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LeonardoCornejo: You named an example of that. Other examples would be for example Richard Dawkins being rejected from many communities over twitter comments, the fat acceptance movement trying to convince the world that being excessively overweight is not a health risk, trying to convince the world that gender roles have no connection with hormones, biology, and sexual dimorphism, firing STEM professors, teachers, and doctors for saying something un PC, trying to apply "intersectionality" to STEM fields, trying to convince the world that the concept of transgender is not all in their heads but a physical reality, and so on.

Basically trying to use STEM to turn their fake reality into the real world by convincing people it is that way and backing it with misused data.
Matewis: Do you perhaps links for that? I'd be very curious to look at an example. What I've seen/heard happening on some US campuses is horrifying so I wouldn't be surprised if there are a couple of examples. This whole safe space debacle is crazy : <- pretty much the extent of what I've heard.

Luckily I'm not aware of such nonsense going on over here on our campuses. Well, not the same kind of nonsense anyway. We've had some widespread riots, fisticuffs and burnings (buildings, books and art) but under other banners : Rhodes must fall; Insourcing/Outsourcing/Language policy (against afrikaans)
Kurina: As for science itself, one university created specifically a feminist biology class. Another peer-reviewed article was released suggesting syllabi be made to sound less competitive and more friendly so as not to scare women away. There have also been some studies released such as one on glaciers and feminism where they suggest to create a "feminist glaciology framework" and discuss alternative representations of glaciers. Apparently, the field has been dominated too long by men and masculinity and it is time to challenge their work. It seems men and women don't look at giant mounds of ice the same way.
Matewis: That's horrifying :-|
Do you perhaps have some info on that first article - title&authors or perhaps a link?
I wish I did. I don't have links, most of those news were from last year so it is hard to find them, and the rest of it is crap I found in my very own college where "Intersectionality" is growing in popularity.
Post edited April 13, 2016 by LeonardoCornejo
lol looks like KS supports a literal doxxing company that aims to bring accountability to online speech through shame tactics and doxxing of linking their real life info with their social media :
LeonardoCornejo: I wish I did. I don't have links, most of those news were from last year so it is hard to find them, and the rest of it is crap I found in my very own college where "Intersectionality" is growing in popularity.
But that must be social sciences mostly? I mean how can Intersectionality be applied to STEM, or how are people even trying to apply it?
LeonardoCornejo: I wish I did. I don't have links, most of those news were from last year so it is hard to find them, and the rest of it is crap I found in my very own college where "Intersectionality" is growing in popularity.
Matewis: But that must be social sciences mostly? I mean how can Intersectionality be applied to STEM, or how are people even trying to apply it?
Well, they use STEM as a tool to validate their lies. For example using the argument that we are all humans to deny the fact that there are also racial differences. It is true that no race is superior to the other, but it is also true that we are not all the same. Each racial group adapted to a different environment, a race that grew in the desert for milena will not be the same as one which formed in the glacial tundra or near the forest.
LeonardoCornejo: Well, they use STEM as a tool to validate their lies. For example using the argument that we are all humans to deny the fact that there are also racial differences. It is true that no race is superior to the other, but it is also true that we are not all the same. Each racial group adapted to a different environment, a race that grew in the desert for milena will not be the same as one which formed in the glacial tundra or near the forest.
Oh I see thanks, the equality lie. Of course some are more equal than others :)
high rated
Kurina: As for science itself, one university created specifically a feminist biology class. Another peer-reviewed article was released suggesting syllabi be made to sound less competitive and more friendly so as not to scare women away. There have also been some studies released such as one on glaciers and feminism where they suggest to create a "feminist glaciology framework" and discuss alternative representations of glaciers. Apparently, the field has been dominated too long by men and masculinity and it is time to challenge their work. It seems men and women don't look at giant mounds of ice the same way.
Matewis: That's horrifying :-|
Do you perhaps have some info on that first article - title&authors or perhaps a link?
Regarding the Tim Hunt stuff, quite a few articles can be found but this one seems to do a good job of covering the mess from beginning to end. Click here

