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high rated
Vainamoinen: Some of the folks here have been shamed to their underpants after they had hyped "The Sarkeesian Effect" here for a year. But most of those are long gone. One of the greatest fuckwits (whom hardly anyone even liked, even though of course his stances were almost never attacked in this outrage team effort) even left over the shame, to my knowledge.
By that logic shouldn't you have comitted seppuku long ago because your revere Annie still hasn't delivered on the original kickstarter?
Stig79: Cory Cole compared criticism towards Anita Sarkeesian to Slaver, Rape, and Genocide.
Vainamoinen: No, he didn't. Cole said that Jordan Owen "generally promotes ideas that I consider as hateful as rape, slavery, genocide". Which can quite easily be said about Owen, sadly. Look around, the peeps here know, that's why they have to play the disassociation game. So you're being off topic in talking about Owen in a gamergate thread, son. Some of the folks here have been shamed to their underpants after they had hyped "The Sarkeesian Effect" here for a year. But most of those are long gone. One of the greatest fuckwits (whom hardly anyone even liked, even though of course his stances were almost never attacked in this outrage team effort) even left over the shame, to my knowledge.

I personally don't consider Owen a "bad man". He's troubled, unstable, not very bright, and completely oblivious as to the consequences of his hateful actions. He wanted to be one of the great anti-feminist outrage incinerators "from the left" operating from his bathtub and, surprise, only found collaborators in Trump supporters. He has actively participated in an alt-right documentary about a white supremacist enemy concept together with ... well. A nazi. Great for Owen that he had that final fallout with the nazi eventually, quick congratulatory handshake here, but the slander movie that he eventually made anyway will absolutely effectively keep him out of making any more "documentaries" about his favorite games, at least those that comprise interviews with his favorite game designers. As I formerly said, Owen is unfortunately not very bright. He seems to favor traditional adventure games. And that is, naturally, a domain in which his stances, as I formerly demonstrated, are hitting a brick wall. The best storytellers have long since understood that the call for more diversified protagonists is a call for more creativity, not for restrictions of any kind.

Owen's idol game designers hate him. That's a bitter pill to swallow, but may ignite a little spark in that cobweb covered light bulb over his head.

I do hope Owen can grow and make a living in his musical endeavours. His 'documentaries' can fuck off. No one is funding that overpriced nonsense anyway.

Looking forward to hear from you what company you're going to "boycott" based on Corey Cole's facebook post.
Do you ever have the same standards for you and anyone else? The same thing, ie ''disassociation game'' can be said about you not talking about the perverts and rapists in gamergate critics. Or about the harassment done by the good folks that want to ''stop gamergate'', whatever the fuck that means.

At this point, I'm really sure its more about having something to hate and see as the enemy than having real concerns over harassment or whatever other cause you associate GG with. Earlier, you at least seemed to me to be concerned about it, but as time has passed and your disproportionate hatred towards this strawman you've constructed refused to dissipate, I realized most of the ''antis'' have as much concern for the causes they claim to support as Britain and France did for Poland when Hitler invaded it. Either way, choose your windmill; I don't care.
Vainamoinen: Still not convinced that gamergate is a hate movement that only serves to damage the video game industry?
I know it's hateful but, I disagree. <- (the sheer hate \s) GAMERGATE is not a hate movement, or it's really bad at it by having supported charities to help bring in women dev's

Vainamoinen: Read the posts on this page.

Amidst the literal dehumanisation and the death wishes that users always readily supply while the thread itself never gets closed because of it, self-proclaimed "veteran game developers" whom no one has ever heard from before, with 5 patreon backers and 11$ a month become the new heroes while actual veteran game developers like Tim Schafer are scolded for their association with what basically are neither new nor radical basic feminist ideas.

The movement is so pathetic now that it has to dig out its very own massive embarassments, just because very few of the former gamergate supporting "celebrities" haven't in the meantime turned out to be Trump-supporting alt-right nazis (and/or now live with their mom. Or serve six months in prison for assault). Reentrance for e.g. Jordan Owen, whose cooperation with Davis Aurini has been perfect laughing stock right until it "came out", with the crowning achievement the movie theatre premiere of Owen's version of their "documentary", which no one visited.
dehumanisation: I if you have read you should see that some of us (like me) are against "dehumanisation".

Tim Schafer: is human and as such can & has Erred. personnally most comments about him has been more about his lack of math skills & budgetary issues than feminist ideas.

We are in a time when the mere accusation is is seen as "proof" so are the "Trump-supporting alt-right nazis" really that or is it a label unfairly applied. let's not forget that Clinton considered a KKK member to be her mentor (by her own admission).

