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Hey GOG, I just wanted to say that being a massive fan of RPGs, this past month has been an awesome time for me, personally. It's been a long time since I've bought this many games within a single month and so I just thought I'd say thanks to you and to all the devs that participated. My wallet may not thank you but hey, I can't complain because I have some great new games to check out.

And it wasn't even just the sales I enjoyed. I also liked reading and re-reading some of the articles that were shared on the RPG Month page. The quiz was pretty enjoyable as well. Furthermore, I also loved how many RPG-themed contests there were. While I didn't win any of them (at least, to my knowledge, since a couple are still pending), I still enjoyed taking part in them.

I'm not sure I should be saying this since I bought so many games but I'd love it if this promotion comes back next year. I don't recall it happening last year or before that (though I may have just missed them, so I apologize if I'm wrong), but I'd absolutely love for every September to be RPG Month going forward.

Thanks again, it was fun!
low rated
^ gogs future customer. Goodbye what was once a good store.
RPGs are my favorite genre but I was quite underwhelmed by this month. I thought there was going to be a steady stream of RPG releases and I don't feel we really received that. Fortunately there is a new store I like that sells ALL games DRM-free and I found some intriguing games for me to consider purchasing there instead of here.
Has anything noteworthy happened during the "RPG month"? I mean, actually positive and related to RPGs? I feel like the whole "RPG month" was a lot of hype over nothing.
This was a great promotion, and there were a ton of great "coming soons" and new releases this month (and great sales on existing products), both as part of the promotion and not. It's a DAMNED SHAME they had to go and fuck up what could have otherwise been their best month ever.
Post edited October 01, 2021 by mqstout
low rated
Do you leave posts like this on walmart, thanking them for sales?
Post edited October 01, 2021 by Swissy88
Breja: Has anything noteworthy happened during the "RPG month"? I mean, actually positive and related to RPGs? I feel like the whole "RPG month" was a lot of hype over nothing.
Despite being a month long event, the only special thing about it was the website. There have been regular discount sales in between, not many updates on the website, some flash deals, deals and discounts weren't particularly great and some games had bigger discounts during regular weekend sales, some announcements but nothing major was released. This is why for me it was rather underwhelming and probably a case of bad timing on GOG's side also. It will end up in collective memory as yet another generic sales event which could have been named anything.

That's not to say that the effort isn't appreciated. Though if you promise a month long event revolving around RPG? Make sure there is lots of interesting content available and attractive discounts for new games if there are going to be any at all.
Post edited October 01, 2021 by Mori_Yuki
nightcraw1er.488: ^ gogs future customer. Goodbye what was once a good store.
Oh, you mean the customer that expressed gratitude for the company that does cool promos like that? Give me a break. I'd rather be among other customers like that than people such as yourself who are childishly treating others like the scum of the earth for actually ENJOYING things.
rjbuffchix: RPGs are my favorite genre but I was quite underwhelmed by this month. I thought there was going to be a steady stream of RPG releases and I don't feel we really received that. Fortunately there is a new store I like that sells ALL games DRM-free and I found some intriguing games for me to consider purchasing there instead of here.
Yeah, I can understand that, there were a few games that I had hoped would be on sale but weren't. Nonetheless, I bought quite a few games I had been meaning to get for a while now.
mqstout: This was a great promotion, and there were a ton of great "coming soons" and new releases this month (and great sales on existing products), both as part of the promotion and not. It's a DAMNED SHAME they had to go and fuck up what could have otherwise been their best month ever.
Understandable. Personally, as annoying as "that" issue may be, it didn't get my undies in a twist like it did with some. I voiced my feedback and moved on like an adult.
Breja: Has anything noteworthy happened during the "RPG month"? I mean, actually positive and related to RPGs? I feel like the whole "RPG month" was a lot of hype over nothing.
It was waves of themed sales and a celebration of the genre through likewise themed giveaways, articles and quizzes about RPGs. It wasn't the biggest thing ever, nor did it try to be, I'm simply posting this to say that I enjoyed it and would like to see it return.
Swissy88: Do you leave posts like this on walmart, thanking them for sales?
Considering how little concern Walmart actually expresses for the customer, no. The difference, whether you like it or not, is that GOG is still the most consumer friendly games distributor. I believe in giving credit where credit is due.


Gotta love the downvotes, though. It tells me all I need to know about the ridiculous boycott community here. Pure toxicity and childish tantrums, that's all it is. When you can't even leave positive feedback without the trolls whining that you enjoy something they don't like, that's pretty sad. It reminds me of why I didn't even try to chime in on the recent Hitman fiasco other than my initial post (a post I made in solidarity with the people who were upset, mind you).

