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oh yeah. and one more glaring problem with the OP. when the fuck did god create linux? is it in the koran or something?
dick1982: oh yeah. and one more glaring problem with the OP. when the fuck did god create linux? is it in the koran or something?
It's only an expression of relief -- this topic is probably going to deteriorate fast, I'm guessing, so I'll make this my last comment.
Lin545: " Is there a problem with me loving Windows?" Its broken by default, it has no "execute" flag on files. Meaning data=code. It has been this since very first CP/M copypaste.
It has been this way much longer. Blame von Neumann. hehe.

Honestly, for the median (I'm not saying "average") user this hardly is an issue.
Here is a suggestion: Instead of thanking a deity (who might not even exist, or might exist but not had anything to do with Linux), why not thank all the people who made GNU/Linux into what it is today, and in particular those who wrote the components of Linux that allowed you to recover the system?

(The list is actually rather long; if you are interested, the Linux kernel changelogs contain the names of those who submitted each contribution to the kernel. Other projects may handle it differently, but it is not unusual for them to use the Linux kernel as a model here.)

Lin545: " Is there a problem with me loving Windows?" Its broken by default, it has no "execute" flag on files. Meaning data=code. It has been this since very first CP/M copypaste.
ZFR: It has been this way much longer. Blame von Neumann. hehe.

Honestly, for the median (I'm not saying "average") user this hardly is an issue.
Interestingly enough, the AVR CPUs found in many Arduino devices (including the Arduino UNO) and which appear in many other embedded devices actually use separate buses for data and code; furthermore, data and code are in separate address spaces. This means that you need different instructions to access code versus data and you can't execute data.

As a result, C code such as the following:

char shellcode[] = ...; /* Binary data that consists of AVR machine instrucations */
void (*)(void) codeptr = ((void (*)(void))&shellcode;

will not work on the AVR.

(As a sidenote, notice how ugly function pointer types are in C. If this were real code, I would probably use a typedef to avoid having to write the type more than once.)
Post edited October 18, 2015 by dtgreene
dick1982: oh yeah. and one more glaring problem with the OP. when the fuck did god create linux? is it in the koran or something?
blakstar: It's only an expression of relief -- this topic is probably going to deteriorate fast, I'm guessing, so I'll make this my last comment.
Is it only an expression of relief, or is the whole "using Linux to save Windows" a reference to the "holy trinity"? :P
Post edited October 18, 2015 by WinterSnowfall
dick1982: oh yeah. and one more glaring problem with the OP. when the fuck did god create linux? is it in the koran or something?
Ive said it before. You're a Dick. ;)

God created man, man created software. All praise be to the almighty flying spaghetti monster.
Johnathanamz: I'm not a bigot.
0Grapher: If you're not then I'm sorry. It really seemed to me like you were a bigot.

Why did you say that Linux is not for everyone because you have to use commandlines

Even though you later admitted that you know this is incorrect? If you are so sure that there are other aspects that make Linux unattractive, you should tell us what they are.

You didn't seem to know a whole lot about Linux because you weren't able to give us the "bunch of other reasons" You didn't tell us which GNU/Linux OS/Distro you tested, even though it makes a huge difference -especially considering that you mentioned the need of command lines. You've only had it installed for one month -which seemed to be too short a time span because you weren't able to give us important information.

You defend Windows where there is actually an issue in front of someone who wasn't the one who pointed it out. This seems like discrediting the OP. Why don't you tell the OP directly? To me, your post even gave off the impression that you didn't even properly read the OP.
Johnathanamz: Is there a problem with me loving Windows? Is there a problem with me sticking to only Windows? Is there a problem that I refuse to Linux or Mac?
0Grapher: No, absolutely not. :)
But please don't give any criticism that is not constructive when you are talking to Linux users and don't purposefully give any misleading information about Linux to Windows users.

If I say something bad about Windows and get proven wrong then I'll either take back what I said and admit that I am not well informed or I'll explain why my criticism still applies. Please do that too. :)

Let me say one last thing: You can't count on a company to act in your interest as a consumer. If you like using Windows then do that but don't feel the need to defend them. The money they make off of you is enough to enable them to defend themselves.
If you read carefully, unless I made a mistake. I said some PC gamers don't care about Linux because of command lines, terminals. Then later on in another comment I said a bunch of other reasons.

I know a bit about Linux I just don't care about Linux at all.

I used Ubuntu only.

I defend Windows because I love Windows.

I read what paladin181 said I understand perfectly what paladin181 said. It is possible to recover files from your Windows HDD's if they get borked and not boot up and all of that stuff.

I never gave any misleading Linux information, unless my English is horrible to understand then maybe it seems like I said false information about Linux.
Well, he has every right to be happy that he got his files back, unless you repair the partition, Windows isn't going to let you access the HDD contents as easily. With a Linux live cd/usb this can be done much easier and without having to remove the hard disk.

In such rare cases I get a laptop with this same situation, I load my live linux disc > plug pc to my wired network and transfer all the customer's personal files via ftp. Today's routers can transfer about 100MB/s so it's a fast process.
Post edited October 18, 2015 by Ganni1987
And for the record, this wasn't designed to be a circle jerk. I use Windows pretty exclusively. I like it. I am just thankful that Linux has such simple to use boot discs that make my life a touch easier when catastrophe happens.
paladin181: And for the record, this wasn't designed to be a circle jerk. I use Windows pretty exclusively. I like it. I am just thankful that Linux has such simple to use boot discs that make my life a touch easier when catastrophe happens.
Heh, I don't know what's wrong with people sometimes around here, just 2 days ago I was called an "ignorant, whiner and entitled" for asking GOG why there was no Linux release for Dungeons 2.

