Falci: I already have the original Dying Light on Steam, but if it's not a problem I'd love to get: Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition and be able to play the expansion and other DLCs.
It's a game I originally got to help some friends buy a 4 pack and actually had a surprising amount of fun with it. So I'm looking forward to the expansion.
If you guys would rather give it to someone who has never played the original or someone else has asked first, then, it's ok, I won't be upset.
omega64: I'd love to have it but I can always get it on a sale. :P
Enjoyed Dead Island and this seemed like more of the same except with Parkour.
Would you mind on elaborating on more differences considering you mentioned you've played quite a bit of it?
Though I later bought the Dead Island games and their Enhanced Editions, I have not found the time to play them yet, so it's hard for me to compare.
What I can say about Dying Light is that exploring was great fun and the side quests are very nice as well. I felt the Parkour didn't feel as good as the Assassin's Creed series, I'd often see myself falling to death after missing grabbing points, especially when using the rope thingy, but it didn't fuckup my enjoyment of the game. The combat is very "Oh, my god I'm so fucked if I don't run away" in the beginning and changes completely later in the game to "Hell yeah, let's mow down some more zombies", though the larger zombies are always a pain to kill.
The worse thing about the game is the campaign and its missions, most of which force you to play certain ways or even blatantly remove your weapons and abilities just to for you to play the way the developers intended. There are a few dream sequences as well and they suck, as expected.
For example, there was this mission where I kept mowing down certain super zombies - because I felt that killing them was easier than trying to outrun them - and they kept respawning continuously because the game specifically wants you to beat the mission by outrunning them. It's that much restrictive.
Overall it was a very positive experience, and I’d recommend the game, if you don’t think the observations I made above would be unbearable to you. Also, I have played through the normal edition, only. I’m yet to see how the game changed after the Enhanced Edition patch.