rojimboo: I wouldn't be surprised if the same people who are against lockdowns are also against wearing masks - something that's 99.9% effective at blocking large particles.
In Europe we've been clearly told that if most people wore masks, then lockdowns or even targeted restrictions wouldn't be necessary. As in, if 95% of people wore masks instead of the actual 60%.
Nice strawman. But, by all means, sources please.
Since people will never be so sensible, lockdowns and more commonly targeted restrictions are necessary.
So they won't listen to order A, but surely they'll listen to order B whcih carries the same penalties. No, this just aggravates the populous, especially when you admit this isn't necessary because you're only doing it to apply more pressure.
But this is difficult to communicate to nationals of countries whose leadership is criminally incompetent and negligent, yet maintains popularity regardless. But hey, at least the anti-masker tiktok vids are funny.
If the "authorities" would stop at the sophistry, the double standards (the people who called for lockdowns also went out without masks to BLM protest), outright trying to hide information from the people, it would get better. The problem is, the average person is an individualist and
rightfully so, but the governments are collectivist, and their arguments reflect a disrespect for individualism, to the degree of admitting dishonesty. The authorities aren't making arguments from individualism for collectivism, which is what you would expect a government of any level of integrity to do. Instead of treating the populace as the enemy,
Niggles: Count in SYdney is at 116 (+ a handful.. cant find totals oddly) . 100 idiiots turning up at a beach on Xmas day had to be told to break up their gathering...apparently lot of backpackers.......Can't wait to see what the fallout is from all the people who party Xmas day and new years..........:/
They're still wrong about the uncubation period. It's about 2 weeks to a month, not 2 days to 2 weeks. This even the official information from China, once they actually started working with us instead of against us. I haven't checked if the info changed, but i doubt it. The whole big thing from the beginning was it couldn't be contained very well because of the incubation period and the higher than normal asymptomatic transmission. They keep treating it like it's a flu in the west, while saying it's not (and it isn't). They are prioritizing what's good for the corporations rather than what's good for the people, which is why it's been out of control. Give the damn people time off and let the corporations suffer for their understaffing. If they had more staff, they could survive all their employees taking 2 weeks off to recover, rather than bringing them back in a week (or less) when they're still in danger of dying of the damn thing. The experts tell us all kinds of things, but the policies fly in complete conflict of the advice, which only makes compliance less likely. All the covid-nay-sayers all cite the inconsistencies.
kohlrak: The pattern i'm seeing right now is that the places that had outbreaks early on are safest at the moment. They reached herd immunity early, thanks to "peaceful" protests and hugging campaigns. Now the areas that weren't hit as bad (Rural areas, since they're the ones who overvalue certain holidays) are getting it hard, thanks to everything starting since Halloween. This was reflect in China, as well, when you normalize for Chinese New Year.
GamezRanker: Yes, imo it's likely we might've all been better off(including less medical side issues like depression) if we isolated the vulnerable(and those who chose to do so) and let everyone else slowly build up herd immunity.
The problem is, we don't know who the vulnerable are, and, even still, they'll have different standards for people solely on age, which isn't the case. There are genetic dispositions that COVID hits harder (the people who say race is a social construct also say that COVID is racist, but that's a whole other kettle of fish: it's actually culturalist), since it focuses on the ACE2 receptor (and some people through lifestyle and genetic factors that we don't yet understand present more of these in more cellls). We've actually got a few examples of this in the thread: my girlfriend and Lionel212008 both have brain fog, which appears to be a rare symptom that appears as a result of a higher than usual ACE2 receptors in or around neurons which causes infections that damage the brain stem. Unfortunately, in some people, this is permanent, and those who are affected the most will actually die of cardiac arrest or even ARDS without the pneumonia component causing it. This alone affects people of all ages. My girlfriend's athesma was not even considered by her work place and she was placed on the COVID hall prior to presenting any symptoms of COVID (they threw her under the bus, basically), and she's currently beyond the normal recovery time and had to have a video call with a doctor to get a work excuse, 'cause she isn't exactly herself, still (and she would've been held liable for med-errors) and she can't even really drive right now. If it were just the elderly who were in danger, I'd agree, but this is not the case.
Also yeah, now we have new vaccines, but sadly also new mutations which the vaccines might not cover.
(of course hopefully some might be less lethal and/or have higher survivability & asymptomatic rates)
They're saying the new strains are more contagious and just as deadly. They're saying they're hoping the vaccines will work, 'cause, well, if not, we're in deep shit 'cause the original was bad enough. I can't imagine the people who got infected the first time getting any better, and imagine getting hit with both strains at the same time, along with influenza which is starting to go around. Your immune system would become too divided to function properly, regardless of what your age is. While, yes, it affects people who are older much harder, it's most definitely deadly to younger people. People in the range 20-30 are still dying, too, and it apppears to be initial viral load (how much you get before your immune system detects it and starts fighting it off) that predicts death: hispanics, who are most likely to hang out while asymptomatic (or even symptomatic) are dying disproportionately higher.
kohlrak: Right, due to what i said above. I'm sure someone will ask for a source, but to ask for a source on this instead of using your head would be bad faith: the knowledge necessary to see the obvious pattern is basic highschool-level biology in the US.
The problem these days(in general, for many things) is that many seem to want to have the TV and such think for them, and do less thinking for themselves.
Absolutely. What mkaes things worse is the TV/Internet creates information silos. What's worse is, the people who are aware of this seem to pretend they're immune, even while presenting this. You can see this most heavily from the "we need lockdowns" and "masks don't work" crowds. Lockdowns and masks have somehow been attributed to one political identity, so everyone rallies around their poles. You're guilty of this, too.