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Crosmando: Nah, I was mostly making an allusion to the fact that most of the support for Putin and Russia these days is from the far-Right (neo-Nazis, fascists, reactionaries etc).
UnrealDelusion: Where were you with your high and mighty moral compass for the past 8 years while the Russian speaking population in Ukraine (Donbask to name a region as an example) were being bombed by their own government? Hell where were the US, EU and NATO while this was going on?
Lol, everyone knows that the "revolt" in Donbas was completely artificial and manufactured by Russia to give a pretext for invasion, all the "rebels" were armed by Russia or were flat-out actual Russian army soldiers in different uniform who had been infiltrated over the border.

Also nice job avoiding what I said and changing the subject like a good little whataboutist Russian shill.
Post edited March 05, 2022 by Crosmando
UnrealDelusion: Where were you with your high and mighty moral compass for the past 8 years while the Russian speaking population in Ukraine (Donbask to name a region as an example) were being bombed by their own government? Hell where were the US, EU and NATO while this was going on?
Can you provide a source that proves Ukraine used artillery shelling on the civilian population in Donbass for 8 years?

Because I and others have been asking for this whenever this piece of Russian misinformation has cropped up on social media, and the response has been frothing at the mouth expletives usually, with no credible source to be seen.

I would be careful what I read on the internet.

This exact parroting point in fact was seen propagated through Russian influencers *word for word* (!). They all actually used the same phrases and when they were caught out, they deleted their videos, but not before someone made a compilation out of it.

And I think everyone knows Putler started the civil war to annex and invade the whole country. What more proof do you need than the current situation??
low rated
UnrealDelusion: Where were you with your high and mighty moral compass for the past 8 years while the Russian speaking population in Ukraine (Donbask to name a region as an example) were being bombed by their own government? Hell where were the US, EU and NATO while this was going on?
Crosmando: Lol, everyone knows that the "revolt" in Donbas was completely artificial and manufactured by Russia to give a pretext for invasion, all the "rebels" were armed by Russia or were flat-out actual Russian army soldiers in different uniform who had been infiltrated over the border.

Also nice job avoiding what I said and changing the subject like a good little whataboutist Russian shill. Read.
Nice pseudo-science and conspiracy website you have there.
Crosmando: Lol, everyone knows that the "revolt" in Donbas was completely artificial and manufactured by Russia to give a pretext for invasion, all the "rebels" were armed by Russia or were flat-out actual Russian army soldiers in different uniform who had been infiltrated over the border.

Also nice job avoiding what I said and changing the subject like a good little whataboutist Russian shill.
sergjiei: Read.
A child of the esoteric project Quantum Future Group founded by the known conspiracist Laura Knight-Jadczyk, known for articles of esoteric, pseudo science and right wing propaganda articles where everyone can publish without naming sources and a side without any legal adress or something similar.

About Laura herself (more or less self discription)

"For her part, Laura Knight-Jadczyk has spent her life exploring the unknown along parallel pathways including biology, psychology, sociology, history (including archaeology, paleontology etc.), and metaphysics. Sometimes these pathways combine as when religion, belonging to metaphysics, is studied via the historical pathway, and when history is studied with psychology and biology as the overarching context.

With this background of years of reading that, had it been done in an academic setting, would have resulted in numerous degrees, early in the 1980s, Laura turned her attention to Western Civilization’s long tradition of monotheistic religions and prophecy. This led to studies of cosmic phenomena and geological processes and whether or not they correlated to so-called prophecies. At the end of this study, she noted that there were definite repeating cycles in history following parallel lines from biological to psychological (including religion) and socio-political. In this way, she came to the idea that history itself was a macro-cosmic quantum phenomenon relative to the scale of the Universe/Cosmos and that human beings themselves, individually and in groups, were something like quantum packets of energy that could be added or subtracted and contributory toward large scale “event collapse”. This was the underlying concept that then began to drive her further researches which included observation of Current Events which she points out are “history in process.” The questions she poses are: can we find out the processes and utilize them to make predictions? And if we can predict, can we also change our current state and thus change the outcome?"

Made me smile.

Yeah, totally reliable source...
tort1234: Yes why not.
Russia made Metro franchise. Great games with no identity politics agenda or woke crap.
Leevi: Russia made what now? Metro games are made by Ukrainian developer. They are based on a book written by a Russian writer, who btw has said this about the current war

