P1na: I know, and neither do I intend to change yours. We each have long made up our minds on what we're willing to spend our money on and this conversation is not going to change that, but it's still interesting to see a different viewpoint. Although I would argue that your Brazilian tax and chance of avoiding it is about as much of an edge case as my homelessness is when I claim to value digital over physical.
I like fresh experiences too, but that's what indies are for. I'm not gambling with the really pricey stuff, specially if it involves a whole gaming system. My own personal habits on the internet make it easy to avoid spoilers anyway, and I've developed a cynicism that makes it really hard for me to get hyped for any one game these days, so I'm never on a hurry to play anything. I actually did play persona 2 and 3 on the PSP, and if the 4th game improved as much from the 3rd as the 3rd did from the second, I can understand why you'd be hyped for the 5th. One of the main reasons to consider getting a PS vita was Persona 4, actually; I game I still know next to nothing about and would like to try out. But I'm still not willing to buy a PS vita just for it.
I allow myself to be invested in a few things enough that I would go to greater lengths to preserve that, I did expect I'd have more things to play by now than just Bloodborne and Arkham Knight, that was a bummer, but I did figure I'd get a console from this generation sooner or later to play all the stuff that isn't on PC so it didn't feel like I was going too out of my away to buy it then. By this I mean I got less value from it than I hoped, but I was always going to get at least enough value.
Part of it has to do with this generation as a whole, not that much to play until now. It seems this year is the one where things are finally kicking into high gear.
Fun fact: I bought a Wii U alongside the PS4 and, despite its reputation, I loved it. I use it all the time. Including for Atlus' "Persona by another name" Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (P.S.: that's the musical sign read as "sharp" not a hashtag, I think this title always scrambles people's brains a bit).
By the way, don't expect too much from Persona 4. The PSP version of P3 came after P4 and retroactively added a lot of 4's improvements to it. If you had played them on the PS2 like it would have been much more noticeable.
As for spoilers, I can't get away from them. I'm glad I watched the last Star Wars on the first day, because for weeks it seemed that no matter what article I read on the internet, regardless of the subject, the top comment was always an Episode 7 spoiler. And Game of Thrones, good God, when I was in Japan the episodes came out on 10am on Monday, by the time I got home to watch it I would have already gotten a spoiler. It got to the point where I just wouldn't use the internet at all on Mondays.