Feminist biology class. Click here

Making syllabi less competitive and more female friendly (actual paper linked in article): Click here

Glaciers and feminism (paper also linked in article): Click here

In regards to some of Leo's examples, I certainly don't pretend to know which he meant but there are a few that spring to mind here. Not long ago a prominent sex researcher was fired for no longer holding the correct views on transgender children. Dr. Kenneth Zucker worked for a gender identity clinic in Toronto. He held the viewpoint that doctors should first see if a child can learn to feel comfortable in their own body before taking the more direct measure of transitioning. This upset a lot of people and they began a smear campaign against him, claiming he said quite a few horrible things to his patients that would later be debunked. Before they were though, he was fired after decades of work helping kids transition. According to the center that fired him, it was not their responsibility to check the facts of the report against the doctor. He was essentially fired because a group became so outraged that this man, someone in the medical profession for decades, chose to provide psychological care before taking the steps to transition.

On a somewhat different note, late last year a Yale professor the right to free speech and the ability for people to wear whatever Halloween costume they chose. She believed that if people were offended that they should discuss why and learn to talk to each other. This was met with hell from the Yale students, who even went so far as to [url=]hassle the professor's husband who also worked on campus. While the professor in question was not directly fired but chose to resign, it was in large part due to the university waiting many weeks to defend her and allowing the onslaught against her and her husband to continue.

Anyway, those are just a few examples of where outrage culture and progressiveness is trying to destroy the lives of people who hold different opinions. There are some others as well but they are difficult to really discuss due to conflicting reports. One is a professor who wrote a blog post about a colleague that told a student some opinions simply were not acceptable. The student should not repeat them because they may offend somebody. The professor who spoke out against this incident quickly had his tenure removed, although the university is claiming it is because he mentioned the name of the offending professor than the statement itself. Personally, I imagine it is because he stood up to defend a student for expressing unpopular views as is his right, but who knows.
Shadowstalker16: lol looks like KS supports a literal doxxing company that aims to bring accountability to online speech through shame tactics and doxxing of linking their real life info with their social media :
Just when you think people can't get anymore silly, there you go. Apparently free speech is so offensive that a database must be created to list all the villains who make use of it. I am curious how they are even going to define bullying or offensive speech since apparently a simple disagreement can be seen as "hate speech" these days.

Combating bullying by bullying and becoming the very thing they speak against. Wonderful logic.
Post edited April 13, 2016 by Kurina
Matewis: That's horrifying :-|
Do you perhaps have some info on that first article - title&authors or perhaps a link?
Kurina: Regarding the Tim Hunt stuff, quite a few articles can be found but this one seems to do a good job of covering the mess from beginning to end. Click here

Feminist biology class. Click here

Making syllabi less competitive and more female friendly (actual paper linked in article): Click here

Glaciers and feminism (paper also linked in article): Click here

In regards to some of Leo's examples, I certainly don't pretend to know which he meant but there are a few that spring to mind here. Not long ago a prominent sex researcher was fired for no longer holding the correct views on transgender children. Dr. Kenneth Zucker worked for a gender identity clinic in Toronto. He held the viewpoint that doctors should first see if a child can learn to feel comfortable in their own body before taking the more direct measure of transitioning. This upset a lot of people and they began a smear campaign against him, claiming he said quite a few horrible things to his patients that would later be debunked. Before they were though, he was fired after decades of work helping kids transition. According to the center that fired him, it was not their responsibility to check the facts of the report against the doctor. He was essentially fired because a group became so outraged that this man, someone in the medical profession for decades, chose to provide psychological care before taking the steps to transition.

