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So, anyone already took the plunge and decided to have a look?

Personally i'm interested, it is Star Wars and i welcome any Star Wars related content in my life though for now i'm a bit on the fence since, well it's Ubisoft for one. And what i mean with that is that i have this idea the game may look a lot like the last 2 AC games i played. Odyssey and Valhalla.

Odyssey started as a nice surprise, it was really a long time since i played any AC game, but after about 30 hours or so i lost any interest in the story and the presented game mechanics. Fighting became dull, exploring was not really rewarding, even with silly little discoveries and some nice hunting challenges. The story had some nice revelations going on, did not manage to engage my appetite, not to mention that dragon of a main quest....

This feeling travelled with me when i decided to try-out Valhalla after spotting a nice discount. I think i played for about 8 hours or so before i found myself with internal resistance against playing the title.

This might have to do something with my familiarity and maybe fondness of Bioware open world and story telling mechanics (though inquisition bleghhh). Or you could call it a preferred level of quality, i don't know ;p

What i do know is that i'm not willing to believe any reviewer any more on their word when it comes down to triple A tittles. So there you have it. A personal inquiry, on GoG nonetheless, where i'm part curious about how others perceive their newest library addition and part interested to see if i can find answers to my lingering questions.

One thing i'm not afraid of is the price btw. With CDPR's Cyberpunk 2077 in the back of my mind as last open world experience i find more than enough grounds to pay a price of 70 euro's. Though, i do want to refine this statement that it is a bit weird to see Black Myth and Space Marine 2 mentioned in a same list as Star Wars. With their prices at 60 euros like who is Ubi to charge 70.... Of course EA will charge 70 too for their upcoming titles i'm sure of it but i guess i will take that hurdle when we arrive at that point. (note i do have FFVII and Forspoken bought at discounted rates)

To end, for now i'm actually not worried about buying it since Ubisoft maintains the stance that i'm not eligible to visit the store's check-out page, yes i checked, 3 times in the past few days. Not because i need and must buy that game but because i became a bit infuated with the notion that Ubisoft doesn't want me to buy their game.
the rest of the ubi connect store functions normal to me
high rated
Not interested in this DEI/ESG-infested so-called 'AAAA' slop in the slightest.

Star Wars is truly and utterly dead and with Ubisoft I'm at the point where I cannot wait to see them go down in flames and in the process their IPs going to other, more competent and not as morally corrupt (in terms of business practices) companies. In the end everything will probably end up in Tencent's grubby hands anyway, but so be it.

Good riddance in advance.
I watched a review of it yesterday (Worth a Buy, which I think seem quite straight and honest), and it looks like basically just a Star-Wars-themed re-skin of AC. Very similar mechanics and gameplay. And much of the gameplay seems to revolve around the main female protagonist one-punching stormtroopers unconscious, with her bare fists. Not what I'd call 'immersive'.

Honestly, even if it weren't for the DRM, I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole, let alone pay $70 for it ... and I am a fan of Star Wars (well ... what used to be Star Wars)
Post edited August 31, 2024 by Time4Tea
Zimerius: So, anyone already took the plunge and decided to have a look?

Personally i'm interested, it is Star Wars and i welcome any Star Wars related content in my life though for now i'm a bit on the fence since, well it's Ubisoft for one.
I should probably stop reading right there, because any further discussion is completely irrelevant at this point.
Zimerius: Odyssey started as a nice surprise, it was really a long time since i played any AC game, but after about 30 hours or so i lost any interest in the story and the presented game mechanics. Fighting became dull, exploring was not really rewarding, even with silly little discoveries and some nice hunting challenges. The story had some nice revelations going on, did not manage to engage my appetite, not to mention that dragon of a main quest....

This feeling travelled with me when i decided to try-out Valhalla after spotting a nice discount. I think i played for about 8 hours or so before i found myself with internal resistance against playing the title.
I really hope for all our sakes that you weren't actually stupid enough to buy those games? because that would mean that you are a part of the major problem as to why no new Ubisoft games would show up here.
Zimerius: Not because i need and must buy that game but because i became a bit infuated with the notion that Ubisoft doesn't want me to buy their game.
Newsflash! Ubishit DOES NOT WANT YOU TO BUY THEIR GAMES they are making this notion very obvious!
Post edited August 31, 2024 by 00063
Rofl. You mean that game you pay extra to play early just to be forced to start over again cause it is such an unplayable mess?

Sorry, even it wasn't Star Wars (which is a minus these days) and it wasn't Ubisoft (which is huge minus since a long time) and it didn't feature the most boring looking protagonist in video game history I don't really see why anyone would bother. I mean if I was stranded on a remote island and Outlaws was the only playable game around, I would still rather lie in the sun...
Meh. I don't share all the vehement hate, even if the vast majority of entries into the SW franchise have been shit for a long time now. Let's face it - Star Wars has mostly sucked ever since the prequels. That didn't prevent me from enjoying th Jedi Knight games, KOTOR or Tartakovsky's Clone Wars. Same with the Disney era - plenty of it sucks, and sucks hard, but there's some good stuff in the books, comics and games too. I used up all of my disappointment, shock and hatred on the prequels themselves. Now I just take it one thing at a time, and just shrug if it sucks.

