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idbeholdME: Oh how glorious that would be.
Breja: Absolutely splendiferous. You'll be able to go from not buying their games because they made them, to not buying their games because they weren't made :D
Well, the important part here is that if it were to happen, the IPs would most likely get bought up by others, which most likely would result in better games with those IPs overall, than whatever it is Ubisoft is doing at the moment. The last Ubisoft game I played was I think the first Assassin's Creed or Rayman Origins (shortly because I didn't really enjoy it) as they are so obsessed with DRM and always online it might as well be called a fetish. So it makes no difference to me really and there are only really potential benefits in the death of Ubisoft.
The death of Ubisoft would be a great day for gaming. Let them serve as an example of what happens when a game publisher is rabidly anti-consumer and out of touch, and tries to fleece their customers by repeatedly flogging the same tired games until they might as well be dead 3 times over.

Their executives don't deserve to be employed. Anywhere.
Breja: Absolutely splendiferous. You'll be able to go from not buying their games because they made them, to not buying their games because they weren't made :D
idbeholdME: Well, the important part here is that if it were to happen, the IPs would most likely get bought up by others, which most likely would result in better games with those IPs overall, than whatever it is Ubisoft is doing at the moment. The last Ubisoft game I played was I think the first Assassin's Creed or Rayman Origins (shortly because I didn't really enjoy it) as they are so obsessed with DRM and always online it might as well be called a fetish. So it makes no difference to me really and there are only really potential benefits in the death of Ubisoft.
It's just that I have a really hard time imagining the IPs being bought by publishers with markedly more customer friendly approach and pro-DRM-free stance. The gaming industry is what it is, largely because the vast, overwhelming majority of gamers are just fine with it and don't expect, sometimes active don't want it to change for what we might consider better. I'm almost sure all we'd get is an EA logo showing up at the start of the next Assassin's Creed game.
Breja: It's just that I have a really hard time imagining the IPs being bought by publishers with markedly more customer friendly approach and pro-DRM-free stance. The gaming industry is what it is, largely because the vast, overwhelming majority of gamers are just fine with it and don't expect, sometimes active don't want it to change for what we might consider better. I'm almost sure all we'd get is an EA logo showing up at the start of the next Assassin's Creed game.
Maybe. It is likely the more dominant IPs would be gobbled up by just another "quad A" corpo. But someone else might grab Rayman for example, a now mostly dormant IP and start doing good things with it again. It won't all be good, but definitely better than the current state I'd say.

Look at what happened with THQ back then. Majority of IP's went to Nordic games, but Interplay got Freespace, Gearbox got Homeworld etc. I really doubt somebody would buy everything Ubisoft wholesale, but rather pick and choose.

Found a nice review that pretty much sums up the vibe I've been getting from the gameplay footage I've seen:
Post edited August 31, 2024 by idbeholdME
Breja: It's just that I have a really hard time imagining the IPs being bought by publishers with markedly more customer friendly approach and pro-DRM-free stance. The gaming industry is what it is, largely because the vast, overwhelming majority of gamers are just fine with it and don't expect, sometimes active don't want it to change for what we might consider better. I'm almost sure all we'd get is an EA logo showing up at the start of the next Assassin's Creed game.
But, if a big publisher like Ubisoft does go under, it might send a signal to the corpos that gamers are getting wise to their antics and aren't going to stand for their crap any more. If a majority of gamers were to suddenly turn round and say "we're not taking this crap anymore", I'm not sure what the result of that would look like, other than a large AAA publisher like Ubisoft going under.

A large publisher going under is probably the best thing that could happen to the games industry right now. It's hard for me to see what else could potentially cause things to change. And, what is there really to lose, when they're just pumping out so much DRMed garbage anyway?
Post edited August 31, 2024 by Time4Tea
wauw...... (dutch for woooow, not wow like a user but wauw like your really sober and surprised) the anti Ubisoft sentiment is a bit crazy... lol at least i did expect some but not this.

I hate to brake it to you guys but it seems Ubisoft is financial healthy and kicking
Post edited August 31, 2024 by Zimerius
Zimerius: I hate to brake it to you guys but it seems Ubi is financial healthy and kicking
Kicking and screaming more likely :P
I was never going to by a ubisoft game given they're atrocious DRM policies and they're mandatory launcher that is buggy A.F.

I do like star wars as a universe, but most of the modern slop in terms of media is just that... slop.

Ultimately though this game specifically just looks bad. The only thing that is really good is the set pieces they created in terms of locals. The game-play is just horrendously bad; a stealth game with really REALLY bad stealth mechanics. Only seen a little bit of story and it wasn't really impressive so it's not going to save the game. The fact that the game markers chose to make the main character just ugly is just a weird flex and ends up just being the rotten cherry on top of that stinky mess of a game.
Post edited August 31, 2024 by Noishkel
Sorry, having a hard time posting a new thread so I tried in this thread just to see if I can post in an existing thread.
Post edited August 31, 2024 by OldFatGuy
OldFatGuy: Sorry, having a hard time posting a new thread so I tried in this thread just to see if I can post in an existing thread.
Maybe you are using a VPN to connect with the rest of the web? That is what always solves the problem for me. Turning off the VPN

I noticed you had an earlier post going on too

This post might also be nice to leave test messages

Hope you find your solution, i'm curious to see what your post will be about :D

Zimerius: I hate to brake it to you guys but it seems Ubi is financial healthy and kicking
idbeholdME: Kicking and screaming more likely :P
At least for the Xdeviance crew me thinks... poor sobs ;(
Post edited August 31, 2024 by Zimerius
Zimerius: I hate to brake it to you guys but it seems Ubisoft is financial healthy and kicking
Their share price is down ~80% in the past 3 years, and several of their recent games have been fairly poorly received ...
Zimerius: I hate to brake it to you guys but it seems Ubisoft is financial healthy and kicking
Time4Tea: Their share price is down ~80% in the past 3 years, and several of their recent games have been fairly poorly received ...
They spent a boat load of money on this game (which looks pretty poor - sub-par graphics, AI looks terrible and quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Sweet Baby Inc were involved in character design, plotting and the like). Plus, when you add in that they've upset an entire country with their latest Assassins' Creed game, I think they thoroughly deserve the impact on the share price.
Zimerius: I hate to brake it to you guys but it seems Ubisoft is financial healthy and kicking
Time4Tea: Their share price is down ~80% in the past 3 years, and several of their recent games have been fairly poorly received ...
That is a lot indeed... I based my comment on an article similar to this one
Meh. Not particularly interested, I guess I will manage without.

It helps I am not a big fan of Star Wars either. It is ok at best. I kinda agree with the Matt Walsh video "five most overrated (but still ok) movies of all time", which included also Star Wars. I actually kinda agree with his other picks too. e.g. Shawshank's Redemption, I also never really got it why it is praised so much (it is an ok movie but as Matt said, very predictable and cliched, and it is indeed odd how it depicts criminal inmates as some kind of jovial nice fellows. Not the kind of people you'd expect to go to jail.)
Post edited September 01, 2024 by timppu
Let us celebrate the impending deaths of all the big publishers. They brought it on themselves.