“This is a fratricidal, predatory war, unleashed by an insane tyrant. We are sorry, Ukraine!” wrote Russian writer Dmitry Glukhovsky --
Dima really is an admirable bloke. I wish there was a way to screw the Kremlin, the oligarchs and the siloviki without punishing the rest of the people. Then again, perhaps the pressure compels more people to actually resist Putler and his evil regime.
low rated
On the (somewhat) bright side, this conflict is the occasion to get to know so many talents from relatively near medium-small studios, seldom born less than twenty years ago..
low rated
PanzerOfTheLake: I understand that GOG put sanctions on Russia. It's a shame, it really is absolutely deplorable what GOG does. Joining the sanctions train shows how low this company has fallen. I always supported the company, despite the shit they did with everything related to Cyberpunk, but this is already hitting rock bottom. Can you imagine that GOG would have done the same with the US every time they carry out a war, invasion or massacre? The company will never do it, it only does it with Russia, why? Because obviously this is not a video game company, it's just another mediocre political apparatus with double standards. GOG, you've really hit rock bottom. Banning any Dimitri who is just sitting in his house without even wanting to get into the war would surely end the war, wouldn't it? Pathetic
Crosmando: So your username is "PanzerOfTheLake" and you come from Argentina, a country which was responsible for providing safe haven to thousands of Nazi war criminals after WW2, and you also support Russia. Interesting...
Let me see if I understood. Are you saying that Argentines are Nazis? That is the best argument that you came up with to try to refute the reality that I just said? Incredible hahaha. By the way, we all remember the terrible sanctions that Australia put on the entire NATO in the countless massacres, wars and genocides that it has carried out and/or imposed in recent decades, right? Na, that thing about sanctions is only applicable when the US and company do not
low rated
Crosmando: So your username is "PanzerOfTheLake" and you come from Argentina, a country which was responsible for providing safe haven to thousands of Nazi war criminals after WW2, and you also support Russia. Interesting...
UnrealDelusion: If you wanna talk safe harboring Nazi's after WW2 don't leave out the US or are we cherry picking?
Yes I want to talk. With pleasure. I also want to talk about how your country (NATO member) applauded, promoted and carried out the largest massacres, wars and genocides of the last decade. Do you think your country has clean hands? You are part of NATO, therefore, you are nothing more than someone who supports a murderous and genocidal country. Although it amuses me how the only argument you have, amalgamation of murderers, is "They gave asylum to the Nazis". Apart from the fact that the history of Argentina in the 20th century is a chaotic and constant series of coups and political wars, we can also go as far back in history as possible, in the time when its continent looted, murdered and massacred its inhabitants. neighboring continents. Your country in particular was one of the largest exporters of black slaves. You know, if I were you I wouldn't go "so far back in history" because you wouldn't benefit at all. Limit yourself to recent events... like Afghanistan, Philippines, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan, Syria, etc. All invasions that your country applauded, celebrated and even participated in some directly or indirectly as "NATO", while children, elderly, sick and civilians died every day.
Post edited March 05, 2022 by PanzerOfTheLake
Crosmando: So your username is "PanzerOfTheLake" and you come from Argentina, a country which was responsible for providing safe haven to thousands of Nazi war criminals after WW2, and you also support Russia. Interesting...
PanzerOfTheLake: Let me see if I understood. Are you saying that Argentines are Nazis? That is the best argument that you came up with to try to refute the reality that I just said? Incredible hahaha. By the way, we all remember the terrible sanctions that Australia put on the entire NATO in the countless massacres, wars and genocides that it has carried out and/or imposed in recent decades, right? Na, that thing about sanctions is only applicable when the US and company do not
No I'm just pointing out that most people in the West who support Putin's Russia are neo-fascists and the like. Russia has been supporting the far-right in the West for decades.
low rated
randomuser.833: Hm,
A child of the esoteric project Quantum Future Group founded by the known conspiracist Laura Knight-Jadczyk, known for articles of esoteric, pseudo science and right wing propaganda articles where everyone can publish without naming sources and a side without any legal adress or something similar.

About Laura herself (more or less self discription)

"For her part, Laura Knight-Jadczyk has spent her life exploring the unknown along parallel pathways including biology, psychology, sociology, history (including archaeology, paleontology etc.), and metaphysics. Sometimes these pathways combine as when religion, belonging to metaphysics, is studied via the historical pathway, and when history is studied with psychology and biology as the overarching context.

With this background of years of reading that, had it been done in an academic setting, would have resulted in numerous degrees, early in the 1980s, Laura turned her attention to Western Civilization’s long tradition of monotheistic religions and prophecy. This led to studies of cosmic phenomena and geological processes and whether or not they correlated to so-called prophecies. At the end of this study, she noted that there were definite repeating cycles in history following parallel lines from biological to psychological (including religion) and socio-political. In this way, she came to the idea that history itself was a macro-cosmic quantum phenomenon relative to the scale of the Universe/Cosmos and that human beings themselves, individually and in groups, were something like quantum packets of energy that could be added or subtracted and contributory toward large scale “event collapse”. This was the underlying concept that then began to drive her further researches which included observation of Current Events which she points out are “history in process.” The questions she poses are: can we find out the processes and utilize them to make predictions? And if we can predict, can we also change our current state and thus change the outcome?"

Made me smile.

