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drinnen: A few series books as usual with fantasy but not too many. I enjoy the Raffalon stories but have probably read all of them in F&SF Magazine.
I hate to judge book by it's cover but judging by the covers a few of these look like paranormal romance.
They need to have another Military scifi/Space Opera one. Missed out on the last one :(
The Magic and Mystery Bundle


A great fantasy story is, to my mind, about endless possibilities. If every author penned their tale according to a rigid set of guidelines, the genre would have all the flavor of stale saltines. A fantastical saga, a magical realm, a raven's flight, a god of chaos sparks a fire in your imagination.

Magic and Mystery is a collection of ten books that touch on fantasy fiction's stunning breadth and diversity, from cat assassins to faerie kings. A New Orleans haunted mansion and a talking cockroach—we have that, too. Our stories will seize and sweep you away.


Court of Rogues by Ann Gimpel (Magic & Misfits-1)
Cormorant Run by J.C. McKenzie (Isle & Eyrie-1)
Hunter's Quest by Nicole Zoltack (Rebel, Supernatural Bounty Hunter-1)
Sense and Scent Ability by Renee George (Nora Black-1)


A Time to Reap by Melissa Snark (StoryBundle Exclusive)
I Bring the Fire: Parts 1-3 & In the Balance by C. Gockel
Halfway There by Eve Langlais (Midlife Mulligan-1)
The Dead Man's Deal by Jax Daniels (Witherspoon Mansion Mystery)
Meow Scratch - Catnip Assassins 1 & 2 by Skye MacKinnon
Rosethorn Valley Fae - Books 1 & 2 by Tasha Black

Subtitle: The Book 1 Bundle

In bold it says for the bonus it says you get SIX more books, which is weird when it's actually 10?! (and a novella).

Not much epic fantasy from storybundle more urban and romance fantasy here.
The 2021 Visions of the Future Bundle


Back almost two years ago, in February 2020, just before the pandemic started, I did a StoryBundle with the title Visions of the Future. Thankfully, nothing about the last two years was in that bundle of great novels and stories. I don't think many people, including the best science fiction writers, saw any of this coming in the way it did.

So now I get a chance to find writers to look into the future again, only on the downward side of the pandemic. And there is all kinds of science fiction in these books, from galaxy-spanning space opera to generation ships to near future science fiction. And yes, this time even one that looks at a world after pandemics. In my opinion, we need them all. These visions are science fiction in nature, looking out into the possibilities of the future.


Obeah by Marcelle Dube
A Little Piece of Home by Kris Katzen (Exploration-1)
Star Minds Starter by Barbara G.Tarn (Star Minds Universe-1 + Novella)
The Year of the Cat: A Cat of Space and Time by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith (short stories)


Gravity by Maggie Lynch (Cryoborn Gifts-1)
Games of Fate by Kris Austen Radcliffe (World on Fire-1)
Plurapod Pathogen by Kari Kilgore (Empire Revereled-1)
Unexpected Futures by Annie Reed (short stories)
Grapevine Springs by Dean Wesley Smith (Thunder Mountain-8)
Thieves by Kristine Kathryn Rusch (Diving-9)

mmm another Diving novel but in the pricey category and I'm not too sure about all the other series books.
The Many Worlds of Weird Fiction Bundle

Something doesn't feel quite right. The world around you seems a little…off. Things turn strange and fluid, as if you're trapped inside a dream…but you aren't. Something about you might have changed in a fundamental way that you sense but can't understand. This is what weird fiction at its best feels like…and this bundle explores its many worlds through the eyes of authors who've mastered its dark and disorienting ways.[/i]

Let Samuel R. Delany, a living literary legend by any definition, guide you through the universe of weird science fiction (with an introduction by master fantasist and fellow legend Neil Gaiman of Sandman and Good Omens fame). Joe R. Lansdale, whose books spawned the Hap and Leonard TV series, will give you a crash course on weird Western tales and weird pulp fiction. Ramsey Campbell, impresario extraordinaire of dark fiction, will throw you headfirst into the realm of weird horror. Experience surreal weird fiction with Michael Cisco and Ray Vukcevich, retro weird scifi with Jeffrey Thomas, and classic, Gothic weird with the incredible Elizabeth Hand. By the time you're done with the tour, you will have a deeper understanding of weird fiction's many outposts and byways…and perhaps you'll have a greater desire to explore that intricate universe more thoroughly.


