Posted September 21, 2015
Shadowstalker16: Yeah Kotaku doesn't have a politics bias at all :
They praise a game made by SJs on tentacle porn and do a hit piece on on another whose devs exhibited wrongthink. And may have had a role in getting the latter banned from Kickstarter as well.
OK this is unverified :
If its real I'm at a loss for words. There is an actual pedophilia association in the US? And one specifically for men and boys (brrr)??? How is that not child abuse?
LeonardoCornejo: Yeah, NAMBLA is a thing. In fact South Park made an episode in which Cartman joins it thinking it is the National Asociation of Marlon Brando Look Alikes. They praise a game made by SJs on tentacle porn and do a hit piece on on another whose devs exhibited wrongthink. And may have had a role in getting the latter banned from Kickstarter as well.
OK this is unverified :
If its real I'm at a loss for words. There is an actual pedophilia association in the US? And one specifically for men and boys (brrr)??? How is that not child abuse?
Strange how in the course of a few weeks everyone seems to be accepting pedophilia now. Is this the kind of social revolution SJ wishes to bring to every field? Because I doubt all the pedo hunters are gonna retire overnight.