Myrph: Well, here's hoping you guys might be able to help me with this one.
It was a game released for the PC, I reckon in the late 90s (mostly because I was born '91 and it took me a few years to get into video gaming properly), RTS set in a sort of Sci-Fi futuristic kinda landscape. I don't remember any semblance of any story there might have been as I only ever played a demo of the game, but the game play had you constructing robots from a central factory type structure that you owned sent off to kill enemy robots and possibly capturing/collecting objectives. I say robots, but I guess mecha might be technically more accurate. The most interesting aspect of the game play, from what I can remember is that there weren't any predetermined units, instead you chose the design of your unit by piecing together the key components (legs/tracks, body, weapon etc.) from a selection of different types you've collected, and depending on the terrain/mission objectives different components are needed (eg, I think there was a level where parts of the map were flooded so you had to use long spider like legs in order to cross the water).
I don't remember much more about the game than that, hopefully its enough to go on, but if pressed I'm sure I could probably remember slightly more ^^
Edit- Forgot to add that I don't remember if there was any kind of resource management system. I think there might have been, but I don't remember it playing a huge part of the game. I think the biggest management part was a fairly restrictive unit limit, but I can't really remember much about how that worked either...