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Matewis: I will definitely try and get hold of the bad Batch then, so thank you for the endorsement, and Tartakovsky's Clone Wars while I'm at it. For some reason, apart from Rogue One, I haven't dived into anything SW related for many years.
If you haven't seen it, I'd highly recommend Rebels over Bad Batch first. If BB is a mediocre show and good Star Wars, Rebels is a very good show and great SW. It nails everything SW should be, and though the animation isn't as good as BB (probably didn't have quite the budget) the designs closely mimicking Ralph McQuarrie's art are fantastic, and it feels clever to have a prequel to the original trilogy more closely follow the original concept art. Most of all this show was the first time since the original trilogy that the Force again felt mysterious, intriguing, strange and mystical. There are things beyond Jedi and Sith, and the world feels older and richer for it. It has great music, great character arcs, moments of redemption for villains I truly cheered for.

Its one great downside is the fact that it has a lot of filler episodes. They are not bad, probably even great fun if you're watching with kids, but they do drag if you just want to get to the really good stuff. But the good stuff is well worth it. It has a showdown with Vader on Malachor in a double episode better than most SW movies. It has Obi-Wan's final meeting with Maul. It has Thrawn.
Zimerius: It is, It is. And, it seems we can expect anything at its best!!
aCyborg: tbh I think it would have been a better idea if disney made a new space series anime, that way they wouldn't have the huge expectations and be more free.
There's been a little foresight a couple of months back where the documentary makers went in depth in the how and why. The choice for the Japanese anime culture and how Star Wars would fit into this, some of the (renowned) artists that would use their gift, all super polite of course "This has been such a dream "etc etc, to create the stories. All in all, pretty satisfying and explanatory in its own right.

It's therefore I named love death robots
Breja: If you haven't seen it, I'd highly recommend Rebels over Bad Batch first. If BB is a mediocre show and good Star Wars, Rebels is a very good show and great SW. It nails everything SW should be, and though the animation isn't as good as BB (probably didn't have quite the budget) the designs closely mimicking Ralph McQuarrie's art are fantastic, and it feels clever to have a prequel to the original trilogy more closely follow the original concept art. Most of all this show was the first time since the original trilogy that the Force again felt mysterious, intriguing, strange and mystical. There are things beyond Jedi and Sith, and the world feels older and richer for it. It has great music, great character arcs, moments of redemption for villains I truly cheered for.

Its one great downside is the fact that it has a lot of filler episodes. They are not bad, probably even great fun if you're watching with kids, but they do drag if you just want to get to the really good stuff. But the good stuff is well worth it. It has a showdown with Vader on Malachor in a double episode better than most SW movies. It has Obi-Wan's final meeting with Maul. It has Thrawn.
Wow ok, Ralph McQuarrie? Then say no more... I'm a huge fan of his art!

I just have to check if a streaming service is available here that carries it. There are a couple of series by now that I've missed and want to catch up on (e.g. the rest of Samurai Jack, Mandelorian and Primal).

I think it was with X-Files that I learned not to care too much about filler episodes. The really good episodes surrounding it more than makes up for it.
Zimerius: Don't know 'bout you guys but.... I'm getting kinda exited with the release nearing launch date ....
At this moment anything star wars is on my 'Do not touch' list. So i can't help but feel lethargic about it all.
neumi5694: I wonder how it looks if someone hits himself on the head with a light nunchuk.
I saw this clip today and got an instant flashback to your post :P.
Well it came up in my anime feed and i peeked at it. Truth be told looks better than anything Disney has put out, but is like the Animatrix, where it's a lot of small stories with vastly different styles of animation and story telling. While it could add to the lore Disney's SJW & PC stance wouldn't let this become more than a dangling carrot that they probably have no interest in promoting or pursuing; that and Disney doesn't understand what makes Star Wars something even remotely interesting.

The only good thing is that Disney probably has no control over the project. With how Japanese did the X-men anime it looked incredibly good.
WinterSnowfall: Hmmm... I see Disney has started the great milking..
Disney is a necrophile .