In a Green Dress, Surrounded by Exploding Clowns by Robert Jeschonek (short stories)
Boarding Instructions by Ray Vukcevich (short stories)
That's Really Messed Up edited by Dean Wesley Smith (short stories)
Transients and Other Disquieting Stories by Darrell Schweitzer (short stories)


The Einstein Intersection by Samuel R. Delany
Member by Michael Cisco
Black Light by Elizabeth Hand
Boneland by Jeffrey Thomas
Books 1-2: Zeppelins West and Flaming London by Joe R. Lansdale
Book 3: The Sky Done Ripped by Joe R. Lansdale
Thirteen Days by Sunset Beach by Ramsey Campbell

Quite a separation here, all short stories at the $5 level, then one series of 3 books and standalones. Seems like a pretty varied selection.
Post edited November 13, 2021 by drinnen
The 2021 Adventure SF Bundle


Everybody loves Adventure science fiction. Take your e-reader to other worlds or distant galaxies, clash with alien races, explore strange environments. I've curated a bundle of terrific Adventure SF epics, thirteen books for as little as $20, and a portion of the proceeds goes to the Challenger Learning Centers for Space Science Education.

This bundle includes a brand new edition of my gritty Mars novel Climbing Olympus, as well as the first volume in Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. classic "Journeys of McGill Feighan" series, Caverns, a novel in the epic Four Horsemen series, Jen Finelli's gigantic new space opera, Neodymium Exodus, and many more.


Strong Arm Tactics by Jody Lynn Nye (A Wolf Pack Novel)
Climbing Olympus by Kevin J. Anderson
The Fall of Rho-Torkis by Tim C. Taylor (Chimera Company)
The Cassidy Chronicles by Adam Gaffen


Prometheus Outbound by Steve Ruskin (Exororok-1)
Caverns - The Journeys of McGill Feighan by Kevin O'Donnell, Jr. (The Journeys of McGill Feighan-1)
Neodymium Exodus by Jen Finelli, MD (Neodymium Chronicles-1)
Writers of the Future Volume 36 edited by David Farland (Short Stories)
Queen of Sidonia by Richard Fox (Sidonia-1)
The Altrean Legacy by Nick Thacker
Ruin Star by Matt Wright (Sun Maker-1)
Warrior Integration by David Hallquist (Singularity War-1)
Legend by Christopher Woods (A Four Horseman Universe Novel)
Almost a Mil-SF bundle really.
Post edited December 02, 2021 by drinnen
The Holiday Collections Bundle


Wow, is this bundle going to be fun. Fantastic writers and 72 different holiday short stories.

That's right. 72. And you can get all of them for one low price that works out to about 20 cents per story. Wow!

And all are holiday stories. What a great way to help enjoy this wonderful season.

Every book in this bundle is a collection of holiday stories of different types and focus, as would be expected from such different and talented writers. And I tried to get a lot of different kinds, something for everyone.


Wreck the Halls: 5 Christmas Horror Stories by Rebecca M. Senese
Christmas Magic - Three Romantic Holiday Tales by Marcelle Dube
Christmas Magic - Light in the Deep, Dark Winter by Linda Jordan
A Tapestry of Holiday Tales by Kari Kilgore


Mysterious Christmas edited by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Silent Night by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Holiday Insanity by Dean Wesley Smith
A Hope for Winter by T. Thorn Coyle
Warm Stories for the Dark Season by Rob Vagle
Winter Wonderlands by Dayle A. Dermatis
Unexpected Holidays by Annie Reed

My brain quivers in fear at the description of this bundle.
The Write for the Win Bundle


Would you love to author engaging books readers will love? Are you interested in honing your storytelling skills? Would you like to learn tips and tricks for managing your time and maximizing productivity? Do you want to master the intricacies of social media platforms, author websites, and newsletter marketing?

New authors, midlist authors, and bestselling authors... Write for the Win StoryBundle is a handpicked, selectively curated collection of writing craft and career books on the strategies and secrets of successful authors.


Author Smart Boot Camp by Michelle Fox
Taking the Short Tack by Matty Dalrymple with Mark Leslie Lefebvre
Super Structure by James Scott Bell
Playwriting: The Merciless Craft by Carol Wolf


It's Just a Draft by Tobias S. Buckell
Wide for the Win by Mark Leslie Lefebvre
Prosperity for Writers by Honorée Corder
Three Story Method by J. Thorn with Zach Bohannon
The Heroine's Journey by Gail Carriger
Dear Writer Are You in Burnout by Becca Syme
Empower Your Writing: Coupon Code for a Free Writing Course by Margie Lawson

Been so long I forgot about this one started last week ends in 16 days. Another writers writing about writing bundle.
The Snowed In Game Bundle


Boss Fight Books author Mike Drucker claws through the mists surrounding the development and cult status of Silent Hill 2. Mike James recounts the story of the ill-fated Coleco Chameleon console and its troubled creator. Prolific games writer John Harris plumbs the depths of Atari Games' catalog in the FIRST of a three-part series, and gaming historian David L. Craddock offers the EXCLUSIVE digital special edition of Monsters in the Dark: The Making of X-COM: UFO Defense, which includes bonus interviews following the author's narrative of legendary game designer Julian Gollop's early career.