NOTE: as a person who has medical issues & in my case needs a caregiver I live in the same house as my mother (yes, she does that) I really dislike the "live with mother" insult
Vainamoinen: <Cut by Gunn>

Not sure how old you guys are, but I grew up with Tim's and Cole's games. And basically the lead devs whose games I love the most, from Tim Schafer, Ron Gilbert, Tom Hall to Ragnar Tørnquist, all think that your gamergate shenannigans are plainly shit. And I don't think that's a coincidence, because I know that you always communicate your values along with the stories you tell.
been gaming since the 70's & your post is the first time I've heard of Cole but Shafer has done some good games in the past but that doesn't mean he can do no wrong though.
Stig79: Cory Cole compared criticism towards Anita Sarkeesian to Slaver, Rape, and Genocide.
Vainamoinen: No, he didn't. Cole said that Jordan Owen "generally promotes ideas that I consider as hateful as rape, slavery, genocide". Which can quite easily be said about Owen, sadly. Look around, the peeps here know, that's why they have to play the disassociation game. So you're being off topic in talking about Owen in a gamergate thread, son. Some of the folks here have been shamed to their underpants after they had hyped "The Sarkeesian Effect" here for a year. But most of those are long gone. One of the greatest fuckwits (whom hardly anyone even liked, even though of course his stances were almost never attacked in this outrage team effort) even left over the shame, to my knowledge.

I personally don't consider Owen a "bad man". He's troubled, unstable, not very bright, and completely oblivious as to the consequences of his hateful actions. He wanted to be one of the great anti-feminist outrage incinerators "from the left" operating from his bathtub and, surprise, only found collaborators in Trump supporters. He has actively participated in an alt-right documentary about a white supremacist enemy concept together with ... well. A nazi. Great for Owen that he had that final fallout with the nazi eventually, quick congratulatory handshake here, but the slander movie that he eventually made anyway will absolutely effectively keep him out of making any more "documentaries" about his favorite games, at least those that comprise interviews with his favorite game designers. As I formerly said, Owen is unfortunately not very bright. He seems to favor traditional adventure games. And that is, naturally, a domain in which his stances, as I formerly demonstrated, are hitting a brick wall. The best storytellers have long since understood that the call for more diversified protagonists is a call for more creativity, not for restrictions of any kind.

Owen's idol game designers hate him. That's a bitter pill to swallow, but may ignite a little spark in that cobweb covered light bulb over his head.

I do hope Owen can grow and make a living in his musical endeavours. His 'documentaries' can fuck off. No one is funding that overpriced nonsense anyway.

Looking forward to hear from you what company you're going to "boycott" based on Corey Cole's facebook post.
He was talking about Owen having bashed Sarkeesian and labeled her a liar etc when he said "generally promotes ideas that I consider as hateful as rape, slavery, genocide".

He really should be more quiet, given that he himself made Quest for Glory 3. A game where the black characters live in the jungle and use spears. That stereotype is considered racist, as you know. The black female character was nothing but a sex object in that game as well.
OK, an (almost) practical question:
If I by chance write a game where you can make two binary choices male/female, white/black about the lead character, and (among other things) there a sex slave you can choose to rape&abuse or save&love that automatically takes the opposite choices, which side will hate me? Am I racist?
Bonus: What if the other is draw at random?
Post edited February 19, 2017 by Enneagon
Enneagon: OK, an (almost) practical question:
If I by chance write a game where you can make two binary choices male/female, white/black about the lead character, and (among other things) there a sex slave you can choose to rape&abuse or save&love that automatically takes the opposite choices, which side will hate me? Am I racist?
Bonus: What if the other is draw at random?
Dismember77777: If its good who cares.
Everybody here gets one of these
Stig79: Cory Cole compared criticism towards Anita Sarkeesian to Slaver, Rape, and Genocide.
Vainamoinen: No, he didn't. Cole said that Jordan Owen "generally promotes ideas that I consider as hateful as rape, slavery, genocide".
Really? And what ideas are those which are comparable to rape, slavery and genocide? Oh right, video game characters being used as "damsels in distress" or as "objects" you even read what you type?

greatest fuckwits
not very bright
hateful actions
white supremacist
A nazi
slander movie
cobweb covered light bulb over his head.
His 'documentaries' can fuck off.
You sure show a lot of hate. Always funny when you bring up slander given how you call others white supremacists without a second thought.

It reminds me of all the Bannon hate. Where the average Joe cannot tell the difference between terms like "alt-right" and "white supremacist". All I know is Bannon ought to turn in his ghost outfit if he has one, because no good KKK member would appoint a flamboyantly gay Greek conservative to be managing editor of his "white power" newspaper.

But that's the thing, you don't seem to let the facts get in the way of your conspiracy theories. Heck, the FBI released the de-classified reports. Are you still of the belief that it was Gamergate threatening an auditorium giving his name, saying he was from Gamergate and claiming the group has 7,000 bombs? Isn't it far more likely that was the result of Internet trolls?
Dismember77777: Would still like to know what exactly a "white supremacist" is
Well, you can find definition in the dictionary, but because hardly anybody in the mudwrestling show lately called "political discussions" cares about nuanced communication, it probably isn't worth the time. If it is used as generic insult of so-called "righties" by so-called "lefties", then it means nothing more than just that.

