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finkleroy: I wasn't going to go into detail about what happened with myconv, but they started a forum thread about it, which was locked before I could explain what actually happened, so I'll mention it here. They missed the deadline to request games in March and then expected me to make an exception for them because they've donated to the giveaway in the past. I told them that they won't get any special treatment, at which point they became rude and belligerent, so I permanently banned them from both giveaways and blocked them from being able to PM me. They then whined about it in public, which did nothing but demonstrate their nasty attitude to the entire community. It's sad that some people feel the need to act like this, but there you have it.
I never stumbled over the thread you mentioned but yes, you were totally right in doing what you did. The rules are clear and making exceptions just because one also donated would be wrong ... of course it is always wrong to be rude in general but especially to the one that makes this giveaway possible in the first place. If GOG locked the thread before you could even reply it must have been extreme. Don't let such things get to you as you could see in the few posts above mine: we all really are appreciating what you are doing and are really thankful for it, this of course includes myself as well.
Nice links to have. Thanks.
Thanks finkleroy for the giveaway, I really appreciate it and thanks GamezRanker for the game.
finkleroy: I appreciate the gesture, but I don't take games from this giveaway anymore.
awww, shucks.
OHMYGODJCABOMB, then. I choose him. to nominate for BloodNet, I mean.
MarkoH01: Don't let such things get to you as you could see in the few posts above mine: we all really are appreciating what you are doing and are really thankful for it, this of course includes myself as well.
This. These giveaways do a lot for the community around GOG in many ways. Finkleroy has managed them very efficiently. This cannot be praised enough. The rules are clear, and if some eventuality needs interpretation, the manager is the ultimate arbiter. Everyone who participates is expected to know that. Again, the work that finkleroy is doing does a lot for the community. Helping people who miss GOG giveaways; giving visibility to games that deserve some love; encouraging participation in the forum; and making people happier in general. Games meet people, smiles happen.

On a side note, that locked thread speaks by itself. Maybe it would have been nice if it had been a public apology thread, taking stock of what had happened and seeking reconciliation. Who knows, maybe one day.

Thanks to finkleroy for being there for all of us. Steadfast, reliable, diligent. Making our little community better every day.
LynXsh: OHMYGODJCABOMB, then. I choose him. to nominate for BloodNet, I mean.
Unfortunately, I already have it.
Likolrosa: Big thanks to bluethief and finkleroy for XIII!
No problem, enjoy it's a great game :)
May I request the game "XIII"?
pferreira1983: Thanks finkleroy for the giveaway, I really appreciate it and thanks GamezRanker for the game.
A head's up: Ben There Dan That comes first.

Also a tip: try inventory items with everything on every screen, as a number of such clicks have funny unique sayings. :)


LynXsh: OHMYGODJCABOMB, then. I choose him. to nominate for BloodNet, I mean.
OHMYGODJCABOMB: Unfortunately, I already have it.
Seems poor ol' LynXsh can't win....maybe the third time's the charm, LynX? ;D
(nominating someone for Bloodnet, I mean)
Post edited April 05, 2021 by GamezRanker
high rated
KingCross: May I request the game "XIII"?
finkleroy: I wasn't going to go into detail about what happened with myconv, but they started a forum thread about it, which was locked before I could explain what actually happened, so I'll mention it here. They missed the deadline to request games in March and then expected me to make an exception for them because they've donated to the giveaway in the past. I told them that they won't get any special treatment, at which point they became rude and belligerent, so I permanently banned them from both giveaways and blocked them from being able to PM me. They then whined about it in public, which did nothing but demonstrate their nasty attitude to the entire community. It's sad that some people feel the need to act like this, but there you have it.
Don't think there was any need for you to give your side anyway, myconv doing it himself when he admitted on that thread that he missed the deadline and then took it to PMs to demand an exception. Didn't look past the first post, but that should have made it clear to anyone that there was nothing to discuss, and pressing the matter was clear grounds for a ban.
So I'm just joining the others in saying don't let it get to you, and thank you for all you do.
Hi Finkleroy, may I have Life is Strange: Complete Season?
schewy: Hi Finkleroy, may I have Life is Strange: Complete Season?
Thank you to the donor! Gamezranker!
May I ask for Ankh - Anniversary Edition + Ankh 2: Heart of Osiris ?