On a somewhat different note, late last year a Yale professor the right to free speech and the ability for people to wear whatever Halloween costume they chose. She believed that if people were offended that they should discuss why and learn to talk to each other. This was met with hell from the Yale students, who even went so far as to [url=]hassle the professor's husband who also worked on campus. While the professor in question was not directly fired but chose to resign, it was in large part due to the university waiting many weeks to defend her and allowing the onslaught against her and her husband to continue.

Anyway, those are just a few examples of where outrage culture and progressiveness is trying to destroy the lives of people who hold different opinions. There are some others as well but they are difficult to really discuss due to conflicting reports. One is a professor who wrote a blog post about a colleague that told a student some opinions simply were not acceptable. The student should not repeat them because they may offend somebody. The professor who spoke out against this incident quickly had his tenure removed, although the university is claiming it is because he mentioned the name of the offending professor than the statement itself. Personally, I imagine it is because he stood up to defend a student for expressing unpopular views as is his right, but who knows.
Shadowstalker16: lol looks like KS supports a literal doxxing company that aims to bring accountability to online speech through shame tactics and doxxing of linking their real life info with their social media :
Kurina: Just when you think people can't get anymore silly, there you go. Apparently free speech is so offensive that a database must be created to list all the villains who make use of it. I am curious how they are even going to define bullying or offensive speech since apparently a simple disagreement can be seen as "hate speech" these days.

Combating bullying by bullying and becoming the very thing they speak against. Wonderful logic.
Today in so true, thanks for sharing.
Matewis: That's horrifying :-|
Do you perhaps have some info on that first article - title&authors or perhaps a link?
Kurina: Regarding the Tim Hunt stuff, quite a few articles can be found but this one seems to do a good job of covering the mess from beginning to end. Click here

Feminist biology class. Click here

Making syllabi less competitive and more female friendly (actual paper linked in article): Click here

Glaciers and feminism (paper also linked in article): Click here

In regards to some of Leo's examples, I certainly don't pretend to know which he meant but there are a few that spring to mind here. Not long ago a prominent sex researcher was fired for no longer holding the correct views on transgender children. Dr. Kenneth Zucker worked for a gender identity clinic in Toronto. He held the viewpoint that doctors should first see if a child can learn to feel comfortable in their own body before taking the more direct measure of transitioning. This upset a lot of people and they began a smear campaign against him, claiming he said quite a few horrible things to his patients that would later be debunked. Before they were though, he was fired after decades of work helping kids transition. According to the center that fired him, it was not their responsibility to check the facts of the report against the doctor. He was essentially fired because a group became so outraged that this man, someone in the medical profession for decades, chose to provide psychological care before taking the steps to transition.

On a somewhat different note, late last year a Yale professor the right to free speech and the ability for people to wear whatever Halloween costume they chose. She believed that if people were offended that they should discuss why and learn to talk to each other. This was met with hell from the Yale students, who even went so far as to [url=]hassle the professor's husband who also worked on campus. While the professor in question was not directly fired but chose to resign, it was in large part due to the university waiting many weeks to defend her and allowing the onslaught against her and her husband to continue.

Anyway, those are just a few examples of where outrage culture and progressiveness is trying to destroy the lives of people who hold different opinions. There are some others as well but they are difficult to really discuss due to conflicting reports. One is a professor who wrote a blog post about a colleague that told a student some opinions simply were not acceptable. The student should not repeat them because they may offend somebody. The professor who spoke out against this incident quickly had his tenure removed, although the university is claiming it is because he mentioned the name of the offending professor than the statement itself. Personally, I imagine it is because he stood up to defend a student for expressing unpopular views as is his right, but who knows.
Shadowstalker16: lol looks like KS supports a literal doxxing company that aims to bring accountability to online speech through shame tactics and doxxing of linking their real life info with their social media :
Kurina: Just when you think people can't get anymore silly, there you go. Apparently free speech is so offensive that a database must be created to list all the villains who make use of it. I am curious how they are even going to define bullying or offensive speech since apparently a simple disagreement can be seen as "hate speech" these days.

Combating bullying by bullying and becoming the very thing they speak against. Wonderful logic.
I have an even simpler term for it.

