Flyingfluffypiglet: What they ARE doing is that the police is enforcing it. Hefting fines AND for those causing trouble as in insults and open defiance/refusal to adhere to directives -which of course has already happened- can be thrown in station's jails to teach them some 'manners'. Some actually given attitudes deserve a whole lot more than that, if hint here can be taken.
I agree some need to be taught the proper "lessons"(legally, I mean), but we(society) don't want/need to strain the police going after every single person as well.
Flyingfluffypiglet: I don't need to stress again what has already been pointed out: coupled with the cavalier/dismissive attitudes of the 'bah it'll die out and it's no more than the flu' we've heard including from some so-called experts, health care in Europe is near to collapse, when it has not done so already. Hence confinement decisions being made. So those thinking that directives don't apply to them for whatever reason should really think hard on that.
They should and should be mindful of others safety/health.....I just would rather they do it out of the kindness of their hearts(or not wanting to spread this to many others)...not because govts made them do it.
Flyingfluffypiglet: We are not as lucky as for example Taiwan and South Korea, where the former as already mentioned here had all contingencies in place and ready to be put in action to deal with something like this, and if the latter didn't go into confinement for they had the medical ability to deal with those infected, and had enacted nationwide testing, as well as other measure also in place.
Some countries were very on-the-ball with this.....and it's things like that that give me some amount of hope.