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Our Summer Sale is in full swing and brings in a giveaway of Shadows: Awakening!

You can now claim your free copy of Shadows: Awakening, a unique, isometric single-player RPG with real-time tactical combat.

You take control of a demon summoned from the Shadow Realm – the Devourer – to consume the souls of long-dead heroes and embark on an epic adventure with challenging gameplay, a gripping storyline and enchanting graphics. Do you have the focus and wits to master the world of the Heretic Kingdoms? Gather your party, control powerful heroes and use their skills to your advantage. But who is in charge… the demon, or the souls that it has devoured? It's up to you to either thwart a major threat and save the world, or to plunge it into complete disaster…

Get your copy and check out our Summer Sale!
So... shadows awakening wont launch unless it can connect to the internet. :/

Edit: correction - it will launch, but the second I deny it internet access it dies. As long as that popup sits there it seems to run.
Edit2: Just realised I had the steam version installed a year or two back. Wonder if thats related?
Post edited June 21, 2024 by Sachys
high rated
Fantastic! There is no hell and demons. Only Earth and people xD
I claim that game.... Whoosh .... Thanks....
Description describing some aspects of this forum, yo
idbeholdME: Already have it, but a great giveaway game.
Thank you!
high rated
Already own the game, but thanks for the giveaway so those who don't can enjoy it. :)
Ancient-Red-Dragon: I haven't accepted a single "giveaway" on GOG ever since they changed their policy and tied giveaways to selling your data to third parties. I don't recommend anyone else does so either.
I always accept it and just uncheck the marketing under settings. I mean is there a reason not to? :)
Post edited June 21, 2024 by gog2002x
Thanks for the giveaway!
gog2002x: I mean is there a reason not to? :).
Deliberate ambiguity as to when your data collected by Google is harvested/deleted?

Nobody has ever come out and said "If you make sure to uncheck the box within x seconds then your data won't be irrevocably harvested to Google.

But you keep smiling :)
Thanks GOG, was on my wishlist, now the base game was gifted I have to purchase the DLCs, that's my moral obligation.
Nice giveaway, thank you so much Games Farm & Kalypso! :)
Thank you for the giveaway!
gog2002x: I mean is there a reason not to? :).
lupineshadow: Deliberate ambiguity as to when your data collected by Google is harvested/deleted?

Nobody has ever come out and said "If you make sure to uncheck the box within x seconds then your data won't be irrevocably harvested to Google.

But you keep smiling :)
I will thanks, I love smiles! :)

I suppose I could live my life filled with paranoia, but that seems so exhausting. I guess after so many years, I'll give GOG a little bit of my trust, since they are at least upfront about it, unlike others shove everything into a 30+ page EULA or T&C. :)

As long as they keep communicating with me and allow me to have control over that option, I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt. And I'm a person who doesn't even allow any apps on my phone, even though it'd probably make my life simpler lol.
BTW, I love your countries Anime culture and I love alot of its other culture and traditions. :)
Post edited June 21, 2024 by gog2002x
gog2002x: I mean is there a reason not to? :)
Because of no achievements ?.

Oh, I've just realised, they are not moaning about the lack of achievements, this time, which makes a rather surprising change... 8-o

Edit, And thank you very much Kalypso, Games Farm and GoG for the wonderful freebie, it's very much appreciated. :)
Post edited June 21, 2024 by Trooper1270
Thank you for the giveaway!
gog2002x: I'll give GOG a little bit of my trust, since they are at least upfront about it
Where to start.

Maybe read these threads and see how upfront GOG were about it at the start:

Even now there is no guarantee that your data won't be harvested in the time between you claim a giveaway and the time you uncheck the box.

And since many people have received newsletters even after unchecking the newsletter checkboxes, at least some of the time, unchecking the marketing checkbox will have no effect due to the poor GOG website programming.
(many people in those threads like you making excuses for GOG by making assumptions that the OP is stupid without evidence)

Furthermore, as we have seen from giveaways, GOG don't really care about laws or rules or things like that as they seem to believe they are small enough to stay under the radar.

gog2002x: BTW, I love your countries Anime culture and I love alot of its other culture and traditions. :)
My country's anime culture is Postman Pat and Superted, but you keep on making mistakes!

Why don't you try to be better informed before posting and stop perpetuating your own country's most dominant stereotype?
Post edited June 21, 2024 by lupineshadow
Thank you GOG, best store ever!