them began a serious decline early in 2015. Their lady housemate had cancer and passed away last spring, and we did the clean-out of her mess in the house because the relatives couldn't come.Then the twins had a big fire on their property, and we discovered that the cause was some mental irregularities (they are 76 yrs.) They were declining physically too when we checked on them again after my husband won his spring fight with a recurrent pneumonia issue which had grabbed hold because of leftover surgery problems - its complicated. The twins were declining -and trashing t heir own house - but it wasn't obvious why. So we increased helping with little chores/shopping etc. Anyway. the stronger twin went into ICU in early summer, nearly dying because of a poisonous 'supplement' he bought from China. His totally handicapped twin brother was left behind by the paramedics and we couldn't get anyone to come and care for him OR take him to a home for quite awhile. We were stuck with it because we weren't going to leave him to die, but even Social Services wouldn't send anyone unless their house was much cleaner. We worked on cleaning their house too. but it was VERY badly trashed so never got within requirements even with 2+ months of cleaning hoarded trash. The situation did hurt my husband worse, given all his health issues/handicaps.
After 2-3 months some out-of-state relatives FINALLY got that long time handicapped twin into a home, but then we were saddled with getting them things at the home & watching their house (ICU twin eventually was moved into the home with his twin.) A neighbor was trying to force the family to let her claim the twins' wilder acreage so she could put rescue horses on it, and started a bunch more trouble in the neighborhood when she was told "no." The twins have finally been properly diagnosed and it turns out they have been in precarious health all year. Anytime we may be saying goodbye for the last time. Currently we are trying to get their chosen heirs to take official control of the property so we can bow out of the situation before my husband's next surgery is planned (should be in a few months.) The twins and family are upset because we are
UN-volunteering for all this largely unpaid labor - and because we caught a bad flu bug early in December (including hubby who is STILL on strong antibiotics AND had his flu shot!)- since we stayed sick right through the holidays so didn't do anything for the twins for Christmas aside from some early decorations we brought them. Actually, we couldn't visit with our family either. Just stayed home and ate a lot of soup. Most of us are finally better now, but planning to mostly rest through New Year's to make sure the flu stays gone.
Anyway, we hope to give back the keys and get out of this ongoing drama any day now. We've had quite enough. It doesn't help that the more we did for them, the less we seem to be valued as friends, which has in turn seriously damaged our opinion of their characters. We can't see any reason to go on putting ourselves out for their comfort given how little they seem to care about us. When we stopped in they didn't want to visit, just wanted a list of goodies or for us to set up or repair a gadget. Sometimes they wanted us to fuss at the staff over some way they were thwarted (and usually the twins were in the wrong.). They never want to visit like we used to so. Despite the twins complaints, they seem to be getting excellent care. Gotta hand it to those nurses. Their forgiveness and professionalism has impressed us. Its a nice, clean, bright place with games, meetings, and activities every day. The twins just need to leave their room and allow themselves to have some fun.
So yeah. We've been busy. We kept expecting to get back out of the loop..when the nurses would start coming in..when the relatives got there...when they finally got into the home. We kept allowing we could hang in there just a little longer until the next visit... so now we are putting our foot down. Its been long enough, and the relatives need to make alternate arrangements for handling these family issues besides leaving it on us for as long as possible.
On the bright side, my husband's family has been so much more helpful than in years past. The old family house received some much needed repairs last spring which has made living here MUCH more comfortable. We got some decent extra rugs and heavier curtains last winter which has made the cold snaps we've had much easier to deal with this winter. (At the moment it is warm again. Looks like the weather will stay mild through New Years Eve.) The car was been repaired again as well. Our pets have been sweeter than ever and we found some new herbal treatments (from reputable companies only!) that have definitely made a positive difference in our health. Now that we are reclaiming our personal time, our personal projects are moving again. Our daughter located a stash of archived CG work she had forgotten she had saved before it had been hacked & possibly stolen from her computer. With so many objects back,, I may finally finish one of those demos we've been working on sometime this year. So, that's majorly looking up!
Seriously, I don't know what 2016 will hold for us, but it is going to be a lot different than 2015. Hopefully it will be a lot better!