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truhlik: Yesterday I saw Arthur's Christmas movie. Hope that trentonlf would have much easier job with delivering santas packages than had Arthur in mentioned movie :)
Love the movie, hopefully all deliveries go a lot smoother for me than Arthur for sure though ;-)
Up on the housetop, GOGbears pause
Out comes good old Trenton Claus
Down through the chat list with lots of games
Carefully picked for each one by name
Shadow the black-nosed husky
Has a very giving Dad,
And if you saw his gift thread,
You might even say he's mad. ;)
cecil: The day after Christmas I christen Trentonlf day ;-)
If there is such a thing as a Boxing Day aficionado, this may upset them. :)

Of course you have my full support.
Post edited December 21, 2015 by budejovice
I don't want to have to box trentonlf!
Trent without a husky picture! :O the day has come lol
hummer010: I don't want to have to box trentonlf!
It's really not hard.

You trim off the arms and legs, torso in first, then the limbs stacked on top.
flubbucket: It's really not hard.

You trim off the arms and legs, torso in first, then the limbs stacked on top.
Or use hydrofluoric acid and just bottle him. Depending on the level of attention it may even be a lot cleaner in the end.
hummer010: I don't want to have to box trentonlf!
flubbucket: It's really not hard.

You trim off the arms and legs, torso in first, then the limbs stacked on top.
"It's just a flesh wound."
flubbucket: It's really not hard.

You trim off the arms and legs, torso in first, then the limbs stacked on top.
dedoporno: Or use hydrofluoric acid and just bottle him. Depending on the level of attention it may even be a lot cleaner in the end.
I had issues with that once before; ceiling damage and soooo much clean up.

mrkgnao: "It's just a flesh wound."
Thank you.

I'll be thinking about that for the rest of the day.
Since not everyone will have used a separate account to purchase gifts: If you want to keep your Santa secret (at least temporarily) and you have installed, you can add the style below. It should hide gifting accounts on the redeem page and under your Orders &amp; Settings. <div class="quot">@namespace url([url=];

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
.gift-giver { display: none; }

@-moz-document url("") {
.order-header-info__main .user { display: none; }
pablodusk: Since not everyone will have used a separate account to purchase gifts: If you want to keep your Santa secret (at least temporarily) and you have Stylish installed, you can add the style below. It should hide gifting accounts on the redeem page and under your Orders & Settings.

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
.gift-giver { display: none; }

@-moz-document url("") {
.order-header-info__main .user { display: none; }
Nice idea. +1.
Unfortunately, I'm too curious to use something like that.
pablodusk: Since not everyone will have used a separate account to purchase gifts: If you want to keep your Santa secret (at least temporarily) and you have Stylish installed, you can add the style below. It should hide gifting accounts on the redeem page and under your Orders & Settings.
that's pretty cool!