zeogold: As much as I never thought I'd find myself saying this...Kleetus has the best point.
Kleetus: The mods and owner of this site allows the thread, there's your permit right there.
zeogold: That's it. That's the whole issue. Everything else is a moot point.
We'll always have endless trolls and morons and scammers and flamewars and rep wars and spam wars and spam-deletion wars. We've had them from the beginning, and it's only gotten worse, and it'll only ever GET worse. Nothing's ever going to change and anything that isn't a news page will become the equivalent of a 4chan topic.
The only thing that could possibly ever stop it is moderation, even the lightest of moderation. But we haven't had that for 8 years and by this point, we probably never will. People like Kleetus can troll to their hearts' desire. Bradley can post all the porn and piracy he wants. rctvb32 can spam the forum all day and night. Tauto is free to stalk and annoy whoever he likes. ciomalau can make rape threats to every vaguely-female-seeming person on the website.
Then we can take that a step further and look at what our resident tech wizards have done. Adaliabooks, Barefoot_Monkey, and many others have shown how easily exploitable this website is. Just some hobby-level coding (I mean this not as an insult, but more pointing out that these two did it as a fun project rather than getting paid for it) and suddenly the place is altered greatly if the script is downloaded.
But if things can be altered for one person, doesn't that mean it can be altered for everybody? toxicTom and Alaric have proven that. Anybody with a decent head on their shoulders and a fair amount of coding knowledge can completely alter the place. And anything that can be altered can be wrecked. What's to prevent somebody from making an auto-deletion script? A script preventing users from posting? A script which blocks posts with certain words in them?
All of these arguments about free speech, spam, trolls, and what is and isn't acceptable are worthless. We can prattle on about them all we want, but nothing will ever change unless GOG finally steps in for once. This is what the lurkers and people who left long ago realized, and this is exactly why they stopped being active, because they decided that such a small and wreckable website wasn't worth it.
Don't get me wrong, the people in here, the actual, true community are some of the nicest people I've ever met in my life. But sadly, we're all on a place that is being increasingly exploited as more and more people come and realize what can be done with it.
You forgot tinye can insult parents and family.Hell,there's a lot missing does that mean your biased?