Posted November 01, 2020

* Gaming is not the only planned use for this computer. I may decide to compile custom Linux kernels, or even run buildroot. These tasks, in particular, benefit from more powerful CPUs and can be parallelized. (In particular, a large C/C++ program will consists of a large number of source code files, each of which is compiled separately (and can be done in parallel), then the result is linked together to form one final binary.) In another thread, I asked about the time to compile Chromium, and that is one task where a more powerful system benefits tremendously from a more powerful CPU.

* Since it uses low power, I can get good battery life without the system needing a heavy battery.
* It also doesn't dissipate much heat, allowing the computer to stay at a reasonable temperature without a fan. Combine this with solid state storage, and you now have a computer with no moving parts.
* If you're into the sort of games I'm into, you can find plenty of games that run fine on them. Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark, for example, runs spectacularly well. Also, there's the whole back catalog of games, including the likes of Wasteland 1: The Original Classic and Dragon Wars, that play just fine on the computer.
* If you'll notice, mobile phones have low power consumption CPUs and solid state storage, so devices with those traits definitely have their use.
With that said, I am aiming for something more powerful than that for my new computer.
Since, in your first post, you mentioned wanting to play games such as Hollow Knight (I'll also mention specifically Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night didn't play well on this gaming laptop, as you have expressed interest in it before). I would hate for someone else to spend that kind of money and be so disappointed with their purchase!
Post edited November 01, 2020 by crimson_twilight