All that, plus interviews with indie and triple-A developers, plus a deep dive into the history of Atari's canceled coin-op games, a collection of lost chapters and essays by Boss Fight Books authors including Alyse Knorr and Chris Kohler, an exploration of the Persona and Megami Tensei franchises, and more.


Inside Video Game Creation by Todd Mitchell
Smoke and Mirrors - The Rise and Fall of a Serial Antipreneur by Mike James
The Black Book of Animal Crossing New Horizons: Second Edition by John Harris


The Unofficial Guide to Shin Megami Tensei and Persona by Kurt Kalata
We Love Atari Games: Part 1 by John Harris (StoryBundle Exclusive)
GameDev Stories: Volume 5 by David L. Craddock (StoryBundle Exclusive)
Monsters in the Dark: The Making of X-COM by David L. Craddock (StoryBundle Exclusive)
Boss Fight Books: Nightmare Mode by Gabe Durham and Michael P. Williams
Boss Fight Books: Silent Hill 2 by Mike Drucker

More Com-pu-pu-pu-puter games books.
The SFWA Scoundrels in Space Bundle


The con artists, thieves, and space pirates of tomorrow fascinate us, all the more because these motley ne'er-do-wells so often end up saving the universe despite their incorrigibility. Pick up the SFWA Scoundrels in Space StoryBundle and get to know twelve such spacefarers who live on the fringes of a dozen wildly different worlds, until circumstances force each of them into hard choices and more adventure than they expected.


Flotsam - Book One of the Peridot Shift by R J Theodore (Peridot Shift-1)
Tyche's Flight by Richard Parry (An Ezeroc Wars Novel)
Toccata System - The Complete Trilogy by Kate Sheeran Swed (3 Novellas)
Severance by Chris Bucholz


House of Shards by Walter Jon Williams (Drake Maijstral Adventure-2)
Romance on Four Worlds by Tom Purdom
Border Crosser by Tom Doyle
The Blackwing War by K.B. Spangler (Deep Wtiches-1/3)
Lex Talionis by R.S.A. Garcia
Barbarians of the Beyond by Matthew Hughes
Wreckers by George Ellis
The Quantum Magician by Derek Künsken (Quantum Evolution-1)

I think they might have settled on $20 for the larger collection.
The 2022 Cattitude Bundle


And one of the great elements of cats and writers is that writers tend to write stories with cats in the story. Logical. The cats are always just there, so we add them into all kinds of stories. From mystery to science fiction to high fantasy. Every type of story imaginable, a writer has put a cat in it.

That's what this bundle is all about. Cats and cat attitude in ten different books full of lots and lots of cats. Actually there are twelve books, since there is one bundle of three books as well. I hope you enjoy all the wonderful and varied cat stories.


The Task of Auntie Dido by Ryan M. Williams (A C. Auguste Dupin Mystery)
Delectable Mountain Quilting by Debbie Mumford (A Kristi Lundrigan Mystery)
Unfair Magic by Bonnie Elizabeth (A Familiar Cat Mystery)
Otherside by Barbara G.Tarn (novella)


Bookshop Witch by T. Thorn Coyle (A Seashell Cove paranormal mystery)
The Inheritance by Katharina Gerlach (Puss in Boots-10 novella)
Unexpected Cats by Annie Reed (StoryBundle Exclusive) (short stories)
The Fates Trilogy by Kristine Grayson (3 Novels)
The Year of the Cat: A Cat of Fantastic Whims by Kristine Kathryn Rusch and Dean Wesley Smith (short stories)
Big Eyes by Dean Wesley Smith (A Pakhet Jones short novel)

The Fur is flying?
The Complete History and Culture of Video Gaming Bundle   (Fanatical)
Tier 1 :  $1  ($1.30 CAD)

250 Indie Games You Must Play
Digital Love: Romance and Sexuality in Games
Science Fiction Video Games
The Golden Age of Video Games: The Birth of a Multibillion Dollar Industry
Tier 2 :  $8  ($10.15 CAD)

Basics of Game Design
Buttonless: Incredible iPhone and iPad Games and the Stories Behind Them
Music in the Role-Playing Game: Heroes & Harmonies
Sports Videogames
The Video Game Debate: Unravelling the Physical, Social, and Psychological Effects of Video Games
Video Games as Culture: Considering the Role and Importance of Video Games in Contemporary Society
Tier 3 :  $15  ($19.05 CAD)

20 Essential Games to Study
Digital Mayhem 3D Landscape Techniques: Where Inspiration, Techniques and Digital Art Meet
Game Design Theory: A New Philosophy for Understanding Games
High Score! Expanded: The Illustrated History of Electronic Games 3rd Edition
Honoring the Code: Conversations with Great Game Designers
Storytelling for Interactive Digital Media and Video Games
Note :  All e-books are in PDF format.
The Best of Rudy Rucker Bundle


Rudy Rucker has published about thirty-five books—both pop science and SF novels in the cyberpunk and transreal styles. He received Philip K. Dick awards for his Software and Wetware. And the Emperor Norton award for Jim and the Flims. He earned a Ph.D. in higher mathematics. He worked as a professor of computer science in Silicon Valley. He paints works relating to his tales.

