Posted June 21, 2016
I snagged,
Beyond good and evil
Jade Empire
Majesty gold
Guilty gear x2 #reload
Shadowrun returns
Shadowrun Dragonfall
Transistor (and soundtrack!)
Victor vran
Fallout bundle (Which came with two elder scrolls games? Wasn't expecting that but ok, thank you bethesda.)
Star trek bundle
and then the four freebies.
I made an account at the start of the sale to get system shock 2, and I...did not expect to be buying so much. Overall though, I'm pretty happy.
Beyond good and evil
Jade Empire
Majesty gold
Guilty gear x2 #reload
Shadowrun returns
Shadowrun Dragonfall
Transistor (and soundtrack!)
Victor vran
Fallout bundle (Which came with two elder scrolls games? Wasn't expecting that but ok, thank you bethesda.)
Star trek bundle
and then the four freebies.
I made an account at the start of the sale to get system shock 2, and I...did not expect to be buying so much. Overall though, I'm pretty happy.