Outlaws looks... ok-ish? Not great, I'm not too hyped about it, but I don't even own the hardware to play it right now. If I ever get a new console, and can get a used copy relatively cheap - sure, I'll give it a shot. I did the same with Jedi Fallen Order, and while it's no Jedi Knight 2, it still was fun overall. And while in general I'm not very fond of the Ubisoft style open world games, the Mad Max game proved to me that the formula can be used to make something outright great.
Post edited August 31, 2024 by Breja
Zimerius: So, anyone already took the plunge and decided to have a look?
No. I don't buy or play garbage games, unless it happens by accident on a rare occasion, and then that would only be with unknown indie games for which video reviews are hard or impossible to find.

And I definitely would never in a million years pay top dollar for a garbage game like "Star Wars Outlaws."

Maybe if it was DRM-free and if they made the protagonist be attractive to look at, then I would have considered it when it reached the $4.99 or less digital bargain bin. But since they drew the protagonist be deliberately hideous, I wouldn't even do that.

They'd have to pay me before I would ever consider to play that crap.
Went to watch the trailer and do some research anyway.

And it turns out this Star Wars game once again doesn't have a character creator! Come on, with cool races like Trandoshan and Karkarodon why there isn't a character creator? this is a huge missed opportunity. I don't recall there ever was a Star Wars game with a race selection.

Also you are forced to play as this unappealing (her pet is cute though) and generic looking character, makes one think that the main character was randomly generated. Are limited to a single ship and there's no lightsabers either from what i've heard.

The outlaw theme was probably the best opportunity to implement a good character creator in a Star Wars game and they blow it. But again it doesn't matter, since this is Ubishit we're talking about, and the game will probably be long dead before coming to GoG.
Post edited August 31, 2024 by 00063
Let's face it, the time Star Wars sucked hardest was during the prequels, when Lucas himself took it upon him to destroy his own legacy.

Outlaws looks really great, the character design is top notch, the hero kind of is like the daughter Leia and Han should have had, and it was the first Star Wars game that peaked my interest since Jedi Fallen Order (which was just great). I have neither a console nor a PC that could handle the game sadly, and I definitely won't install a launcher of whatever sorts to play the game.

That said, the flaws of present Ubisoft games have been the same for some years now. They're giving you a vast open world and sell you a game that would have been excellent at 20 hours of play time as one you have to spend 150 hours in.

But at least they're not forcing multiplayer here. Who knows how few great Star Wars single player games they will still make? And Outlaws does look like they poured all the assets for Beyond Good & Evil 2 into it, a game they will utterly ruin with their multiplayer shit should it ever release.

So, yeah, this looks like a great game, it deserves a fair chance. And the "criticism" of people who usually give a rat's ass about how their hero looks and how many stormtroopers he punches in the face as long as he has a dick in his pants usually means the game deserves more than just one fair chance.

If I could, I'd totally play it.
Post edited August 31, 2024 by Vainamoinen
00063: I don't recall there ever was a Star Wars game with a race selection.
Jedi Academy. Pre-made characters, but a few different races to choose from.
00063: Are limited to a single ship and there's no lightsabers either from what i've heard.
That wouldn't bother me. "No lightsabers" is a silly complaint. Did it bother you there were no lightsabers in Republic Commando? Not everything Star Wars has to be about Jedi. And as for the ship, I don't recall Han Solo switching ships too often. The one time he did for Force Awakens isn't exactly a fan favorite :D So I'm fine with the protagonist rolling with one ship that's supposed to be her beloved rustbucket, like Falcon for Han or Serenity for Mal Raynolds.

I would definitely prefer it if the face of the protagonist didn't look like a melting animatronic, but that's not something that would spoil the gameplay itself for me, if it's good.
Breja: That wouldn't bother me. "No lightsabers" is a silly complaint. Did it bother you there were no lightsabers in Republic Commando? Not everything Star Wars has to be about Jedi. And as for the ship, I don't recall Han Solo switching ships too often. The one time he did for Force Awakens isn't exactly a fan favorite :D So I'm fine with the protagonist rolling with one ship that's supposed to be her beloved rustbucket, like Falcon for Han or Serenity for Mal Raynolds.

I would definitely prefer it if the face of the protagonist didn't look like a melting animatronic, but that's not something that would spoil the gameplay itself for me, if it's good.
No the no lightsabers wouldn't bother me (it would be fun killing a jedi and getting a lightsaber as a trophy though), the lack of ship selection is a bummer, but my main complaint is that there is no character creator and of course the whole Ubisoft deal.
Post edited August 31, 2024 by 00063
Jedi Academy let's you create your character as a male/female Twi'lek, Rodian or Zabrak, in addition to Human.

Remember this cynical waste of code?
I bet that since its reveal it's been licensed out to other publishers/developers (including Ubisoft?) as well and made "good" use of.
Kay Vess here certainly looks like she(?) would get a decent DEI score in this.
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Post edited August 31, 2024 by Yigdboz
Well, I don't have a GPU that can run the game. Also is the game expensive, DRM infested and needs UPlay. So no buy by me.
I'm quite enjoying the dumpster fire that is Ubisoft stock, which is now lower than it was back when the first Assassin's Creed game released in 2008, with no signs of stopping in the downwards trend.

Make no mistake, if this and Shadows fails, we might realistically be looking at the death of Ubisoft. Oh how glorious that would be. All a question of how many normies will get this by momentum, because nobody knowledgeable sure as hell isn't buying this generic slop. And if the pre-order numbers are anything to go by, it ain't looking good for them.
Post edited August 31, 2024 by idbeholdME
idbeholdME: Oh how glorious that would be.
Absolutely splendiferous. You'll be able to go from not buying their games because they made them, to not buying their games because they weren't made :D