Intolerance of intolerance is still intolerance.
Kurina: Regarding the Tim Hunt stuff, quite a few articles can be found but this one seems to do a good job of covering the mess from beginning to end. Click here

Feminist biology class. Click here

Making syllabi less competitive and more female friendly (actual paper linked in article): Click here

Glaciers and feminism (paper also linked in article): Click here

In regards to some of Leo's examples, I certainly don't pretend to know which he meant but there are a few that spring to mind here. Not long ago a prominent sex researcher was fired for no longer holding the correct views on transgender children. Dr. Kenneth Zucker worked for a gender identity clinic in Toronto. He held the viewpoint that doctors should first see if a child can learn to feel comfortable in their own body before taking the more direct measure of transitioning. This upset a lot of people and they began a smear campaign against him, claiming he said quite a few horrible things to his patients that would later be debunked. Before they were though, he was fired after decades of work helping kids transition. According to the center that fired him, it was not their responsibility to check the facts of the report against the doctor. He was essentially fired because a group became so outraged that this man, someone in the medical profession for decades, chose to provide psychological care before taking the steps to transition.

On a somewhat different note, late last year a Yale professor the right to free speech and the ability for people to wear whatever Halloween costume they chose. She believed that if people were offended that they should discuss why and learn to talk to each other. This was met with hell from the Yale students, who even went so far as to [url=]hassle the professor's husband who also worked on campus. While the professor in question was not directly fired but chose to resign, it was in large part due to the university waiting many weeks to defend her and allowing the onslaught against her and her husband to continue.

Anyway, those are just a few examples of where outrage culture and progressiveness is trying to destroy the lives of people who hold different opinions. There are some others as well but they are difficult to really discuss due to conflicting reports. One is a professor who wrote a blog post about a colleague that told a student some opinions simply were not acceptable. The student should not repeat them because they may offend somebody. The professor who spoke out against this incident quickly had his tenure removed, although the university is claiming it is because he mentioned the name of the offending professor than the statement itself. Personally, I imagine it is because he stood up to defend a student for expressing unpopular views as is his right, but who knows.
Thank you very much for the detailed response, I'm going to look at all of them :) I had a quick look at that article and found this glorious bit:

" As these examples show, the STEM syllabi explored in this study demonstrated a view of
knowledge that was to be acquired by the student, which promotes a view of knowledge as
unchanging. This is further reinforced by the use of adverbs to imply certainty such as
“actually” and “in fact” which are used in syllabi to identify information as factual and beyond
dispute (Biber, 2006a; 2006b). For example, “draw accurate conclusions from scientific data
presented in different formats” (Lower level math). Instead of promoting the idea that
knowledge is constructed by the student and dynamic, subject to change as it would in a more
feminist view of knowledge, the syllabi reinforce the larger male-dominant view of knowledge
as one that students acquire and use make the correct decision. "

Spoken like someone without a clue of what goes on in STEM. Still, the million dollar question is how widespread this "culture' is. A lone nutjob article doesn't say much on its own. Tons of worthless articles, including worthless STEM articles get published each year (in less than respectable journals at least).

I quickly read the email too. It's difficult to believe that such a level headed argument created controversy of any kind. I saw a clip of a furious girl yelling at the husband, and at least in that case it seems that there were several students involved. Still, as I've seen with our (far more violent) 2016 university protests over here, only a very small minority of students are needed to raise hell. So again the question is how widespread this debacle is? A small minority from a pool of 50000 students is enough to create a crowd that makes the problem appear worse than it is.

