To those who are waiting, this is a solid game and probably one of the best I have played recently. I was hesitant because of Hyper Light Drifter but I'm glad I went for it. Not to say HLD was bad, I really enjoyed it...while it lasted...but it had little replay value to me. S&S however, I am about half way through it and I already know I'll be playing NG+ after I'm done. While it pays heavily to the Souls series when it comes to the mood and the overall game mechanics, it is actually more of a Metroidvania when it comes to the straight gameplay, especially leaning on the Castlevania SotN side. This isn't a button masher here, everything you do requires percision. The other thing is some people are saying 15hr total game play, however, if you are like me and love the exploration that comes with this genera, then it will be at least twice that. Like I said, just over halfway through and I am at 17 hrs. Definitely an insta-buy for anyone who loves a good adventure, you won't be sorry...actually, you will is punishing but extremely rewarding.
Breja: Dark Souls and pixel art. You literally could not make this game sound any less appealing to me if you covered it in plague rats and set it on fire.
Except it's not pixel art but fluid animation. It's more Dark Souls meets Castlevania Symphony of the Night. It is a damn fine game IMHO, a wonderful blend of old school and new school gameplay.