Emob78: *snip*
And always remember that many shits will not be given whether or not you do.
This. Just because you care about something does not mean the people you try to convince otherwise will listen to you. Take mmo communities for example. Unless you're a 9 to 5'er on the server you're on, there's very little chance anyone outside your guild and friends list will pay attention to anything you have to say, and let's say it's something awesome like the secret to immortality - they'll find something wrong with it.
The internet has brought the world closer, but unfortunately it's too widespread now without any sort of self regulation that works. In communities like GOG's, you'll often find helpful and friendly people getting down repped for the stupidest reasons, for example I once lost almost 100 rep because I expressed an unpopular opinion. Not saying I'm super helpful or friendly, but I've given away hundreds of dollars worth of games and free music over the past few years, and it amounted to jack when I pissed off the wrong person with the wrong botnet.
I understand you get annoyed by people who assume you know everything they do; unfortunately, in this day and age, this philosophical mindset has greatly increased in popularity.
Hang in there, Elmo, and if you have questions about US culture, I'll gladly answer them via PM. Sorry for the wall of text.