It's a pity that we don't really have Halloween events here. For now I have to get my Halloween fill from special game events, like in Terraria :P
This is hilarious

I think there is something really wrong in the brains of the people that take seriously this con-artist
YaTEdiGo: This is hilarious

I think there is something really wrong in the brains of the people that take seriously this con-artist
Oh yeah, the Professor Trelawney of ''academic game critique''. Found so many grims in games she was harassed out of her mind and into other people's. Ignore the quack. She's on some revisionist history project.
Matewis: Still, the million dollar question is how widespread this "culture' is. A lone nutjob article doesn't say much on its own. Tons of worthless articles, including worthless STEM articles get published each year (in less than respectable journals at least).
I agree and it is definitely difficult to answer. If it helps, I recommend checking out Campus Reform for more news on silly events such as these, and it might help give a more overall view of how people are acting. As with anything though, I would certainly investigate stories further elsewhere if any make you curious. I have only barely kept up with the site so I am not entirely sure of their level of bias.

Edit: Just want to add in FIRE as a resource as well. They have covered some things fairly objectively in the past and are also a good jumping point for determining how widespread a lot of this is.
Post edited April 15, 2016 by Kurina
low rated
So Sarkeesian says that female hardened warriors in Destiny sit down like Disney princesses. I consider that borderline factual. She's also not a big fan of the exaggerated hip swing, which has been one of the most central signs of bad animation for me ever since my first visit to Shadow Moses Island in 1998 (and even there Solid Snake was quite sure that a soldier with that kind of gait wouldn't get anywhere quick). I've seen the "catwalk" in some BioWare characters, and it always fucked with immersion immensely. Nobody walks like that outside of the more absurd parts of the fashion industry. And lastly, concerning high heels for capable fighters ...


OH COME ON FOLKS. That's just silly! This TvW video is basically four very easy homeruns struck by Anita Sarkeesian on the grounds of realism alone. I would rather have something actually controversial from her just to have something to debate on forums and in RL instead of my friends and me getting neck aches from all the nodding.

And I'm supposed to instead watch some literally histrionic 'rebuttal' video that consists of some strangely agitated game activist high schooler in peak social justice outrage mode wringing his hands screaming "THIS? Really?? THIS??" and beating his own face for ten minutes straight incorrectly thinking that he makes any good points in between almost fainting?
Post edited April 15, 2016 by Vainamoinen
Vainamoinen: So Sarkeesian says that female hardened warriors in Destiny sit down like Disney princesses. I consider that borderline factual. She's also not a big fan of the exaggerated hip swing, which has been one of the most central signs of bad animation for me ever since my first visit to Shadow Moses Island in 1998 (and even there Solid Snake was quite sure that a soldier with that kind of gait wouldn't get anywhere quick). I've seen the "catwalk" in some BioWare characters, and it always fucked with immersion immensely. Nobody walks like that outside of the more absurd parts of the fashion industry. And lastly, concerning high heels for capable fighters ...


OH COME ON FOLKS. That's just silly! This TvW video is basically four very easy homeruns struck by Anita Sarkeesian on the grounds of realism alone. I would rather have something actually controversial from her just to have something to debate on forums and in RL instead of my friends and me getting neck aches from all the nodding.

And I'm supposed to instead watch some literally histrionic 'rebuttal' video that consists of some strangely agitated game activist high schooler in peak social justice outrage mode wringing his hands screaming "THIS? Really?? THIS??" and beating his own face for ten minutes straight incorrectly thinking that he makes any good points in between almost fainting?
Homeruns at what exactly? She has no opposition. Sounds like you're making it some achievement she made any videos at all. She struck a ball hanging from the ceiling on a thread and there was no one on the opposing team. You yourself say this when you belittle all criticism as either ''harassment'' or ''idiots who don't know anything talking''. Because suddenly intersectional social justice analysis and ludology are both exact sciences only people you agree with know enough to talk about.

Controversial is really a meaningless term if you think about it. Every opinion will have groups of people who believe and don't believe in its validity.

Anita assumed malicious intent the many times she said stuff is put in deliberately for such and such. She had no way to verify the claim. You say pointing that out is harassment. What more?
Vainamoinen: And lastly, concerning high heels for capable fighters ...
Says the person who has obviously never had to fight anyone in high heels before.