apehater: yeah that's the second most important reason why vita didn't become as successful as psp, but i blame sony for that too. i believe that sony somehow got in contact to the vita hacker scene, bribed and threatened important members of the scene to not release anything of matter, that's why the vita didn't get any native hack until summer 2016. soo many potential customers didn't buy the vita cause they waited for a hack first. and btw if someone wants to see how great gaming is on a vita, they just need to play kz mercenary and golden abyss. there could have been so many great games on the vita :(
rtcvb32: Sony: Hey, a lot of people are getting hacked PSPs and doing their own thing with it! Let's squash that market!
-- 4 years later -- Sony: Why did our Vita fail? The
PSP did so well.
More seriously, the Vita might come back, however if there's better hardware or more open hardware, it will have a higher chance of thriving.
Reminds me a bit of the PS3 and they toted it would have Linux on it you could use, then removed that option with no warning. Quite annoying.
also one of the smaller reasons of the vita failure (this one drives me nuts) is their "idea" of getting more money of customers by forcing them to buy a special memory card format for the vita, instead of just using micro sd as format
these memory cards are now cheaper, but still expensive compared to micro sd
DaCostaBR: ...
Okay, this is needlessly reductive. Of course they had a reason to crack down on hacks, they make no money from piracy.
i'm sorry but this is your view, i found that post was bringing it exactly to the point, while you argumentation is just needlessly complex and trying to bring in things that don't matter in the failure of the vita.
and "how much money they would have made from owners of hacked Vitas buying legitimate games is debatable" is not fucking debatable, its the second main point. if you can't deal with that, please leave my thread.
mind to look this one