We're proud to showcase twelve of his works in this bundle! You can read more about them here, and make sure to click on each cover for a synopsis, reviews and preview of each book!


Mathematicians in Love by Rudy Rucker
The Ware Tetralogy by Rudy Rucker
Million Mile Road Trip by Rudy Rucker
Juicy Ghosts by Rudy Rucker


Complete Stories by Rudy Rucker (short stories.. duh)
White Light by Rudy Rucker
The Secret of Life by Rudy Rucker
Saucer Wisdom by Rudy Rucker
Jim and the Films by Rudy Rucker
Turing & Burroughs by Rudy Rucker
The Big Aha by Rudy Rucker
The Hollow Earth & Return to the Hollow Earth by Rudy Rucker

Just finished the 3rd book of the ware tetralogy which was in a storybundle in october last year, very weird.
The complete stories is 96 stories covering 5 previous anthologies and 30 more stories too!
The 2022 Aliens Among Us Bundle


One thing science fiction fans think about when you say "Aliens Among Us" is aliens like body snatchers, or Grays flitting around Area 51. None of that in this group of great novels and stories. Just great books with great takes on aliens

And the title of this bundle comes from a Pulphouse Fiction Magazine anthology of ten short stories by ten different authors of very, very twisted and strange alien stories.

So ten novels and a collection and an anthology. I can say this: That's a lot of entertaining aliens of just about all types. And all worth reading about.


Aliens Among Us edited by Dean Wesley Smith (short stories)
Galactic Thunder by Cameron Cooper (Iron Hammer-1)
Universal Language by Robert Jeschonek
The Soul Within by Rebecca M. Senese


Alien Vibrations by Dean Wesley Smith (short stories)
Alien Influences by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Dove Season Books 1-3 by Robin Brande (StoryBundle Exclusive)
Azureseas: Cantrell's War by Raymund Eich
The A'lle Mutation by Marcelle Dube (An A'lle Chronicles Mystery)
Restricted Species by Kari Kilgore (A Dispatches from the Galaxy Novella)

Lots of Pretty Covers on this lot.
The 2022 World SF Bundle


It's hard to believe this is now the fifth annual World SF bundle I get the good fortune to curate. The first one was back in 2018!

And yet with every year it's possible to find more great books – novels, novellas, anthologies and collections – that highlight the sheer talent and diversity of speculative fiction from around the world.


Sinopticon edited by Xueting Ni (short stories)
BloodBusters by Francesco Verso
The Future God of Love by Dilman Dila
On a Red Station Drifting by Aliette de Bodard (novella)


Northern Wraith by Thilde Kold Holdt (Hanged God Trilogy 1)
Incomplete Solutions by Wole Talabi (short stories)
Love. An Archaeology by Fabio Fernandes (short stories)
Gorel and the Pot-Bellied God by Lavie Tidhar
The Cabinet by Un-Su Kim

The SFWA Magic Awakens Bundle


If a smooth sea never made a skilled mariner, then a tranquil world never forged a powerful hero: Meet fourteen budding sorceresses, wizards, and magic wielders of all ages and types as they face horrible threats that force them to confront their nascent abilities and to strengthen their powers and themselves. Then join each character on their own thrilling adventure once the Magic Awakens!


Siena by Zoe Blessing (Forestfolk-1)
Weaver's Folly by Sarah Madsen (Shadowspinner Chronicles-1)
Pawned by Laura Bickle
Promise Me Nothing by Dawn Vogel


Three Wells of the Sea by Terry Madden (Three Wells-1)
Daughter of Maat by Sandy Esene (KHNM-1)
Smilodon by Robert M. Kerns (The Primogenitor Saga-1)
Wings Unseen by Rebecca Gomez Farrell
Bone Traders by Rachel Ford (Sellswords & Spellweavers-1)
Essence of Chaos by Marie Andreas (The Books of the Cuari-1)
A Force of Nature - Spirit Seeker Book 1 by Janna Ruth
Lord's Dome by E.D.E. Bell
Weave the Lightning by Corry L. Lee (The Bourshkanya Trilogy-1)
The Confectioner's Guild by Claire Luana (The Confectioner Chronicles-1)
Fantasy selection so lots of book 1s
Post edited April 06, 2022 by drinnen