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high rated
They're hypocrite posers.
As expected.
Good riddance.

Look the attached image to this post.
zban.jpg (59 Kb)
Post edited December 18, 2020 by VBProject
high rated
Game looks like shit and the devs are hypocrits as they're still selling it on Steam. Fuck 'em.
Good , the game is crap anyway and the dev is just another selfish arrogant activist.
Now she can rant more on twitter and shine herself as a rebel , she is so unique ...

It will be released on , where the shitty games go. Good that fellow activists can find it in the garbagebin, they can get few dozen points on twitter for it.
Orkhepaj: Good , the game is crap anyway and the dev is just another selfish arrogant activist.
Now she can rant more on twitter and shine herself as a rebel , she is so unique ...

It will be released on , where the shitty games go. Good that fellow activists can find it in the garbagebin, they can get few dozen points on twitter for it.
This...although itch has maybe a 10-15% good games...but yeah there are more than a thousand games here and more are will come that are even better...good riddance..heck she even sensors people and bans them on scheme can now see how interested she was about devotionnnn.....will anyone on those social media start a war against her??? probably not....
Post edited December 19, 2020 by alexandros050
high rated
VBProject: They're hypocrite posers.
As expected.
Good riddance.

Look the attached image to this post.
Honestly did anybody thought it was anything that a publicity stunt ? The devs even tried to have their games on the Epic store despite it being partially owned by China. This whole thing was the equivalent of announcing that you are doing a hunger strike between lunch.
low rated
I'm guessing the same people bitching here about the dev not also removing it on steam are the same kind of people who would:

* Bitch to someone donating to an animal charity because there are humans also in need
* Bitch when a friend gives change to a homeless person because there are tons of other homeless
* Bitch about a person who donates $10 to charity every month, while keeping the rest of the money themselves
* Bitch that you can't boycott china because then you'd have to live under a rock, it's all or nothing

You are just a bunch of passive gutless turds who sit and complain when you think someone else is doing something, and you need to tell yourself they are stupid so you can keep sitting there with your thumb up your ass doing nothing but complain.

Fuck you
klogd: I'm guessing the same people bitching here about the dev not also removing it on steam are the same kind of people who would:

* Bitch to someone donating to an animal charity because there are humans also in need
* Bitch when a friend gives change to a homeless person because there are tons of other homeless
* Bitch about a person who donates $10 to charity every month, while keeping the rest of the money themselves
* Bitch that you can't boycott china because then you'd have to live under a rock, it's all or nothing

You are just a bunch of passive gutless turds who sit and complain when you think someone else is doing something, and you need to tell yourself they are stupid so you can keep sitting there with your thumb up your ass doing nothing but complain.

**** you
Thank you. It sounds like a compliment coming from you :)

And yes, I am one of those people who considers this developer a hypocrite.

Removing their games from Steam would hurt them financially much more than removing these from GOG. So the fact that they did remove them from GOG because of the Devotion situation, but not from Steam shows to me that they are dishonest.
low rated
acute71: Removing their games from Steam would hurt them financially much more than removing these from GOG. So the fact that they did remove them from GOG because of the Devotion situation, but not from Steam shows to me that they are dishonest.
Giving all my money to charity would hurt me financially, so the fact that I only give a small portion shows you that I'm dishonest.

Sorry, I forgot that it was all or nothing and that if you don't do something 100% it's not worth doing. Cause who wants to improve something only 95%? better leave it at 0.
klogd: Giving all my money to charity would hurt me financially, so the fact that I only give a small portion shows you that I'm dishonest.

Sorry, I forgot that it was all or nothing and that if you don't do something 100% it's not worth doing. Cause who wants to improve something only 95%? better leave it at 0.
The comparison I would make is more like when a 3 year old boy and a huge wrestler type guy steal a cherry from your tree - you smack the 3 year old and let the big guy go.
acute71: The comparison I would make is more like when a 3 year old boy and a huge wrestler type guy steal a cherry from your tree - you smack the 3 year old and let the big guy go.
So is the 3 year old GOG and the huge wrestler is Steam?

It is definitely a lot easier to stand up to your ideals the lower the personal risk, and yeah, I suppose that is a form of hypocrisy.

If you stand up to the wrestler, you could get your ass kicked.
If you stand up to the baby, then it's easy, but you're being a hypocrite.

None of those are ideal options, and both would suck (to varying degree)

But they would not suck as much of the third option:
If you don't stand up to either, you are turning that 3-year-old baby into another huge wrestler.

I just want China off my cherries (Are cherries games?), that's all.
Post edited December 19, 2020 by klogd
klogd: Giving all my money to charity would hurt me financially, so the fact that I only give a small portion shows you that I'm dishonest.

Sorry, I forgot that it was all or nothing and that if you don't do something 100% it's not worth doing. Cause who wants to improve something only 95%? better leave it at 0.
That didn't "give" anything, they simply decided to not sell their games on a platform representing a tiny fraction of their sales (which in the end probably mean less work for them than having to release two version), while keeping it on the biggest platform that does a lot worse are far as working with china goes. It's the equivalent of putting a "save the environment" sticker on your brand new Hummer.
Gersen: That didn't "give" anything, they simply decided to not sell their games on a platform representing a tiny fraction of their sales (which in the end probably mean less work for them than having to release two version), while keeping it on the biggest platform that does a lot worse are far as working with china goes. It's the equivalent of putting a "save the environment" sticker on your brand new Hummer.
I'd say it's a tiny bit more than a sticker, maybe a small token donation. But I get what you mean.

People can only do so much to help what they perceive as a good cause, no one person or company can fix a giant problem.

I'm not making myself out to be some freedom fighter fighting the good fight against tyranny. wanking myself over how good I am and that I'm making a difference. I don't go to pro-democracy rallies, I offer my "support" to lots of causes, but in reality, I do very little to affect positive change.

I'm just a retarded nerd who's been fucked by various companies (and now countries) for slightly too long, and now my butt hurts. GOG seemed really nice at first, they didn't seem like they would lube me up just to invite china over one night, but here we are.
high rated
Oh right ... they donated money to what? I tell you what advertisment.
They discarded a small income to advertise themselves as fighters agains china censorship ,defenders of free speech, saviour of the western values. While as others posted they completly fine with censoring others ,or sell on steam knowing those care more for china money than free speech.
Do you want a similar example : Apple saying they care for the environment by not packaging chargers with their phones, while fighting repair rights of their phones so customers have to buy new ones instead of fixing minor errors with their old mobiles. Hypocrisy nothing else
klogd: You are just a bunch of passive gutless turds who sit and complain when you think someone else is doing something, and you need to tell yourself they are stupid so you can keep sitting there with your thumb up your ass doing nothing but complain.

Fuck you
Talk about false equivalence and blind idiot generalizations. Get out of here with this disingenuous, smug nonsense.
Post edited December 20, 2020 by ReynardFox