Oh good, there's not much to respond to. This is the last time i'm responding to someone who's more interested in characterising me than they are on the topic at hand, in this thread. We adults have more important things to discuss.
rojimboo: You asked for sources for my claim about mask efficacy and lockdowns that implied or outright stated that you either don't believe what I'm saying, or that you disagree with the assertions. I merely provided the sources - you can't just turn around and accuse me of a strawman for doing so. Also, I'm pretty sure at this stage of you accusing me of yet another strawman wrongly, that you have no clue actually what a strawman is. Later on you'll accuse me of yet another logical fallacy wrongly, which reinforces this fact. And by the way, this boring discussion is exactly what I was talking about when I mentioned 'boring'.
I was more focused on the conditional restrictions, but sure.
That completely ties into lockdowns and/or targeted restrictions, which is why I've on several occassions mentioned the importance of defining what we mean by a lockdown.
The term isn't exactly a medical term, so i can't imagine it came from doctors and the like. I know what the first thing i and everyone else around me thought when they heard the term, and also saw what the government was ordering: partial martial law. And the conditions were applied before we were even told to wear masks. I still remember the night and day change, and it wasn't just the United States: countries in the EU were doing the exact same things, from the "hug a chinese" campaign in Italy and across the US to suddenly "Yeah, you have to stay in doors or we're fiining you." I find it ironic we had to first prove we weren't racist, suddenly everything was shut down by order of a corrupt government. Then, finally, we got told that wearing masks was a good idea, after a total lack of masks, because for some reason the stores weren't selling them. If we cared more about facts rather than proving we're not an "-ist," maybe we wouldn't have the virus in this country to begin with. SARS-CoV-2 is the second time this happened, and the first time didn't turn into a pandemic.
What. Where on earth are you getting this from? Have you or your 'scientists' ever thought about correlating income, education and employment situation before succumbing to bogus race science??
I don't know what it's like in Finland, but there's a noticeable cultural difference between different groups of people, yet you cannot simply specify a culture like that. The closest indicator to culture is "race." We might not like that, but it is the truth. There are rich hispanics, and poor hispanics, and covid doesn't care what the differnce is. The metric is more reliable, no matter what our sensibilities are, but i'm glad the -ism is more important than peoples' lives to some people[/sarcasm].
If the fear of masks and lockdowns and preventative measures against COVID are greater than the fear of death, then something is seriously wrong, and the population has clearly succumbed to misinformation and propaganda and illiterate science. I wouldn't be surprised to be honest in some parts of the world.
I guess you don't remember the history of "Communism vs the Free world." Not only was there death, but death in some very horrific ways. Meanwhile, most people believe that COVID kills less people than dictatorships. Surprise, the governments of the world agreed when they let BLM and the like protest everywhere ignoring the lockdowns. Why would they be protesting during a deadly pandemic? Oh, yeah, because they believe the arm of the government (police) are more dangerous. Imagine my shock when "both sides" come to the same conclusion.
Where the hell are you getting martial law from? Why are you equating the two, lockdown and martial law? Since when has the WHO recommended martial law?
Sure as hell looked like attempts at martial law, to me. You have weaponized agents of the state (police and military) arresting and fining people for making the mistake of being out in public. I've heard some nasty things about Australia, too, but i haven't followed that country as closely so i don't know if the people getting ripped out of their cars by police were just one-off incidences or normal policy.
What exactly is the nature of this existential threat of mandating increased mask usage? What is this great evil you refer to? How can anyone in their right mind think it's worth dying for the alleged and completely wrongfully attributed restrictions on freedom to infect other people?
Go out and ask. As i pointed out, we have BLM and Antifa on the left (imagine being a BLM guy in your country flouting the lockdown rules over something that happened in the United States, which turned out not to be true, anyway), and on the other side we have people not caring now. By all means, take your pick and ask the people yourself. As many as there have been, i'm sure you personally have met some of these people in your life and not just through the computer screen.
Because if you're looking at examples of authoritarianism, look no further than your current administration and its incompetence at one of the biggest crises in modern history, directly resulting in (even more than usual) deaths, due to an all powerful emperor that gutted the CDC and neglects expert opinion.
Meanwhile everyone was afraid of being a racist, so he wasn't allowed to stop flights from China, which we now know would have been the de facto most effective thing that he could've done. And also, not have "hug a chinese person" campaigns. Yeah, sure, I blame the president.
Race science is completely bogus, especially in medicine. It is entirely a social construct, with no merit in medicine or biology. If you targeted African Americans with a drug, you'd suddenly find more efficacy with Japanese people, merely by accident. It's not only wholly racist, it's wholly unscientific.
For something bogus, it sure seems to be consistent. But, by all means, reject science.
Which hispanic gene is it that contributes to an increased mortality rate with covid? Which black gene is it then? Is it the non-existent gene that determines race? Because that's what it is - there is no gene common to black people or white people or even a cluster of genes that shows what race you are.
The genes in particular which afect skin tone: it's culture, not race. Meanwhile, the most reliable metric for identifying cultures is race, nothing else.
Time and time again the science illiterate bring up this supposed 'data' that can easily be analysed with linear regression and difference-in-difference analysis to attribute cause and bias, to ascertain the real effects of a dependent variable on an independent one. The truth is, everytime someone shouts "Black people are stupid" "Hispanic people are more prone to crime!" etc. it can be explained by non-racial socio-economic factors, that correlate far better than race.
Like i said, we can discuss that another time when those metrics are more useful. In the case of COVID, despite large portions of white people unemployed and the like, these same white people aren't dying. Turns out, race is more reliable. Crime is not COVID, and COVID doesn't seem to care about IQ or anything like that. Race is the winner on this one, regardless of the other measurable metrics.
Look man, it's Xmas, and I'm sure you don't mean all this race science nonsense. But arguing that covid measures are unnecessary or too strict in light of the rampant rates in say the US, with droves of people dying? How is that beneficial to anyone, or anywhere near honest? When exactly do you think 'strict' measures should be implemented, if not now? Aren't you basing all this off of misinformation that the (inept and corrupt ) current government is there to harm you in some way, by taking away your 'freedoms', freedoms like infecting other people and dying? Well I wouldn't worry too much - from what we know of your government, it will do fuck all and not lift a finger to help people.
Ok, things that look totalitarian are resulting in lower compliance, regardless of your position on the spectrum, but let's go full speed ahead on this anyway. Meanwhile, let's ignore the most reliable predictor for COVID death, because COVID is the same as incarceration or whatever?
Out of your book, please, it's Christmas, I'd like to focus on saving lives. People see government as a more dangerous threat than the bug, so maybe try working with the people instead of trying to simply control them. I'm more worried about what is practical than moral grandstanding. I've lost enough to COVID and government policies this year; I'd like to see an end to the things that put us in this position. We can talk about your moral compass when people aren't dying, OK?
GamezRanker: Just wanted to say that i'm hoping everyone had a happy holiday season so far, and are staying safe and well.
I wouldn't get your hopes up too much. We're going to be feeling this 3 holiday chain until the end of January.