They been asking recently for a female LINK, Nintendo bring it to them, during the last week it was of course CRITICIZED saying from WRONG to HEY I LIKE IT BUT... (The SJW way of saying... I am not racist BUT...)
The same thing for women in games, COD brings a woman as a character available in the single player, and now they are complaining about OH MY GOD THE ASIANS & THE BLACK GUYS...
For them is always something WRONG, and I repeat is so stupid that people like Sarkesian and Macintosh being strong pursuers, judging whole communities for PLAYING GAMES, for later said that they can UNDERSTAND that Charlie Hebdo was OFFENSIVE... so of course I agree, not every Muslim is the same, I said this in the name of my Islam friends, the funny thing is for them RELIGIONS need to be respected to the last point, even if Jesus Christ and GOD is always a MAN, and they are all represented AS WHITE, but hey! VIDEOGAMES...
And I repeat, religions caused more victims, misogyny, racism, inequality, fanaticism, and even social progress slow downs that ANY VIDEOGAME EVER... CHECK THE HISTORY AND THE NEWSPAPERS, FACTS not BULLSHIT like she introduced in the ONU recently... you supporters of this BS are destroying your supposed to be beloved hobby, pointing it as a source of problems, this as I said many times, happened because you grow up doing NOTHING RELEVANT with your lives, NOTHING, and there is nothing bad on this, I am the same, I work, I enjoy my life, I have friends, for me is enough, but HEY! you want to transform a LAZY HOBBY in a tool to CHANGE THE WORLD! comfortable sit down in your houses, with your POWERFUL SMARTPHONES, Tweeting... LOL ... Because you want to be part of the "history" , Postpostpost modernism at it's most RIDICULOUS. Of course no one of you have the BALLs Charlie Hebdo has to draw a Mohammed in your avatar... because videogames, the ass of Manara's Spiderwoman or a Scientist with a Pinup Tshirt are easy targets, but other cultural stronger patriarchal ideas are too much for you, like religions...
And Feminist Freq is capable of defend these religions, meanwhile blame you guys and girls, and blame publishers for the allmighty WHITE MEN society...
But Hey! Jesus Christ, do not touch it... I bet both of them are even CHRISTIANS
Is just PLAIN AWESOME, that supposed to be smart people you even dare to follow people with this huge contradictions and different measure bars depending on the target, or you are really philosophically and politically UNINFORMED , or victims of a trendy propaganda, or BOTH.
There is no conspiracy by the way to see that after the Shitstorm, deserved, that Macintosh words received during CHARLIE HEBDO events for his words, Sarkesian or him almost talk nothing these days about PARIS ATTACKS, to not demonstrate people how different is their measure bar in one side, and not get a shitstorm in the other, meanwhile around 7 or 8 tweets selling T-SHIRTS tell us the real intentions their project had from the very beginning.
Post edited November 20, 2015 by YaTEdiGo