Yeah, totally reliable source...
The OSCE representative could not give a clear answer about the massive participation of Russian troops or about the mass import of weapons. Another representative indicated that he had met the military signs of Germany and Spain, and also indicated that such a military uniform can be easily bought anywhere.
PanzerOfTheLake: Let me see if I understood. Are you saying that Argentines are Nazis? That is the best argument that you came up with to try to refute the reality that I just said? Incredible hahaha. By the way, we all remember the terrible sanctions that Australia put on the entire NATO in the countless massacres, wars and genocides that it has carried out and/or imposed in recent decades, right? Na, that thing about sanctions is only applicable when the US and company do not
Crosmando: No I'm just pointing out that most people in the West who support Putin's Russia are neo-fascists and the like. Russia has been supporting the far-right in the West for decades.
And for example, the black lives matter movement, what do you think?
Post edited March 05, 2022 by sergjiei
randomuser.833: Hm,
A child of the esoteric project Quantum Future Group founded by the known conspiracist Laura Knight-Jadczyk, known for articles of esoteric, pseudo science and right wing propaganda articles where everyone can publish without naming sources and a side without any legal adress or something similar.

About Laura herself (more or less self discription)

"For her part, Laura Knight-Jadczyk has spent her life exploring the unknown along parallel pathways including biology, psychology, sociology, history (including archaeology, paleontology etc.), and metaphysics. Sometimes these pathways combine as when religion, belonging to metaphysics, is studied via the historical pathway, and when history is studied with psychology and biology as the overarching context.

With this background of years of reading that, had it been done in an academic setting, would have resulted in numerous degrees, early in the 1980s, Laura turned her attention to Western Civilization’s long tradition of monotheistic religions and prophecy. This led to studies of cosmic phenomena and geological processes and whether or not they correlated to so-called prophecies. At the end of this study, she noted that there were definite repeating cycles in history following parallel lines from biological to psychological (including religion) and socio-political. In this way, she came to the idea that history itself was a macro-cosmic quantum phenomenon relative to the scale of the Universe/Cosmos and that human beings themselves, individually and in groups, were something like quantum packets of energy that could be added or subtracted and contributory toward large scale “event collapse”. This was the underlying concept that then began to drive her further researches which included observation of Current Events which she points out are “history in process.” The questions she poses are: can we find out the processes and utilize them to make predictions? And if we can predict, can we also change our current state and thus change the outcome?"

Made me smile.

Yeah, totally reliable source...
The OSCE representative could not give a clear answer about the massive participation of Russian troops or about the mass import of weapons. Another representative indicated that he had met the military signs of Germany and Spain, and also indicated that such a military uniform can be easily bought anywhere.
Crosmando: No I'm just pointing out that most people in the West who support Putin's Russia are neo-fascists and the like. Russia has been supporting the far-right in the West for decades.
sergjiei: And for example, the black lives matter movement, what do you think?
And where are those things you say are backed up in the interview you linked?
All they say is, that russian convoys cross the border, that prisoners claim to be part of the russian military and that even equipment for electronic warfare has been seen on the russian side.

So, where is the stuff you are writing about?
low rated
PanzerOfTheLake: Let me see if I understood. Are you saying that Argentines are Nazis? That is the best argument that you came up with to try to refute the reality that I just said? Incredible hahaha. By the way, we all remember the terrible sanctions that Australia put on the entire NATO in the countless massacres, wars and genocides that it has carried out and/or imposed in recent decades, right? Na, that thing about sanctions is only applicable when the US and company do not
Crosmando: No I'm just pointing out that most people in the West who support Putin's Russia are neo-fascists and the like. Russia has been supporting the far-right in the West for decades.
That's good, because I don't support Putin. Unlike you, who supports murderous governments and organizations and is embarrassed to feel like "one of the good guys," I just want people to be objective and stop sucking up to Western propaganda like an idiot. The only thing that achieves this is that the massacres are approved and authorized or not depending on who carries them out instead of simply condemning any war. Where was the UN with its "condemnation resolution" while the US and NATO massacred civilians in the Middle East for decades? Doesn't it strike you even a little bit that it is the first time that the UN makes a condemnatory resolution? This is extremely serious for the world and brings brutal consequences, but well... "Putin = Hitler", right? . Since you're on NATO's side, I assume you're nothing more or less than a filthy killer. Applauding massacres makes you just as deplorable as the one who carries them out
low rated
People recently has been acting like the Nazis in regards to the Jews.
The Russians are the new Jews in Europe it seems.

No it's not even far fetched. In Germany Russians are being insulted and some people refuse to work with them because they're Russian, despite them living in Germany for over 25 years.

It just shows that everyone is overreachting.

People who want to fight should just volunteer for either side and keep their uneducated and outright racist/nationalist comments to themself. Armchair sofa generals all.
low rated
dluketic: People recently has been acting like the Nazis in regards to the Jews.
The Russians are the new Jews in Europe it seems.

No it's not even far fetched. In Germany Russians are being insulted and some people refuse to work with them because they're Russian, despite them living in Germany for over 25 years.

It just shows that everyone is overreachting.

People who want to fight should just volunteer for either side and keep their uneducated and outright racist/nationalist comments to themself. Armchair sofa generals all.
They are the consequences of propaganda. Now do you understand why all this bothers me so much? The only thing that manages to create the West by brainwashing idiots are things like this. The US and the entire West in general do not give a damn about the consequences of the massive disinformation that appears. The person who supports either side in this is part of the reason this world will forever remain shit.