Clownski_: Hi everyone! It seems the removal was a result of human error, and was not intended to happen. The Team has reverted the change and Falcon 4.0 should be back for all owners of Falcon Gold. Sincere apologies for the confusion and thank you for your understanding!
Pouyou-pouyou: Wasn't it supposed to belong to Falcon Collection and not Falcon Gold ?
I checked my purchases.
My "Orders & Settings" page says, I bought the "
Falcon Collection" in 2017.
And apparently, if you bought the "Falcon Collection", you get three individual entries to your game shelf:
- Falcon
- Falcon A.T. and
- Falcon Gold
(the one with "Falcon 4.0 included) Must be one of the rare(?) instances here on GOG, where the purchase of a package of some sort, actually marks the individual titles in the shop as owned.
And yes: "Falcon 4.0" is now shown again - in the goodies section of both: "Falcon Collection"
and "Falcon Gold":