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Our Summer Sale is in full swing and brings in a giveaway of Shadows: Awakening!

You can now claim your free copy of Shadows: Awakening, a unique, isometric single-player RPG with real-time tactical combat.

You take control of a demon summoned from the Shadow Realm – the Devourer – to consume the souls of long-dead heroes and embark on an epic adventure with challenging gameplay, a gripping storyline and enchanting graphics. Do you have the focus and wits to master the world of the Heretic Kingdoms? Gather your party, control powerful heroes and use their skills to your advantage. But who is in charge… the demon, or the souls that it has devoured? It's up to you to either thwart a major threat and save the world, or to plunge it into complete disaster…

Get your copy and check out our Summer Sale!
rtcvb32: I'd recommend skipping this sale... and all others.
rtcvb32: I'd recommend skipping this sale... and all others.
Sabishii: Why?
Because gog has effectively told/shown me they don't want me as their customer.
Sabishii: Why?
rtcvb32: Because gog has effectively told/shown me they don't want me as their customer.
Now how did that happen ?