Are all Bernie bros misogynists? Because what you just asserted about GG is similar conflation. Maybe GG aren't closer to neonazis, but to anarcho communists and Occupy? Hmmm?
Any way, before there was GG there was this whole brouhaha involving a games dev and a games journalist hooking up. Several things happened at the same time:
1 - the games dev was mobbed - to say the least
2 - several people concerned about ethics in gaming journalism (there were earlier "scandals" like Doritogate) focused on the new issue
3 - discussion of the topic was repressed across pretty much most of the mainstream gaming media
3 is conveniently forgotten but it was the fuel that resulted in 2 and 1 becoming a much bigger deal, proving again that it's never the scandal, it's the coverup.
As the fire kept burning, instead of divide and conquer, you (general you) decided to conflate the issues and dismiss topic 2 as camouflage from the outset - hence the Gamers are Dead articles. Hence Gamergate. Today amazingly more and more people are willing to admit what was obvious from the start: the level of cronyism in gaming media was excessive - still is at the least
sloppy - and the indie scene in particular was a huge source of issues because the passion of all involved made professionalism a secondary concern.
Now you here still refuse to distinguish 1 and 2 as separate issues with some overlap, despite yourself having concerns with the sloppiness of gaming journalism. Others must be liars, unlike you. You can see and state there is sloppy journalism and yet not be a misogynist harasser - but you do not give others the benefit of the doubt.
Amazing really: "Yes there were issues, but you can't be honestly concerned with them, because I don't trust you." Either that or you disagree with the word ethics and like to say sloppy instead, as if the meaning of lack of professionalism was not equal either way...
I hope in another few years you will have moved even further - from merely acknowledging there were issues call them ethical or call them sloppyness - into realizing how the incendiary nature of certain emotional responses to what were legitimate worries and criticisms contributed to cause this whole mess.