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Our Summer Sale is in full swing and brings in a giveaway of Shadows: Awakening!

You can now claim your free copy of Shadows: Awakening, a unique, isometric single-player RPG with real-time tactical combat.

You take control of a demon summoned from the Shadow Realm – the Devourer – to consume the souls of long-dead heroes and embark on an epic adventure with challenging gameplay, a gripping storyline and enchanting graphics. Do you have the focus and wits to master the world of the Heretic Kingdoms? Gather your party, control powerful heroes and use their skills to your advantage. But who is in charge… the demon, or the souls that it has devoured? It's up to you to either thwart a major threat and save the world, or to plunge it into complete disaster…

Get your copy and check out our Summer Sale!
Thanks for the freebie.
Thanks for the freebie !
Thanks for the game GOG!
idkfa: Thank you GOG, best store ever!
I spy another Doom cheater :P
Very nice, I wanted to buy it since a long time, thank you very much ! :)
Appreciate the gift! Thanks GOG and Games Farm / Kalypso Media Digital :D
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I haven't accepted a single "giveaway" on GOG ever since they changed their policy and tied giveaways to selling your data to third parties. I don't recommend anyone else does so either.
Gotta give you props for reminding me.

@anyone: Unsubscribe here:
Got this Giveaway some time ago already, but it's a good thing there is a 2nd chance, I guess...
Thank you very much for the giveaway! This one looks awesome! :-)

I also (positively) noticed the new "And it’s yours!" screen which replaces the previous vague "the game will be added to your library shortly" message.
Post edited June 21, 2024 by g2222
Thank you for the free game!
gog2002x: I'll give GOG a little bit of my trust, since they are at least upfront about it
lupineshadow: Even now there is no guarantee that your data won't be harvested in the time between you claim a giveaway and the time you uncheck the box.
(many people in those threads like you making excuses for GOG by making assumptions that the OP is stupid without evidence)
You're right, I don't know if it's harvested in the 5 seconds it takes me to go to settings and unckeck the box after claming it. That's why I said I'm giving GOG the benefit of the doubt.

What assumptions did I make? I also didn't read that thread and do I really need to? lol So I don't know why you're posting those links to to me, since I'm not disputing anyone there. I guess you made an assumption of me huh? Strange.

My main point of my original reply to you was that the overreaction is getting out of hand sometimes. I mean you're making GOG sound like some super villian organization or something. If you don't like their practice, then why even shop here?

They are a company who I believe are trying hard to stay DRM-Free even though they could be doing something else and probably be making much better profits. I don't like everything they do, but the good they've done, far outweghts any of the negatives, is my personal belief. That's my opinion and you're welcome to yours. We both have that right.

If GOG ever shuts down, I wonder where people will go to complain GOG should have tried harder to stay in business lol.
gog2002x: BTW, I love your countries Anime culture and I love alot of its other culture and traditions. :)
lupineshadow: My country's anime culture is Postman Pat and Superted, but you keep on making mistakes!

Why don't you try to be better informed before posting and stop perpetuating your own country's most dominant stereotype?
I don't live in Japan, so you know your country better than me. But, these sites seem to say Japan has an Anime culture. These are just some of the first hits from Google. Guess we have a lot of us aren't informed well. Shame on us...

Anyway, nice chatting with you and this will be my last reply since I don't want to ruin a thread when a nice gesture was made from GOG and the developers of Shadows: Awakening. You have a wonderful day, feel free to reply, but I'll stop here. :)
Post edited June 21, 2024 by gog2002x
gog2002x: Already own the game, but thanks for the giveaway so those who don't can enjoy it. :)
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I haven't accepted a single "giveaway" on GOG ever since they changed their policy and tied giveaways to selling your data to third parties. I don't recommend anyone else does so either.
gog2002x: I always accept it and just uncheck the marketing under settings. I mean is there a reason not to? :)
Yes, you shouldn't do it if you're a delusional whackjob. Realistically, if GOG was going to harvest your data, they wouldn't bother with some insane convoluted scheme to sneakily do it during the few seconds it takes to uncheck a box after a giveaway. They'd simply harvest your data without asking. But things like "rationality" or "intelligence" aren't high up on those people's list of qualities they possess.
Sachys: So... shadows awakening wont launch unless it can connect to the internet. :/
There is a review stating the same thing but it is from 2018 so I thought that even if it was true back then it could be outdated info. But your post doesn't fill me with confidence.

I guess I'm gonna test it in a few hours and see if I should create a "Must Avoid" tag in my library to slap on this game. We'll see.

Edit: Assuming it is indeed DRM-free, thank you Gog and Kalipso.
Post edited June 22, 2024 by joppo
Sachys: So... shadows awakening wont launch unless it can connect to the internet. :/
joppo: There is a review stating the same thing but it is from 2018 so I thought that even if it was true back then it could be outdated info. But your post doesn't fill me with confidence.

I guess I'm gonna test it in a few hours and see if I should create a "Must Avoid" tag in my library to slap on this game. We'll see.

Edit: Assuming it is indeed DRM-free, thank you Gog and Kalipso.
Yeah as I said it could be something to do with having the steam version installed a few years back (it was in a dirt cheap bundle) - maybe some hangover stuff left on my machine?
At the same time... thats not good either that the game still looks for whatever was there if thats the case as anybody moving fdrom steam to gog right now for the same game and wanting to try out drm-free... well... doesnt look like it!
Sachys: So... shadows awakening wont launch unless it can connect to the internet. :/

Edit: correction - it will launch, but the second I deny it internet access it dies. As long as that popup sits there it seems to run.
Edit2: Just realised I had the steam version installed a year or two back. Wonder if thats related?
Weird, I don't remember such an issue when installing and playing it a while back, will reinstall the game later/tomorrow (don't have the game on Steam).

Have to test this out further tomorrow, the first time I booted up the game offline I had problems saving and the game got stuck when it attempted to autosave. The second time went without hiccups.
Post edited June 22, 2024 by NuffCatnip