For a site that got its start dedicated to good old games, it sure has gathered quite the community of children, it seems. I've said my piece and I'll be ignoring any negative and childish posts from here onward.
Post edited October 01, 2021 by JakobFel
JakobFel: Understandable. Personally, as annoying as "that" issue may be, it didn't get my undies in a twist like it did with some. I voiced my feedback and moved on like an adult.
Eh, I consider being an adult as actually having valuing mores; placing importance on ethics, morals, and causes you care about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
low rated
JakobFel: Understandable. Personally, as annoying as "that" issue may be, it didn't get my undies in a twist like it did with some. I voiced my feedback and moved on like an adult.
mqstout: Eh, I consider being an adult as actually having valuing mores; placing importance on ethics, morals, and causes you care about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What's the difference between a 4 year old child throwing a tantrum in the store until their parents cave in and buy their favourite toy and a bunch of grown adult men throwing a tantrum on the forums until GOG caves in and gives them what they're crying about?
low rated
mqstout: Eh, I consider being an adult as actually having valuing mores; placing importance on ethics, morals, and causes you care about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
BroscienceEngineer: What's the difference between a 4 year old child throwing a tantrum in the store until their parents cave in and buy their favourite toy and a bunch of grown adult men throwing a tantrum on the forums until GOG caves in and gives them what they're crying about?
Exactly this. There's a difference between expressing constructive criticism and just throwing an end-of-the-world tantrum because ONE GAME has some content locked behind DRM. If people would take more than a split second to read what I've said any time I talk about that situation, they'll see that I'm with them: I agree that the issue needs to be taken care of. All I've been trying to say is that people are massively overreacting, treating this as if this is the end of GOG, as if GOG is the only one to blame for the issue (when not enough are considering how it's ultimately the devs that are at fault for this).

The ones threatening childish boycotts and lawsuits are looking for reasons to complain. But I digress, that's not what this thread was supposed to be about, this was supposed to be positive feedback about a promo deal that I enjoyed and the Boycott Squad showed up in droves to mass downvote and to give me grief for actually enjoying something in life... which is sad, honestly.
I found GOG's "RPG month" to be a great big nothing-burger!

Literally zero new JRPGs were released, not even one during "JRPG week."

Likewise, as far as I can tell, zero new games whatsoever, of any sub-genre in the RPG category, were released solely & specifically for GOG's "RPG month."

Rather, a few games happened to come out, because they were scheduled to come out on those dates anyway, 100% regardless of whether or not GOG had any "RPG month."

The post I just wrote has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any debacles currently going on with GOG and/or any past grievances I may have with GOG.

I legitimately feel "RPG month" was a huge letdown in and of itself. It was pretty much "status quo month" or "just like any other month."
Post edited October 01, 2021 by Ancient-Red-Dragon
When being thankful is considered lame and gets downvoted. Talk about toxic environment.
JakobFel: because ONE GAME has some content locked behind DRM.
That's actually a strawman argument.

The issue goes way beyond just one game.
low rated
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I found GOG's "RPG month" to be a great big nothing-burger!

Literally zero new JRPGs were released, not even one during "JRPG week."

Likewise, as far as I can tell, zero new games whatsoever, of any sub-genre in the RPG category, were released solely & specifically for GOG's "RPG month."

Rather, a few games happened to come out, because they were scheduled to come out on those dates anyway, 100% regardless of whether or not GOG had any "RPG month."

The post I just wrote has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any debacles currently going on with GOG and/or any past grievances I may have with GOG.

I legitimately feel "RPG month" was a huge letdown in and of itself. It was pretty much "status quo month" or "just like any other month."
Well, we can hardly blame GOG for no new games coming out during it. That said, I understand that not EVERYONE's taste was addressed in this sale. For me, personally, it addressed a lot of my preferences. I would have loved if they partnered with Larian to put Baldur's Gate 3 on sale since I can't really justify spending a full $60 on an early access game (not even by one of my favorite studios) but hey, we can't have it all.

Additionally, it's not a strawman. The other incidents of "DRM" are just people slapping the DRM label onto things they don't like. Either that or it has to do with things like Gwent which literally require Galaxy and an internet connection to play only because that's the only way to play the game, period.

Cambrey: When being thankful is considered lame and gets downvoted. Talk about toxic environment.
Right? It's pretty sad. People are so blinded by their desire to find things to complain about that they look for reasons to attack anyone who doesn't share in their negativity. Frankly, that's why I can't support boycotts because it always boils down to the toxicity shown in this thread: "If you actually enjoy what we hate, you're a terrible human being."
Post edited October 01, 2021 by JakobFel