wy4786: May I know why you've yet to finish an rpg on the android? Is it because of the controls?
Varies. For Shadowrun it was because it didn't have save support and lost me progress a couple of times due to being evacuated from RAM, and when finally they added save support that version didn't import the character correctly so I was in a worse situation than before. I figured I'd restart some day, but haven't yet.
For KOTOR, the controls are partially to blame, because they add to the difficulty. I stopped at some point where I wanted to see how alternate solutions end up, and it was a little difficult to get them.
In general, I don't spend a lot of time on gaming, and RPG's tend to be long, so I usually gravitate towards adventure games and if I do play RPG's they're just harder to finish because they take so long. Same happened on the PC too. I didn't even finish Planescape: Torment the first time.
tomimt: If you aren't in a hurry getting those Final Fantasy games for Android, Square usually has -50% sales during christmas for their Android titles.
Square has 50% off several times per year. One way to find out about them is the Final Fantasy Portal app, which is a general hub for FF news and other fan stuff. In the past Square Enix gave away FF1 and FF2 for free through this app. Another way is to use AppSales, which alerts you to any good sales.