Flatout 2
- awesome game, will probably buy the first one later
Shadow Warrior (2013)
- never heard of this game before, but absolutely loved the first scenes!
All the available Gold Box Games, Krynn and Forgotten realms
- spent countless hours as a kid playing these with a friend, still remember a few of the character names and it was over 20 years ago!
Dark Sun collection
- some of the best CRPGs ever made, bit buggy and the second one is clunky. A remake or a new game in the setting would be an instabuy.
- oh yes! I have the boxed version, bought soon after it came out
Jade Empire
- lovely setting, remember this being underrated
Sacred 1 & 2
- the first one hasn't aged well, second looks like fun
Divine Divinity, Beyond Divinity
- was a huge Diablo addict, heard good things about the first game
Blackguards 1 & 2
- promising, but haven't tried them past character generation
Age of Decadence
- haven't gotten far, I'm a big fan of combat and it's HARD in this turn-based game. Might really get into it because of the setting and story.
Crusader Kings: Complete
- fan of the second game, not sure if I'll play this
- sweet mother of ... too many awesome games, this one has the best feel to it as far as setting and atmosphere goes. Can't decide on a character to play. Probably a psionic though.
Too many games, so little time