Posted April 06, 2016

I don't think they've changed the script of the original. But let's be real - BG was good but it had some problems. It's not perfect. Criticizing it is perfectly legitimate.
All that the writer said was basically 'Writing everyone the same is boring and feels forced to me, so I like to write different kinds of characters to keep things like real life'. That's not an agenda, that's an artist thinking about her art. This is an artist doing a good job. Nobody is making anyone like it, but it's perfectly normal for a writer to write things she feels better reflect reality.
Here, this article talks about it better than I can:
Still Edwin seems to have managed to permanently gender change himself and was later again gender changed by a mage much more powerful than him.
Also Mystra has permanently sex changed Elminster and the person in question is a Paladin right ?? I mean there would have been options.
But ya I watched that video and while the conversation is cringe worthy to me the whole thing isn't a big deal.
(And also I really don't know why the name would be weird in this setting and why can the player not react like a real Bhaalspawn and insult the npc)
See and the writer chick doesn't sound like she's bored of all the stereotypecharacters to me, it sounds like she is more interested in diversity for diversities sake than telling a good story.
Seems she has done that in a Pathfinder Adventure book before too.
But maybe I am a bit sensitive there seeing as when someone makes a character that the other side doesn't like, say Quiet of MGS, the creator can't just be proud of his art he has to be sorry for making such things or be staked.
But that aside, after I got interested in the whole story i find that the Transperson hasn't been the main critic for the most part, it seems the biggest issues are the bugs and that is where alot of the bad ratings come from.
Abyssmal writing is mentioned alot too (subjective I guess)
Also they seem to have changed beloved characters (Only Jaheira I care about, never had the rogue chick in my party) in this new expansion.
Now I don't know if they have been written well but changing a known character is always jarring.
Like someone said they media seems to have quite some success into painting this as a transphobic only campaign.
Hey they even fooled Ed Greenwood.
But for me, I won't be posting crap ratings all over the place but with these writers and that attitude Beamdog won't see a penny from me.
Post edited April 06, 2016 by Reaper9988