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***Earlier today, it was assumed that the game SkateBIRD was coming to GOG. After receiving one message from them that undercut a fellow indie dev, we have decided not to list our game in their store.***

***"was SkateBIRD actually greenlit on GOG yet?" - no, they'd gotten an early build, said hey submit when it done, and were planning to review it close to launch as they usually do. Given the game's profile and our prior relationship, though, it was likely a shoo-in for acceptance.***

DRM-free coming to
Post edited December 17, 2020 by VBProject
high rated


***Earlier today, it was assumed that the game SkateBIRD was coming to GOG. After receiving one message from them that undercut a fellow indie dev, we have decided not to list our game in their store.***

***"was SkateBIRD actually greenlit on GOG yet?" - no, they'd gotten an early build, said hey submit when it done, and were planning to review it close to launch as they usually do. Given the game's profile and our prior relationship, though, it was likely a shoo-in for acceptance.***

DRM-free coming to
And I guess they remove it from Steam as well? Or do their morals stop at the amount of expected Steam sales vs Gog sales?
low rated


***Earlier today, it was assumed that the game SkateBIRD was coming to GOG. After receiving one message from them that undercut a fellow indie dev, we have decided not to list our game in their store.***

***"was SkateBIRD actually greenlit on GOG yet?" - no, they'd gotten an early build, said hey submit when it done, and were planning to review it close to launch as they usually do. Given the game's profile and our prior relationship, though, it was likely a shoo-in for acceptance.***

DRM-free coming to
Good to see some spine from someone.
high rated


***Earlier today, it was assumed that the game SkateBIRD was coming to GOG. After receiving one message from them that undercut a fellow indie dev, we have decided not to list our game in their store.***

***"was SkateBIRD actually greenlit on GOG yet?" - no, they'd gotten an early build, said hey submit when it done, and were planning to review it close to launch as they usually do. Given the game's profile and our prior relationship, though, it was likely a shoo-in for acceptance.***

DRM-free coming to
Anothername: And I guess they remove it from Steam as well? Or do their morals stop at the amount of expected Steam sales vs Gog sales?
Fair point. Steam was also guilty in banning Liberate Hong Kong VR game and others. Wonder if developer knows about this.
It's very easy to "take a stand" when your projected sales are low. You try to do so with Steam if you really mean it.
Maybe they just scoring extra points on the hype.
Post edited December 17, 2020 by VBProject
high rated
It seems the developers kept their word and also asked for Hot Tin Roof to be taken down from the store.

I can't find it available anymore on GOG. Was this communicated somewhere this was going to happen? Because I haven't heard a peep out of GOG regarding the removal.
high rated


***Earlier today, it was assumed that the game SkateBIRD was coming to GOG. After receiving one message from them that undercut a fellow indie dev, we have decided not to list our game in their store.***

***"was SkateBIRD actually greenlit on GOG yet?" - no, they'd gotten an early build, said hey submit when it done, and were planning to review it close to launch as they usually do. Given the game's profile and our prior relationship, though, it was likely a shoo-in for acceptance.***

DRM-free coming to
Doomjedi: Good to see some spine from someone.
So... they removed from steam as well? Otherwise no, no spine at all. I'd rather say the opposite of this.
Doomjedi: Good to see some spine from someone.
Anothername: So... they removed from steam as well? Otherwise no, no spine at all. I'd rather say the opposite of this.
Of course not LOL.
Maybe they will once they learn about it LUL.
Post edited December 17, 2020 by VBProject
Anothername: So... they removed from steam as well? Otherwise no, no spine at all. I'd rather say the opposite of this.
VBProject: Of course not LOL.
I admit did not bothered checking because I did not expected them to do so anyway. It would had been nice to be pleasantly surprised on occasion though.
VBProject: Maybe they will once they learn about it LUL.
I don't believe for a second they did not knew already.
Post edited December 17, 2020 by Anothername
high rated
Congratulations to this developer for succeeding in the difficult task of making something even more ridiculous than GOG's statement about Devotion.
It looks like an SJ wanker trying to jump on the bandwagon.
Wake me up when an actual good dev team decides to skip a gog release because of this mess. Until then... eh... :P

Vultures...bah... :/
Post edited December 17, 2020 by NuffCatnip
Doomjedi: Good to see some spine from someone.
Anothername: So... they removed from steam as well? Otherwise no, no spine at all. I'd rather say the opposite of this.
No, sadly one needs to concede some principles in order to stay on a place with a larger market. Wait a minute....
high rated
If they'd boycott Steam as well, I'd have mad respect for them, because that would probably really hurt them financially, and it's pretty hard to stand up for your ideals when it hurts your bottom line.

But since they don't, and probably only accounts for a fraction of their sales anyway, this is clearly just a publicity stunt, and they're probably expecting to get even more sales out of that - there's nothing noble about that move.

Good riddance.
Pomfinebara: But since they don't, and probably only accounts for a fraction of their sales anyway, this is clearly just a publicity stunt, and they're probably expecting to get even more sales out of that - there's nothing noble about that move.
So then, why don't yourself and the others who are making that same point post it all over their social media accounts?

That way you can publicly expose these points to their potential customers, and also put pressure on the devs either to respond or your points or to delete the posts that make them (the latter of which would make them look really bad, if people noticed it happening).

Talking about it solely & exclusively on the GOG forum won't accomplish any of that, though.
high rated
who cares...there are 1000+ great games on gog and more will come....They think that people will purchase their game on scheme if they do stuff like that... GOG is now the easy target...remember with those 2-3 twitter posts about 2 years ago? well now we have this...let's see what will happen in the near future..
Post edited December 17, 2020 by alexandros050