By the way, if you are still curious what we (human beings) all have in common, then:
For starters, we are all unique :-),
but more seriously, for example everything anyone does can be seen as attempt to fulfill their needs, and there are only few kinds of them (let's say by Maslow - ignore his questionable hierarchy, just notice there is just five categories).
Dismember77777: Would still like to know what exactly a "white supremacist" is
Well, if you listen to the Democrats, they are all those who voted for Trump...

But to be serious, there certainly are people and groups who don't want "non-whites" in their neighborhoods or in their governments and who have a rather negative opinion of anyone not like them. They are a small minority, not half the country as some people want everyone to believe. If they were as populous as some claim, how does anyone explain how Obama was elected two terms in a row?
Dismember77777: I disagree with all of us being unique/ pretty sure the majority of the human race is worthless.
I think we were all 14 once.
Dismember77777: I disagree with all of us being unique/ pretty sure the majority of the human race is worthless.
WBGhiro: I think we were all 14 once.
I haven't quite made it yet.
Dismember77777: I disagree with all of us being unique/ pretty sure the majority of the human race is worthless.
WBGhiro: I think we were all 14 once.
We're all "birth survivors".
Dismember77777: Would still like to know what exactly a "white supremacist" is
RWarehall: Well, if you listen to the Democrats, they are all those who voted for Trump...

But to be serious, there certainly are people and groups who don't want "non-whites" in their neighborhoods or in their governments and who have a rather negative opinion of anyone not like them. They are a small minority, not half the country as some people want everyone to believe. If they were as populous as some claim, how does anyone explain how Obama was elected two terms in a row?
The underlined part is good example to illustrate* what I meant by "missing nuances" in politics.
There is general consensus about HOW was Obama elected: the official voting results were made public and are mostly uncontested.
HOW CAME Obama was elected, WHY the elections ended the way they ended, I mean WHAT was the deciding factor in those elections is open to interpretation. Here you get millions of unique opinions held by millions of unique people, and some of them wildly different. Some of those explanations are backed by hundred pages long political analysis, while some others are very simple in content:
- It was show of God's Will (and that's all you need to know)
- It was show of Social Progress (and that's all you need to know)
- the voting machines was rigged by <insert world conspiracy group name>
- it was result of deep mental manipulati... ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!!!

Rhetorical question: But why it is so important to "convert" others to our own opinion why things happen - or at least silence them - if we generally agree that they happen?
Answer: This is open to interpretation.
...and we are back on the square one.

* added by edit
Rusty_Gunn: We're all "birth survivors".
Very good point, Sir!
Post edited February 20, 2017 by Zabohad
RWarehall: Well, if you listen to the Democrats, they are all those who voted for Trump...

But to be serious, there certainly are people and groups who don't want "non-whites" in their neighborhoods or in their governments and who have a rather negative opinion of anyone not like them. They are a small minority, not half the country as some people want everyone to believe. If they were as populous as some claim, how does anyone explain how Obama was elected two terms in a row?
Zabohad: The underlined part is good example to illustrate* what I meant by "missing nuances" in politics.
There is general consensus about HOW was Obama elected: the official voting results were made public and are mostly uncontested.
HOW CAME Obama was elected, WHY the elections ended the way they ended, I mean WHAT was the deciding factor in those elections is open to interpretation. Here you get millions of unique opinions held by millions of unique people, and some of them wildly different. Some of those explanations are backed by hundred pages long political analysis, while some others are very simple in content:
- It was show of God's Will (and that's all you need to know)
- It was show of Social Progress (and that's all you need to know)
- the voting machines was rigged by <insert world conspiracy group name>
- it was result of deep mental manipulati... ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!!!

Rhetorical question: But why it is so important to "convert" others to our own opinion why things happen - or at least silence them - if we generally agree that they happen?
Answer: This is open to interpretation.
...and we are back on the square one.
My point was that the "Everyone is sexist and racist and that's why Trump won" narrative doesn't jive with Obama's election the last two terms, yet we still get excessively barraged in the media by claims of Trump and all his "white supremacist" supporters...which now seems to be a derogatory term applied to all Trump voters.

It's very similar to Anita's claim of finding sexism everywhere. Which she does through poor logic and exaggeration.
Sigh... not Corey Cole too...

The response post:
"Ugh. I LOVE the Quest for Glory series, some of my favorite games ever. I see this and it's like you've stabbed me in the back :( "
sums up how I feel about it.

Need to stop reading developer tweets and checking these forums. My childhood is being raped.

RWarehall: It's very similar to Anita's claim of finding sexism everywhere. Which she does through poor logic and exaggeration.
There are dozens, if not hundreds of videos taking on her hypocrisy... this is one of, if not THE, best and it uses nothing but her own words combined with video footage.

Wo(men) as Damsels in Distress. (The feelz!);t=5s

He has numerous other ones in response to some of her other poorly researched claims.

Wo(men) as a Reward.;t=646s

Ahem... strategic butt coverings.;list=PLQcEfI3vHGEAszkg1lNCwtaVHIDvAm-gB
Post edited February 20, 2017 by GreasyDogMeat