I wouldn't bother arguing with Jonathanamz when it comes to Linux vs Windows, there's just no reasoning there :D
paladin181: And for the record, this wasn't designed to be a circle jerk. I use Windows pretty exclusively. I like it. I am just thankful that Linux has such simple to use boot discs that make my life a touch easier when catastrophe happens.
Ganni1987: Heh, I don't know what's wrong with people sometimes around here, just 2 days ago I was called an "ignorant, whiner and entitled" for asking GOG why there was no Linux release for Dungeons 2.

I wouldn't bother arguing with Jonathanamz when it comes to Linux vs Windows, there's just no reasoning there :D
I never called you entitled, ignorant or a whiner did I?
Ganni1987: Heh, I don't know what's wrong with people sometimes around here, just 2 days ago I was called an "ignorant, whiner and entitled" for asking GOG why there was no Linux release for Dungeons 2.

I wouldn't bother arguing with Jonathanamz when it comes to Linux vs Windows, there's just no reasoning there :D
Johnathanamz: I never called you entitled, ignorant or a whiner did I?
Ok, just one more comment then:

I agree, you never called Ganni1987 "entitled, ignorant or a whiner" -- that comment was made by another user.

He was just saying that there seems to be an aversion to Linux in some users, for whatever reason.
Ganni1987: Heh, I don't know what's wrong with people sometimes around here, just 2 days ago I was called an "ignorant, whiner and entitled" for asking GOG why there was no Linux release for Dungeons 2.

I wouldn't bother arguing with Jonathanamz when it comes to Linux vs Windows, there's just no reasoning there :D
Johnathanamz: I never called you entitled, ignorant or a whiner did I?
Wasn't referring to you there, sorry if I worded my sentence the wrong way, I was referring to another user - Link

Apologies, my english sometimes :-)
Post edited October 18, 2015 by Ganni1987
ZFR: It has been this way much longer. Blame von Neumann. hehe.

Honestly, for the median (I'm not saying "average") user this hardly is an issue.
I know what you mean, I know Cyrix CPUs. That is within binary - code and data segments. However, this is not the problem what you mean, I mean upper level OS problem.
Of course, data = code here too, but problem is the permission, permission to execute data as code. Its not present in windows.

I mean, in very basic form:
On Linux, this attribute is off by default unless user or systemuser(software running as, package manager) sets this attribute. You download the binary, you must enable set this attribute. Doubleclicking on it, will only display MIME dialog, since its not image - it will say its binary(magic bytes, "man file"). Thats it.
On windows, double click and its executed. Why? Well, it has .exe at the end(or any other types). Anyone can assign this permission from outside. This is not assigned inside the system.

dick1982: fine then . but if i see one more HAIL LINUX! circle-jerking topic.... i will eat a cat. this is getting ridiculous.
You mean fish, penguins like fish : ) Linux is a tool, just as many other projects - its not a product. It can be fitted into role of product, but this way its much more versatile. Its not born behind closed doors with end user seeing only the outcome made for him. Its assembled from various ideas of various people and companies, that are required to maintain and streamline the code to quality standards. Its a universal kernel, initially a UNIX clone for x86. Huge role played and plays its license - its "free software (share-alike)" (not software for free, not freeware). If you want to improve on some part, you can go ahead - everything is open (well, not for drivers - that depends on company and how it tries to evade the license).
In that sense, Linux way more than windows and mac combined. Its an open universal kernel that can be run on almost anything.
Johnathanamz: I said some PC gamers don't care about Linux because of command lines, terminals.
You implied that the reason for Linux being not as popular was having to use command lines and terminals. You see, the problem is that you later said that you know that you don't have to use command lines and terminals.

If you knew that you don't have to use command lines and terminals then why did you claim having to use them makes Linux unpopular?
Maybe what you're thinking makes sense but what you're saying is contradictory.

"I never gave any misleading Linux information, unless my English is horrible to understand"
You claimed "You have to use command lines on Linux"(truth value=true) → "Linux is not as popular".
You knew (at least you claimed that you knew) that "You have to use command lines on Linux"(truth value=false).

So, either you were lying and knowingly spreading false information.
Or you were lazy and knowingly or unknowingly spreading false information.

This can't be linked to your English being horrible to understand.
Johnathanamz: I defend Windows because I love Windows.
That's not sensible but some people seem to like acting against their own interests. If you don't like being called a bigot or troll then stop trolling on the forums.
Johnathanamz: I read what paladin181 said I understand perfectly what paladin181 said.
I highly doubt that you did. What I know for a fact is that you either didn't read or didn't understand what Ganni1987 said.
Johnathanamz: later on in another comment I said a bunch of other reasons.
That shows that you're either lazy or don't know what you're talking about.

Imagine I say that I hate Windows because I have to use the Terminal. You then correctly point out that I don't have to use the Terminal. I then say that I know that I don't have to use the Terminal but I don't like it for a bunch of other reasons.

Do you understand why you seem like a troll or bigot to me?
You make contradictory claims, make unfalsifiable claims and don't seem to know what you're talking about. You furthermore do that in threads where no one shares your opinion.

I wouldn't bother arguing with Jonathanamz when it comes to Linux vs Windows, there's just no reasoning there :D
Jonathanamz, do yourself a favour and don't participate in Windows vs Linux discussions because even though you don't seem to realize that you're acting like a troll, we do.

Ganni1987: Apologies, my english sometimes :-)
Your English was completely fine and there is no reason to apologize if a person who is from the USA, as Jonathanamz supposedly is, reads something else than you wrote into a completely fine sentence.
Post edited October 18, 2015 by 0Grapher