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the whole situation got me rather confused tbh. hey his friend did something mean, lets rob the car from his parents O.O
InSaintMonoxide: Woah, that's super weird. I completed this game 100% like 12 times because i like it so much. I find it fascinating though how different our tastes are.
nightcraw1er.488: Yep, nothing worked for me. If your interested in side scroller beat em ups there are these:
They are ok.
Thanks for the link, i'll check it out.
nightcraw1er.488: Can't say I have seen many good ones though, I have fist puncher here, that could have been better, and I played Dead Island Retro Revenge recently - avoid that, it is 3 channels you go up down and punch at certain times, not good. If you have any other suggestions (played River City ones, on the fence about those, Streets Of Rage 4 was ok.
Edit, that new Obelix one is also pretty bad, nice graphics, but repeats over an over, and no real skill.
It's my favorite video game genre bar none, so i'm not sure whether my taste will also fit yours easily, as you seem to not be fond of most beat 'em ups. My all time favorite might be Final Fight 3.
low rated
PanzerOfTheLake: I understand that GOG put sanctions on Russia. It's a shame, it really is absolutely deplorable what GOG does. Joining the sanctions train shows how low this company has fallen. I always supported the company, despite the shit they did with everything related to Cyberpunk, but this is already hitting rock bottom. Can you imagine that GOG would have done the same with the US every time they carry out a war, invasion or massacre? The company will never do it, it only does it with Russia, why? Because obviously this is not a video game company, it's just another mediocre political apparatus with double standards. GOG, you've really hit rock bottom. Banning any Dimitri who is just sitting in his house without even wanting to get into the war would surely end the war, wouldn't it? Pathetic
So your username is "PanzerOfTheLake" and you come from Argentina, a country which was responsible for providing safe haven to thousands of Nazi war criminals after WW2, and you also support Russia. Interesting...
Tsenzei: Will GOG be continuing to sell games made by any game developers from/based in Belarus or Russia?
Seeing as Wrath of the Righteous is still on the store's front page, it would seem so.
low rated
PanzerOfTheLake: I understand that GOG put sanctions on Russia. It's a shame, it really is absolutely deplorable what GOG does. Joining the sanctions train shows how low this company has fallen. I always supported the company, despite the shit they did with everything related to Cyberpunk, but this is already hitting rock bottom. Can you imagine that GOG would have done the same with the US every time they carry out a war, invasion or massacre? The company will never do it, it only does it with Russia, why? Because obviously this is not a video game company, it's just another mediocre political apparatus with double standards. GOG, you've really hit rock bottom. Banning any Dimitri who is just sitting in his house without even wanting to get into the war would surely end the war, wouldn't it? Pathetic
Crosmando: So your username is "PanzerOfTheLake" and you come from Argentina, a country which was responsible for providing safe haven to thousands of Nazi war criminals after WW2, and you also support Russia. Interesting...
If you wanna talk safe harboring Nazi's after WW2 don't leave out the US or are we cherry picking?
Crosmando: So your username is "PanzerOfTheLake" and you come from Argentina, a country which was responsible for providing safe haven to thousands of Nazi war criminals after WW2, and you also support Russia. Interesting...
UnrealDelusion: If you wanna talk safe harboring Nazi's after WW2 don't leave out the US or are we cherry picking?
Don't tell him about Operation Paperclip. Or who really built the rockets to the moon.
low rated
Crosmando: So your username is "PanzerOfTheLake" and you come from Argentina, a country which was responsible for providing safe haven to thousands of Nazi war criminals after WW2, and you also support Russia. Interesting...
UnrealDelusion: If you wanna talk safe harboring Nazi's after WW2 don't leave out the US or are we cherry picking?
Nah, I was mostly making an allusion to the fact that most of the support for Putin and Russia these days is from the far-Right (neo-Nazis, fascists, reactionaries etc).
What about the publishers ?

DD & Ji Ji: What about the publishers ?

Bought by Tencent recently.
low rated
Especially concerned about 1C: many great series entries by them, also part of "outsourced" american-european franchises
DD & Ji Ji: What about the publishers ?

triock: Bought by Tencent recently.
Still based in Russia, no? Wouldn't that mean they have to pay Russian taxes?
low rated
DD & Ji Ji: What about the publishers ?

triock: Bought by Tencent recently.
By teir stakeholders, but still a company with legal headquarters in Russia, as I understand from Wikipedia (some other pages state Poland instead). State-based promotions/exclusions/etc. tend to function inconsistently when applied to multinational/fragmented/virtual (post-national?) business environments so the result is...not clear!
Post edited March 05, 2022 by marcob
CthuluIsSpy: Still based in Russia, no? Wouldn't that mean they have to pay Russian taxes?
marcob: By teir stakeholders, but still a company with legal headquarters in Russia, as I understand from Wikipedia (some other pages state Poland instead).
No, Wiki is outdated, they are now based in Prague -

edit: twitter profile -
Post edited March 05, 2022 by triock
marcob: By teir stakeholders, but still a company with legal headquarters in Russia, as I understand from Wikipedia (some other pages state Poland instead).
triock: No, Wiki is outdated, they are now based in Prague -
Huh, fair enough. The more you know.
What about Owlcat? They're still in Moscow, yes? That's what google said and I don't see any conflicting information about it.
Post edited March 05, 2022 by CthuluIsSpy
low rated
UnrealDelusion: If you wanna talk safe harboring Nazi's after WW2 don't leave out the US or are we cherry picking?
Crosmando: Nah, I was mostly making an allusion to the fact that most of the support for Putin and Russia these days is from the far-Right (neo-Nazis, fascists, reactionaries etc).
Where were you with your high and mighty moral compass for the past 8 years while the Russian speaking population in Ukraine (Donbask to name a region as an example) were being bombed by their own government? Hell where were the US, EU and NATO while this was going on?